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� t �,k�i� �S�i�.l3f.; 4 �� `� , �� a � <br /> .._�i,- i�t, 7 - f z'I�Lr'J t��:."�l'J��r'+`�vN,, --- --- --- � . - ' - _. <br /> --.-..L.ts's�%-'w�wAU+YY�:uir+.�axw+f..r...: Ew Y.aitYrtL:�anaFtxv+s'LWT2dt_ •.•, '..� <br /> 92�»- �c��ts�3 <br /> fOQRTNGR W!T!1 all tLo In�provem:nts now or tr:rcaRcr crccied on tha pmP^.ny,and all cascmems,appnnenanccs, <br /> and fixwres now or haafler a p�n of Ihe prop:r�y. MI rcplacemeNS and additians shall also I�o coven;d hy ihis Secudty <br />- lnsltmlktlL AllUith0J6t2gO1�tgls�ttzrralminihls3auntyfnsWmemas�tw'Mop•.ny." . <br /> IIORROW[R COVIiNANT3�I�at Oorrox�er Is iawfully uiseA of the esta�e in�rc6y comeyed ond has the dght�o gtam <br /> and convey theF�p�.ny anA dim tha IkopertY is unencumbend,ezcert Por enu�mbrances ot rccord. llo:rower warcams:+nd _ <br /> ��•ill deRiW gener�lly Iho ililo�a tho Prop:ity agalnst ail elainu and AemxnAs,sn6�,q�o any c�r.umbrances ot r�ord. _ - <br /> TIITS S[?CURITY INSTRUTSIiNT unitorm mvmants for na0onnt uu and non•uniform covcnants with =- <br />- tlml�alvadatlnnsbyjudsAlaienmconxiiuneaunifmmsecariryinsm�memcoveringmalp�openy. =_ <br /> LNIF�RM(`OVIINANTS. ltorto�rer nnd Isncicr covc�xnt and agrec na folloua: = <br /> - l. !`aymml of t'rincSpnl and IMerest;Prepflymen¢nnd d.nte Chnrges. Dorro�cer stult p�anpUp ytty ohan due�he <br /> grineipalo(andin!tn:slonthedcb�evidencedbyd�cho,enndnnyprcpvymemnndlntechnrgesducnnd:rth.Fote. _ <br />- 2. I�mds tor'11�xG9 an�i insnrence. Sibjcct ro eppliCablc law ot lo A wflllco�vzivcr hy Lmdcr,➢olro��•cr shall pay to __ <br />- LEtrclt�on tt�e day mnp�hly paynxnu aro dno uufkr ihe Note,until ths Note Is paid in fn�l,n xum("�mid:')for.(o)yrady = <br /> Inxes and nssessmtnts�vLIcI�may altain pdority over Ilds Secudty lnstmnxnt as a Itcn on the Properq;(b)yearly IeascholA _- <br /> payments or gronnA runs on �ha I'to�s:ny, If any; (c)yearty hataM or propeny insurancc prcmlvmy; (d) �cady Oaod = <br /> insmm�co pmm(ums, if any; (o)yuul�morlgage insurance premloms, if any; and (q any sums pay3blc by crcowcr to <br /> I.endcr,in aaordnnco�vith t��o frovts ons ot pv,grapN 8, in Ilcu of the paynr.m of mortgagc Insurancc prcnilums. 7'hcso _ <br /> items nru caliW'Facrow licros. I.cncl:r mey,al any Um:,wllect and hold I'unds in an amocnt not ro excecd the maximum - <br /> amoum a Irnder for n fcdernliy relatcd mongage losn may�ryuiro tor Rortowerk escrow accoum under the federal Rcal = <br /> G'siale Setdenxm IYoced:ircs Ac�of 1974 as amended from tlma lo�ime,12 U.S.C.