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.. F,;tt( �ij�t��1,U!���t�� �5 � -:y --_ 4: ..,_.W� 1�L'f .'+�9 �J..�:.-.. <br /> � 21�_". . �v:^�i� —,.�.f�r,('t �F 4�` ir n � ']R.._.__�........��wxt'.:.:�'-._._..___..�_..... <br /> _ k`,..G�.:.7a. �.i:•..�1..t1'�`fiWYili� <br /> 92�- �,c����33 <br /> � nppllcabia lsw may xpccffy for roinsmtement)Iwforo snlo of�ho Propeny pmsunm�o nny power of xnlo cromnincd in this <br /> � Saurity instrumeN:or(b1 enlry oi n Judgmen�enforcin6����s Secndty Ins�rumtm. Ytiose condi�lons nro ihm Oorco�ver. (N <br /> pays Lender all sums whic0 llien would be duo under this 9ecurity Insm�meN and tho Noto ns if no nccclemllon had °"" — ° — <br /> occnrted;(b)curcs nny detnult of any oiher wvenams or nprecmems;(c)pnys all oxpenses Incurc�d in enforcing�his Sccurity . <br /> • Insminum, including,but not Ilmiicd�o,rcnsonabia attomoys'kes;and(d)iakcs such ncilon ns I.cndcr mny rcasonabiy -- <br /> r uiro to nssuro thnt the Iicn oP�6Is Sctud�y Instrumcn6 Lenderk dghw in the Propeny and Oorrowert obtigation to pay fhe <br /> sunu sccurcA by Ihls Sccurlly Insimmcnt shail cominuc unchangcd. Upon rcinxm�cmcm Ay Ilonowcr, thls SccuN�y _�;?`i;�''4=* <br /> Imtmment nnd tiie obligailons sscnrcd hercby shali remain fulty eifecOvo ns if no naelem�lon hnd cecurreJ. fiowever,this i s�.��r��_,_ <br /> dghl(o reinslato sha�l not npply In thc rase of accekreilon under pa�agmph 17. �' i � - <br />- 19, S�le o!NMe�Cheng!ol 1.a�n Rerv{een The NMC or n pulinl Imcresi In �he Nom(iogciher wlih Uiis Sccuri�y �*� � �_' �� <br /> tn9mmcnq mny Iw sold onc or moro iimes wlihout ptlor nolico to Borcmvcr. A satc maq resuh fn n changc in thc cmiiy �;,+�+ a+^_ _ .. <br /> (known as tho"4oan Scrvicer7�hnl cnllec�s momhly paymema duo under�he Nota nnd ihi+Secud�y Ins�mmem. Thew niao f,. . � -. _- <br /> {...,;?;.:.�,fi'�. <br /> may Iw ono or more cllnnges of q�o I.oan ScrvlFCr un�elaled lo n xnle of tha Notpo. If�hero is a c6apnge of�he 4oan Servicer, �:;: � � �..,,. <br /> mll sra crt�tr.aam8ar.d address of�I e new 4oan Servicer nnd the nAdrecx i�o w6icl��� �nmcros shov!d be'uude I The nmia wlll ;� ' „:i�r``. <br /> P•Y .�� Y��� id� �.'- <br /> a[soconta�nanya:teerin.a�[na�lonr�qufrcdbynpplfcablelew. �r� - -`= _ <br /> 2R. ➢la�aarMau Se3stnnces. Uortowcr shnll no1 causc or pcm9��he pn;scnca usc,duposat,storage,or reteue of nny „�F);T�_rt';... <br /> ]laznrdons Scbstuices on or in Iho Property. Oorcowcr shnll not do,nor nllow anyorr.etv:ro do,anythin�2 affecting the _.�ya`'�,.'+.�;,�;�.�-:.