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<br /> , �
<br />' V��
<br /> __ . ___ _ ._
<br /> __ ___. _ --.__._, ____. _ _ . _ __ .- ----_._____._._ _. _ -
<br /> nere y f�orever estoPped ana �enjoinec� from having, or claiming to have any right, title, ir_terest,
<br /> �r possessian of tY�e said respective r,roperty hela and owned by the other, as xell that ��hieh
<br />� each respectively now have as trat whieh ei�Y�er rray hereafter acq�ire or �ecome pos�essed `of .
<br /> And that the plafntiff �ay the casts of this a�tion taaed at �8.30 .
<br /> It is further ordered that Flaintiff be restoreci to her former name Ella A.Lane .
<br /> � �onrad Hollenbe�k_ _ _ _
<br /> --�`uc�ge o. - _ str c our ,
<br /> State of Ne�raska ( .
<br /> :ss .
<br /> Dodge County. ( I Luke b�undy C lerk of the District Court in and for the County of
<br /> Dodge and State of N���:ra�ka, Do hereby certify tY�at the abave and foregoing is a true and correct
<br /> copy of tlie Decree in the aUove entitled �asg as tY�e same appeaxs in Journal 11, Page 372, in
<br /> this office .
<br /> In testimony v{hereaf I hereunta set my hand and th� seal of the said Court this
<br /> .
<br /> 25th day of Cctober 1913 .
<br /> (�EALj Luke MundY
<br />, Clerk of the District Court.
<br />�, �'iled for record November �4, 1913 at 4 ,15 o'clock P.2�. �
<br /> Register o Deed
<br /> �
<br /> C cn t ra����.. -� -----_._. .__.__ _._.
<br /> This contract r�ade and ertered inta thi�s 5th day of Alovember, 1913, by and betvu�sen.
<br /> Samuel E.Bamford of Hastings, Nebraska, rarty of the first part, and Henry Reuting, of �rQ.nd
<br /> Is land,Nebraska, �arty of th�; second part, �ITNES�ETH, that'the party of the firs� part {
<br /> � � .� ;
<br /> has this day sold to the party of the seeond pa.zt the south half (S�) of section five (5) '�ovsm- '
<br /> �
<br /> ship ane (1), Ran;� sixty (60), west of the 6th P.M. in Adams County, Colorado, subject ta a '
<br /> mortgage of Fi��teen hunared dGllars (�15G0) to_�.1�.Simms of Hastings, Nebraska, �rhich mortgage
<br /> the �art�r �f the s�eond part hereby assu�es and agrees to pay.
<br /> That the party of the first paxt in full �ayment of the land herein above described
<br /> which is to be eonveyed to him hereby agrees to sel.l and transfer to tha party of the first r�art
<br /> tY�e �.ast on� half (E�} of the Southeast Quarter (S.E4) of the couth West c�uar�ter (�;.�.�) of
<br /> s�ction two (2 ) Ta��nship eleven (11) �ange nine (�') we�t of the 6th princi�al rneridian in Hall
<br /> �ounty, Nebraska, subject to a first mortgage o� Cne thousand dollars (�1000) and a s��ond mort-
<br />' gage of T��o hLmdred dollars (�200} ��hich mortgages the party of the first part hereby assumes
<br /> and agreee to pay, ar_cz in addition thareto to �ell and convey a fractional tract` of land locat-
<br /> ed just sagt of the Union Fa�ifie Depot in Cotesfield Howard County, Net;raGlsa, togetY:er v�ith
<br /> the �Gilsor. Hot�l �roperty l�cated t�.ereon, sub3set to two mort�ages a�gregating Eight hundred '
<br /> ciollars (�800) or less which the _r,arty of the first nart hereby assumes and agree� to x�ay, and
<br /> in addition thereto the �?�.rty of the se�ancl part, herewith �ives r.is promissory nate for Cne
<br />� 1-iunc3red fifty c�ollars (�150} payaLle July lst, 1°14, with seven� :per cent intexest from date
<br /> to the- party of the first part.
<br /> �ach of the ,�arties hereto �ovenant an�� warrant that the title
<br /> to the real e�tate �or�veyed by them is free and. clear af all liens and incum��rances, save and
<br /> eucept, the r�ortgages h�rein above set ou� and the taxes for 1913, which the purchaser in eaa.h
<br /> case and �:ssmes and agre�s to �ay and the purchaser furt�ier as$umes and agrees to �ay all of
<br /> the d�linquent interest now due ul�on the mortgages against the nro�erty of which he is receiv-
<br /> ing the title as part of th� consiaeration for the tran�fers herein.
<br /> It is further agreea trlat eaeh of the partiee hereto will assign to the cathsr free of
<br /> cYldrge all of' the policies �f insurar_ce upon the respective tracts conveyed.
<br /> It is furtY�er agreed that within fifteen days f�rom this date each of the parties shall
<br /> submit abstracts of titie brought down to date �hov�ing the title as herein warranted, and that
<br /> the other party shall have five days for the examination of said ab�tract, t hat on or before
<br /> the 25th day of i�tovember, 1913, each of the par�es shall deposit with �ayard H.Paine, the Firct
<br />�__
<br /> �
<br />