$4601 crrrq.C'RGSPA'7,uniess another - <br /> law Out applics to tlw T�nds sus a laur amoum. If xo,Lend:r may,a�any�imc,collttt and 6oid runds in an nmoum no�to _ <br /> extted iM laxr amoum, i.end:r may eslimaie thc amnur.t ot ILnds due on ihc buls of curcem da�a end rcaconabie -. <br /> esiimples of exprndi�urcs of futuro Rscrow hamtorahetwiw In aceo�dance wi�h appIlcable law. _� <br /> The(Lnds shall W lield In an InstUutloa���hoso dtposits are InsurW 6y a federal agancy, inz�tumentality,or eml�y '� <br /> (Including 4endo�Jf l.tnAcr is such an ImqwtioN or In,ny Rd.ral ftonw 4oan flnnk. l.endar shail apply�he FLnds to pay = <br /> ihe Cscrow Ilems. l.ender niay not chargo Itono��cr for lwlding and appiying the Ponds,ennuslly analyzing �he escrow = <br /> �ccoum,ur�•cdfying tLO Iiscrow llcros, aNCSS l.end:r pays Dorrox�cr Intetest on �hc Pomds and upplicabte law pem�iu = <br /> Lender�o mnF:a sud�a chargo. Ib��•aru,l.r+�dtr may n+�uirc Oorcm�Yr to pay a one-Oma chnrge for nn independent real :�� <br /> eslate Iax rcponing sorvlt�used 6y I.endx in connesqon wi�h�his loan,unless applicablo la�v provfAes ahenvise. UNus an `_' <br /> agrcenxnt Is made or nppllcabie law rcqoins interut�o b;paid,l.ender shal l not be required io pny IIorrower nny intercst or <br /> cunings on�ho timds. Oorzo��•ar and�der may agm in xrting,hoi�rver,that tmcral shall Irc paid on the Punda. Lendu -� <br /> shell givo lo I3orrowcr,wi�hou�ehazga,.n annual accoundng ot�hc Mnds,showing crcdi�s and debils lo thc FLnd:and Uw _ <br />- pnrpose Por w}dch each debil to the Ponds was maJt. 'ftw iLnds aro pledge4 ac eddittonai security for ell sums secund by = <br /> th(s Secadly tnstmmcnL ° <br /> It ihn �'��ndo 1!etd I,y I.ender oxceed �he anioums penni�ted eo W held by applicablr taw. Isnder shall aaount to _ <br /> � Uorrower for�he oxcess T�mds in nccordana:wi�h�he nqulrcments of appiicablo law. If�hc nmoun�of�la:IUndt hetd by :r.:- <br /> f.cndcr e�nny�ime is no�snffirient io pay�he[lscrow Items�rlxn du;,4ender may so noti(y Oortowcr In x7iting,and,in i:: <br /> � such caw Bonox•er shall pay to Lender ihe amoum rtxesury ro nuke uP lI1C(ICTCIC�CY. DOROH'Cf SA3II IILIkC IlP IIh: _ <br /> deficiency In no moro than m�eh�e monthly paymems,.t Ix+�d:t�sole diurtilon. _ <br /> Upon payment in full of all wnts sctured by�his Security InsWmem,Lender shaA promptly rePond to Dortovrcr any - <br /> ILnds held 6y I.endea If,undtr paregraph 21,Lend:r shall acqulre or stll tht Propeny,Ltnder,prior ro�he acquisition or - <br /> sale of the Properly, shall nppty any Wnds I�eld by I.cnd.r a��he Iiriu of acquisition or salt av a credit against ihe sume - <br /> sewred by�his Sernd�y Insuumem. - <br /> 3. Apptlrallon of!'nymenis. appiicab!a law provlAts otherw(se, all paynxms received by Lender un�@r _= <br /> paragraphs I nnU Z shall 6c npplied:(ira6 a any prcp��mem ahargcs due und.r Ihe Nore;second,�o amouNS payable under <br />= paragreph 2;third,lo f�verex�dur,founh,to principal due:and lu4�o any la�e eha�ges dae under�he