__:� <br /> Propeny Ih�t is in vtolaticn of any U'wironmemal Lmv. 77io prcceding nvo ser.te�xes stu��l nw appty eo[tx pnser.m,use,or . t -r.,,. <br /> stomgo on the Yroperty of snutl quantiti.s of Hamrdous Subslances�hat ara ger.cratly nrogniztd w�.:z,^propriatc�o normal �'"�t s�•--� <br /> reildcntlaluscsandtomaintenanceoCthePtoqctty. - ` r'i,�'i"'�'"` =: <br /> 6ortower sAall prompdy girc Lcndc'r wntten nodce of any invcstlga�ion.elaim,demar.d,la�rE�it m otlMr ac�lon by any �' � '; -__ -:. <br /> gm•emmenWl or regulamry agency or priv.atc ptt�y involving tP.e P[epeny a:d any Nazvdons Svb�iaxe or Environmentai �.r T �4t�6 __ <br /> 1aw of o�hich Br�irowcr has aclual Ano�vlcdga. If Durcux�.r Izarns, or i�`wtifittl by anq �c:c:r.mental or regulatory - �.-,--.`- <br /> amhority,tl�r3 x�p nmoval or o�her rcmeJiation of an Haavdons Subitantt,^.tfcain ihe Pto r is neccxsa 6ortowcr f`��?::`'`_,'��`--�--^=-` <br /> y S P� 7 �Y. ;,tF.t`5�f��,_- <br /> sh:21 prompily�ske all necess:uy rcmediai actions in acmrAnnce�vith Environmemal Law. ��t.[•�ri,,_" <br /> As used in�his parxgrel.t�?D."Haurdous Subs�,r.ce�'src�hose substenccs defined as eonic or ha7ardmu su�i?axes by �a�;� �;.; .__ <br /> E:r.��ironmrntal Law end the t;tlowing xnhs�anYS� g.�sntix,kerosene,oiher flammable or tozic pe�roleum p:e�.tu:�t ioxic ��'�ti�t�s�x�i��''$.,%1�.' <br />_ pzs�icides and herbic(des,vo6nile solcen�s, materiala eumaining nsbesros or fomialdehyde..nd::+:4io.+.nive mataials. As t-��. tb-(7h - <br />- uvA in�his paragraph 20,"Cm•ico�memal l.n���'means federal laws nnd laws of the Judsdiclion ai�eti•�hr Property ts locnted (}��P��+y�A� yx,,s:._ <br />� thal NONUNI�ORMCOY�NANTS1ei10 owcrandlandcrPonhercovennmandagreeastollorvs: '':'n•,sjt;iF: �;3�s,>�. <br /> laI`!a;);�:ti.�,':-, <br /> 2L Acceleralfan� Rertx�9,ea l.ender Ehuli gtve notice ro Aorrower prior to acnleratlon fo)lu�sing Borrower's .:�;�..i:;�,.p�;_;,,,,�. <br /> - breach ot any rnvenpnt or agrcemenl in this Sewrily[nslrument fbut nof prior lo accclerntlnn nnder p.�zsgraph 17 =i,��'�1/�fh�--.._. <br />- uniess oppllcable Iaw provides othenvise�. The nolice shall specify: (a)Ihe defaullt(b)the nc7lon requlredln cure the :�;ti 1 y{�, � -- <br /> rl{(aiilh(cl n date,nat less than 30 dayi trom the date Ihe notice Is given lo Itorrox�er,by�H�Bo'h the Jetanit tm�st be yy,r�;�- �S� '�.c '- <br /> curedi und(d)lhnt fnliurc to wre Ihe defeull on or bePore Ihe date speclfied In Ihe notice may eesiil�in acceicredon oP ---�a�� �� -__-.. <br /> aAe sunu secured by Ihis Securily Inslrumenl nnd sale oP the Properly. The nolice shali fur�her Infonn Etorr.aer uf ��?"s.r,7m2�r��,,,±i,_.__�, <br />- the rigM1�to rcinstate after ecceiero�lon m�d�he right to 6ring a court actlon to nssert lhe non•existenec��5'n Ceiauit or �y'+� y� = . <br /> nny other defense of Borrower ro ncecicrntion nnd salc. If the defautt Is not cureJ on or beforc�hc date syecilied In �L��j���t ti Fi::� <br />� Ihe notlee,Lender at Ils optlou maY rcq�dre Onmedlate paymenl in NII otoll sums secured by ihls Securily instrumenl �i����{M� t'} � -°'•.: <br /> xi�lmul Nrlher Jemnnd nnJ may im�.�ke the pox�er of saie and nny a�her reiuedics permiT.rA by npplicnble la�r, x �,.