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_ . - _�._�. ..��:�-�,��. _ ._ . � , <br /> I , <br />� 642 _. <br /> F <br /> I, �'m. T,I.:organ, Assistant "�^retary of the Unitc:� �tat�s Fic�elity and xua�anty �or��any, do h�-rEby <br /> c�-rtify � ti�e a�ove ana forcgaing is a fu11, true and correct capy of the original rower of <br /> att�rn�y given �y uaid Cqm,�any to � .�ird �ould anc� �eorge :�.Schaeffer af Des 2�oine�, Iowa <br /> author iz ing and �u��o�;er in� �iiem to s i�n bonds as there in �et farth. <br /> �iven unaer my hand ar.d thc . seal of said Com��?any, at 3�altimore, ��iaryland, this 2r.a �ay of <br /> r'���ter��'�er, A.D.1912 . <br /> (cor�) <br /> (seal) �r.:. T.,��r�an - <br /> Assis+�nt �e�retary. <br /> �ilca f`or r��ora i�?c�verri��� 4, 1�13 at 9.30 a' �lock ,A..�,�. <br />. ; � � <br /> rtegister of eed <br /> � . <br /> Contract for Real Estate . ��� � � � <br />,- Arti�les of ' Agree�:�ent, �:ia�.e this �0" day c�f Oetober, 1913 betwean �illis E,Bailey and <br /> �t:ary Bailey, his v:�ife of Hall County, ?��ebraska of the first part, and Erank D.Stewart of T�all <br /> County Vebraska, of the seconu �aFt . Witnesseth, That the sai3 party of the. first part, has <br /> this day 'aargained and sold to the said party of the second part, the following described real <br /> estate, situate� in the eounty of ��all, anc� State of hlebraska, to-v��it: Th� �destsrly half of <br /> Lot Seven ('7) in Block Forty Nine (49) in the original town , now City of �rand Island, Hall <br /> County, I1ebr�ska b�ing a rectangul�r piece �f ground having 33 feet front on Third Street �and <br /> 132 tEet in aepth ancz i�eing the same premises �onv�yea to Clara J.�erviss by �Jarranty aeed dated <br /> April 15" 1890 ana recardea in �sook 13, page 609 of the ::1eed r�cords of�"Hall County, aeeorlin� <br /> n <br /> td the r�cor��d �lat thereof , for the sum of Tv;�lve Hun3red and no/100 Dallars Gne Hun�.red and , <br /> no/100 D�llars of ti.hich has been paid in hanci, the reeeipt whereof is hEreby ae'�noR�le�ged. , <br /> I�i Th� rem,aining �rinci�al v;itriout interest, shall be �?aid to the nart _ of the first nart, at <br /> rrand Island, N��raska. tne time and in thc manner follov,ing, t7iat ie to say: � <br /> lst 20 1Vove:nber, 1�13 ��15 . 00 and at least =�15 .00 or� the 20" of each :nonth tri�reaf'ter or as <br /> much r.iore as the party of' the second part desires to nay, with ea�h or at the time of each de- <br /> i f�erred ?���yment, this Contra�t may be assigned by the party of the ce�ond ?aart the w�ritten eonsent <br /> of th� ��arty of the f irs� �art be ing obtained, and necessary tl-.ereto and not ��ithout� If at any <br />' t ime more than the .�'15 .Oc� ?�er month as above provided is paid it sha11 �e �redited to and on � <br /> a�count of the follot�;ing def'grreci ?�ayment or payments. In�urance �� at least the sum of �1200. <br /> tc� be kept upon the ?�ro���erty by party of the seeond part after the expiration of the insurance <br /> have the same payable to �arty of the first part as his interest may appear. <br /> i:c�vti, if the said �arty of th� seeon� part, st�all pay the sums as above set forth, time 'qein� <br /> the�e�:sence �f' t'r:is contract, and shall pay all taxes and asse�sments, �;hether spe�ial or g�neral <br /> ti=rhi�h riay become due on saia real estat� for the year 1914, and thereafter u�til the above pay- <br /> �este are all ruade, trisn said party of the first part shall, at his own cost, ex�;�ut� and d8liver <br /> ts� yh� saici party of� thE :�e�ond part, c�r his assigns, u�.�on su�renaer af this contract, a v��arranty <br /> a.eed to tlic above de:��ribed pr:;mises ana f°urnish an abstract of title showrir�� a gaod and mercha- <br /> rta"�le titl� � <br /> Ana it is Ftiirther Agreed that in case any ?�aymer.t, either of prineipal or intere t <br /> remainin� unpaic� for a s�ace of thirty days ui�ter the same :=na11 beeome due, or a failure to pay <br /> any taxes ar asses^rnents, at thG time tile same be�omes due, then in that ease, the v�hole amount • <br /> un�aid on this contraet shall �e�o�e due and �ayable �ritnout furth�r notiee ; ancl such delinc�uency <br /> in pa5�ment, or �h� failure in other respe�ts by the Party nf the seeond grart to perform the stipu- <br /> Tations of t7iiU eontra�t, or any rart of them, shall entitle the party of the first x�art to imm- <br /> euiate possession of �he nr�:mises descri'ped herein, and the rarty of +he se�ond�hall forfeit all � <br /> n <br /> payments made t;nder this �ont-ra�t . time in any �?�yr:ents provided f'or herein being of the essenee <br /> of� this �ontract . <br />, . . � <br />