Note. ,_- <br />= 4. Cherges� Lfens. ➢ortuwer ahall pay nll iaxes, aucssments, charges, fines and impostiions auribulable to the = <br /> 1'ropetly which may nl�ain priomy over this Security Instnmxm,nnd kasehold payrr.ems or groand rcnts,if nny. Dorrower = <br /> shall pay�hcsc obligntlons in ihc mnnncr provfdcd In paragraph 2,or if not pald In iha�manrcr,Rortowcr shall pay thcm on <br /> �Ime dirccily lo�he person owed paynxm. Dorcow�er shall promptly fumish to I.enAer all notices of amoums to M paid unAer ��': <br />-' this par�greph. If Uotrmrer makes�Aese payments dirtaly.Oorrower shall promp�ly fumish to Lender rceeipis evidrncing :''- <br />- theFnymcnls. _. <br /> Uorcowershall promptly dischalgc any licn whichhss priori�y ovcr�hSs Stturity Insirumcnl unless Qorrower.(a)egrees <br />-� (n wri�ing w ihe piymem of Ihc obliga�ion saurcd by thc IN:n in a manncr ncccpublc ro Lender,(b)contests In good faiih�h: -= <br />= Ilen by,or deknds agninst enforcement of�he lien in,legal pra.edings+chich in ihe Ler.derY opinfon operate to prevent tFre _ <br />- enforcement o!�he licn;or(c)sewres from thc holder of the Gen an agrecmem saGsfac�ory to Lender subordinating ihc lien = <br />= lo�his Saurity Insrcumeni. If I.ender detemilnes tha�a�y pan ot�hc Proptny Is subjat to a lien whfch may aualn prioriry =- <br />" over this Security Insuumcn6 Lender may give Oortower e no�ice identifying�he lien. 6ono�ver shall sa�isfy ihe licn or Iake .;�� <br />�= oncormorco[�hcactionsacifonhelwsc��ithinl0daysofthegivfngofno�icc. `- <br />-- 5. 1lemrd or Properiy Insurnncr. Oorrox�er shall ktep�hc Improvemems nnw exis�ing on c�rcal�er crected on�h: _ <br />- Propcny Insured against loss by firc,hnznrds iMlud_d x�ithin thc tenn"eztended covcregc"xnd any�othar IaiarJe,including - <br />- (loods or Ilooding,for ufiich Lender rcquircs insuranre. This incurance shall t�e maimaiind in th. amour.0 and for ih. =- <br />� � F'avm307R 4W fN.v+1�/6/vxtl _ <br /> t, <br /> ��� M1�'S( l Y � --.Sq�N. Yf-!'1ti17}��i1b�! . �C�- .. 1.�:,1Y7'....... ..'yl. y �f !.'!�i{-��.f - ,1_: �i-_ .iJD �c- _. -. -. <br /> _ '�._. _ . _ ". , . � . <br /> . ,!r f l _ - . _ ' _ ' " _ _ ��.� <br /> � i <br /> .t . .. /. � . .'''. <br /> {. <br />- :: r j�- - - .. .. . . - <br /> 4, 1 Il <br /> + � fi� ` � / - /-- . , . l � _. <br /> -.;;. -; ru!; . _ . . <br /> � p `; . _ , • . � , . <br /> � Jr �: . _ '��:.' - - ' . . � - . . <br /> �" .�i _ ' ' " _ - ... <br /> 3 } � .Ut .�.- 1 J) t � 1 ._4. . � - L a <br /> Ir 1 1�� . -- .: � � , . <br /> � � l �/ 4 1 " . VfY/3�.�YL ] �� - <br /> 1 -�t�,, ' � r� [ ) . J 1 .• � _-,'.eY Ynl �I <br /> �� , <br /> P � -. ��Y ..i �' � -' t�i <br /> .�� �Y,f � 'Y 1 1»1 ��.� _ _ . . , . _. � ?. <br /> ,�t,. "a4�.. .31�X_i.. ..('n. . . _ , , .._ �. � .:1 ��.,lu�,lY! ... <br />