� �_;_�: <br /> �rT;' Z� 5. <br /> Lender shnil l�e eNtlied 4o collat ull ex:�enus Incurred In pursuing the remedles pro��h?c�!! 3n Ihis pnragrnph 21, 4�,r,�y�;�,ir.,,�,_':�. <br /> �...�j• ri - <br /> Includhig,Uutnotllm(te<U��.r:nsonaD7rn.inrneys•fcesnndwslsoflfileeridence. t.. �{4�:?'�{`�%':"�-- <br /> If Ihe pmser of anlr ic imeked,7Y+�siee xhnH reaud n nolice of default fn eacb coualp in o�hlch any part of the ,i{�;�J,�r�3�,�;_t°_:° <br /> Properly�slocatednndsbellmn3lm tesoisnohnnticeinlhemanner rescribnib n '�cobielawtoIIarrnwernndlo ��+�'r4;�,�J�i�tZik:±R-� <br /> p P Y VP� {t�:7i i +e�vJq� - <br />-- the other persons prescribed by nppllcnlrle Iaw, APter thf tlme re�uired by npplicabir 7m."1i traslre shnll glce publie 3g��, -- <br /> notice of snle to the persons nnd in thr mnnner�st�.aiSed 6y a�p7icaU�c la�v. 3Y+ufer,eilhaul demand on Ro�rower, '����v'rr� Tj�'��'-.r <br /> shill scll tl�e Praparly et publtc nncllon to the h ghrs��bld;ler a176e�Yc.e and�!nce m�d under�he lerms<lesignalcd In j},�y i t i - -� � <br /> 1he noiice of sale in one or more partt!°="d L"vn�o�.0 Tranee Ae7rrrninea Yvacalce mny poslpone snle ot nll or any ;�i�i���y,<�j.- .'.� <br />- p,ccei of the Properly L�pu6lir nnnouncement nt�Mr�iEme nnd pince ntnnp prerloi4aly ecUeduied snle. Lender or Ils �'�j 5r s, + _�,,__ <br /> deignce may purchase 1�e Properly M miy snie. „y}�tY,(���r- ;.-_ <br /> Upnn receipl of paymeni oi Ihe prJce Uld,7}ustee shall delicer lo Ihe purchnscr 7Yustee's Ueed come�ing ti�e ��15��p 1.���j;-,:;:- <br /> Property. The rechais In�he'll•nslee's decd s6nll be prima facle eddenee of tLe trwh of Ihe srn�ements made�hereln. ��,�#,�?����y}y��.`e-�_� <br /> 7Yustee shall a 1 tl�e romeds oi�he snlr In Ihe following order: (n)lo all casl.s m�d ex��enses of exerdsing ihe power f� 6Y' ��.r _ <br /> PP Y P �jXt��SY�A�ser <br /> �^�jl�� S�JtY! ev�. - <br /> !7r-' ,.��rt`�,�if{,:- <br />- � iLAY � ..! <br /> 5i�` t r+�fhfi�'t�_._ <br /> -'� �ptYht�. <br /> - ;y�i.i <br />._ '`r n ecfPjl6�rlh . <br />- '{I t R){£l .r.: . <br /> S��i�n . . : R.y . <br /> {',.�¢.ta-�'�:_.�`_._, <br />�. kbrm30iP 9.9D r/u�rcnjr.ryigw .ce�..':;:y:^;^"j .-- <br />- 'r� ..l��:1'"r" <br />_ ' , ', .. <br /> � <br /> �li: <br /> .t� ):a�'�ry'.:�T%��eYt'';Y�{{•;S�C.!Lr3':Z�"al'i�..:v •�.." ��-�..- . r:,�.•_...��;i;. .--Y.� ..'n;2='��.�.y.. .._GLuf ' '":� -_r-ip � -�.i14,n�":�'L . . <br /> `.r. U.:.... �. i <br /> :n�. . . . . _ . _ ' _ . . .' , .. <br /> . . _ . ... _ . ' " ' _ _ __ _"_'_— ' '_" ' <br /> - _ . . " _ . _ _ __ <br /> �.y :Yi 1" ._ . _ . . <br /> ��Ji� <br /> `,7�:-1� - . .. . . . .. <br /> , `1_ <br /> � � I ' <br /> � - '�S_ _ ,�t�r . .i.w�. � . �w <br /> - �f�-0 . li�`�' f + _ - .if' 1 F- �-Y _ . <br /> . ����, � <br /> � .` ,, - _�;, ��t - ,�, _ r'.•- _ - ° - - <br /> . � . . . ---.'�� ] '\''- ' . _ . - '' " .. � . - "' _'_..�'-"' - - - - -----�--- . <br />