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, . _ _ : ;� <br /> 644 <br /> _ __ <br /> __ _ . _ .- -- <br /> Agreem�nt and �elease ,��.,' <br /> Axticles of A�re�n��nt, Made this 24fl day of Febrt�ary in the year of ovr <br /> Lard One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eleven, 1911 �etweer: J.H.Davis of �rand Isl�nd, Nebraska party <br /> of' tne first part, and Frank Reed of srand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska party of the second <br /> part �GITN�SSETH, tYiat trie said par�y of the first part hereby covenants and agrees that if the <br /> party of the �ecand rart sha1T fir�t make the payment and �?erform ths covenants hereinafter <br /> . mentioned on part ta be ff�ade and performed, the said party of the first part will convey and <br /> assure to the party of the second part, in fee simpl� clear of all encumbrances whatsoever, by � <br /> good and sufficient �arranty Deed, also furnish Abstract of Title the fallo�ing lot, piece and <br /> pareel of ground, viz: Lot P�umber Two {2) in Block Nur_:ber Sixty-nine {69) in i�heeler & Renn- <br /> ett's cecond (2d) Au�lition to rrand Island, Nebraska. If any amo�.mt is still due and unpaid on <br /> trie Mortga�� to the Nebraska "tate Building and Loan Association of Fremont, Nebraska, when the <br /> other paymer.ts are completecl tYle cleed to be maae subj ect to amount due on said mortgage and <br /> grar:tee v�ill asswne and agree to pay it <br /> And the said narty of the second part hereby covenants <br /> and agrees to pay to said party of the first �art the sum of Sixteen Hun�.red and no/1Q0 Dollars � <br /> ! <br /> in thE manner following One hundred dollars �ash in hand paid, tYie receipt whereof is hexeby <br /> acl�owledged, anc� tr,e balan�e as follows �840.38 to the Pdebraska State Fuilding and Loan Assoc- � <br /> iation of Fremont Nabr. balance due on a mor�gage of ��OO. to �aid asso^iation k�alance to be paid <br /> as follows $�20. Fe�::ruary �4", 1911 and ��0. on or bef'ore April 20", 1911 and �20. on th� �GO, af <br /> each manth thereafter until the whole of eaid }arincipal s8m is paid interest on amount to be <br /> figured anci Paid ever'y six �onths commencing wit�i this da�� ,to rec�on the time amount to be ' <br /> paid in future to J.H.�avis �639 .6� and interest. e�itti interest at the rate af 6 �er �ent per <br /> per ar.num, payable on the whole sum r�maining from time to time u.�naid as above stated and to pay ; <br /> � I <br /> a31 tages, asse�semnt� or irnnositions t�tt may be legally levie d or imposed upon said land , , � <br /> of failure � . <br /> subsequent to the year 1910. And in case,�f the said party of the second :.part to make either of - <br /> trie pa;rments or to �erform any af the �ovenanta an hifi part heraby made and entered into, this � <br /> contract sz��all at the option of the party of the first part,- be forfeited and determine� and the � . <br /> ;aarty of the second part shall forfeit all ;�ayments by him made an thie eontract time being the <br /> e�sence hereaf 3nd.��uch �ayments shall be retained by the said party of the first part in full <br /> Isatisfaction of all 3amages by nim sustained, and he shall have the right to re-enter and take <br /> possession of said �remises aforesaid. The party of the se�ond part may nay at his option more , <br /> than ���0. at any bf �he timea of payment and t'r�e ex�ess sum is to be creclit�d on the next su�- <br /> �eeding payment or �aym�nts. . � <br /> It is mutually agr�ecl that all the covenants and agreements herein <br /> contained s'r�all extend to and be onli,atory unon the heirs , exe�t�tors, a�ministrators and assigns <br />� of the_ respe�tive narties . <br /> In �Gitness �Vhereof, The �arties to these �resents have here�.to set <br /> tneir hands an� s�als the day and year first abovs �ritten. <br /> In Duplicate ' <br />' J.H.Davis (L.S) _ <br /> Signed, sealed and del3vared in the presence of <br /> Emma L.Davis (L.S) <br /> T .O.C.H�rrison <br /> Frank Reed (L.S) <br /> hiinnie Seidemann <br /> �tate of Nebraska { <br /> :ss <br /> Hall County. ( On this 24" day of February A.D. 1911, before ms the un�ersigned T.(7.C. ; <br /> Harrison a Notary Public, duly ��mmissioned ana qualified .for and residing in said :`County, per- � <br /> sonally came J.H.Davis and �mma L.Davic� to me l;riown to be the identical �ersons whose names are � <br /> affixed to the foregoin� instrument as grantors and acl�owle;�ged the same to bs tneir vol�ntary <br /> , <br /> act an�`aeed. <br /> �Vitness my Yrand and 2Jotarial Seal this �4" day of February 191I. <br /> (S�AL) T.O.0 .FIarr�son �` <br /> �iy commission ex�ires the 10" aay of Febi�uary A.D. 1912 . �lotary Publie <br /> �, <br /> ,�:: <br /> ,�;: � <br />