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<br />; Boarcl of Directors of said corporatian, ar_d that they signed their names thereto by like order
<br /> as t?ice-Pre�iaent�and As�istant �e^-rEtary, respectively of said Comnany.
<br />; (SEAL) (sig . ) Wm. J. T.ReFeely� Jr .,
<br /> 's,iy �ommission expires the f�irst :r'onday in ��iay, A.D. 1°14. �?otary Public .
<br />� � State of ��aryland, (
<br /> i ' uCt:
<br /> I Faltimore City. ( I, �.tephen � .Little, Clerk of �u�erior Court of Baltimore "ity, v�hich
<br /> Court is a �ouxt of. Re�ora and has a seal, ao h�reby c�rtify that �Vm.J.�deFesly, Jr. .,.Esquire, be-
<br />' il ( �ore v�h�m the annex�d affidavits v:e�e made, an� :�,rho nas tnereto subs�ribed his n�me was, at the
<br /> i •
<br /> tir.�e� of' so doing, a T�otary Puk�li� c�f� the S�ate of a�:iaryland, in and for the �ity of naltimc:re,
<br />� duly co:nr::issioned and sworn an�z authorized by la�r to alrninister oaths and take a�knowleagMents
<br /> or proof.. of deeds to be recoraed therain, I furtiier certify that I am acauaintad with the: :.,: - �
<br /> hanav��riting of the said �lotary, and verily i�elieve ti.e signa�ure to be his genuine signature .
<br /> In TeYtir�ony �hcreof, I Yiere�a �et my hand and aff'ix the seal of the �u�erior Court of ralti-
<br /> �ore ��ity, the same Ueing a "o�;rt bf R��ord, this lst a�y of S�ptem�er , A,D, 1912 .
<br /> (�!,i:AL) (si� . ) Ste�nen C .Little,
<br /> i Clerk of the tiuperior Court of Baltimc�re City.
<br /> Ccpy of r�esolution.
<br /> � That, 7lJherEas, it is nE�essary �or the effe�tu�.l tranUa�tion of business tnat this Company app-
<br /> i
<br />� oint a�ents arc3 att�rneys �r�ith pov�er and aut�iority to act for it and in its name in States
<br /> other t��an ,�:.aryland , and in the T�rritories of the TT�ited c:tate� and in the Fxovin�es of the
<br />' Dominion of �an�da ana in th� �olony of T;ewfoundlaad.
<br />� Therefore, be it Resolved, that this
<br /> f
<br />�
<br />! � �um�any do, and it hereby ��.oes, authorize and �mpoR�er its President or either its �iiee Presidents
<br /> � in �anjunction �ith its �e�re�ary or ane af its Assistant �e�rctaries, uncler its corporate seal.
<br /> � to appoint any nerson or nersons as attorney or attorn�ys-in-fa�t, or agent oas agents of said
<br /> Cor.rn�any, in its name anc� as it� act, to egecute and deliver any and all contracts guaranteein�
<br /> the fiaelity o�� �ersons holding �ositions of publie or rrivate trust, guarar�t�eing the performanc
<br /> c�f eontracts otner than in�uran�e polieies and exe�u�ing or guaranteeing bonds and unlertakings,
<br /> r�qui��d,; or per���itted in all act ions o� proceedings, or by law allorved, an�i Also in its name
<br /> ana as its attorney or attorncys-in-faet, or agent or agents to exe^ute and �uarantes the �on-
<br /> diti.ons �f any and all 'conds, reco�nizances, obligations, stirnzlations, undertakingg or any-
<br /> thing in thc nature of eith�r of thc same, �:hich are or :�ay by law, munici��al or otherwise
<br /> or by any Statute af the United p'tates or of any__State or Territory of th:; T�nited States or of
<br /> the Provineesof the Dominion of Cana�la or of the Colony of �?ev�founaland or 'qy the rules, regu-
<br /> lations, orc�.ers, custor�s, �?ra�tice or aiscretion of any board, body, organi�ation, office or
<br />, officer, lc�cal, n�,zr.icir,al �r othervaise, b� allowed, required or permitted to be exe�uted, made,
<br /> ta�€en, �iven, tenaered, ac�epted, filea or re�or3ed, for th� cecurity or rrotection of, by, or
<br /> � for any* nerson or person$, corpor�tions, boay, offi�e, interest, municipality or oth�r assacia-
<br /> tian or organization ��natsoever, in any and all capacities v�hatsoever, conditioned for the doing
<br /> or not doing of anyt'r�ing or on any conditions v.hich �ay be provided for in1��.zeh bond, recogniz-
<br /> � ance, obliga�tion, stipulation, or un1ertaking, or any'�ning in the nature of either of the same .
<br /> I, ��m.T.:h�organ, Assistant S:.�r�tary of the L?nited �tatea Fidelity and luaranty Com;aany,
<br /> r�ere�y ;;ertify that at a re;ular rleeting of the Board of Dire�tors of said Cotgpany, auly called
<br /> anci held at tr.e of'fi�e of the �or.many, at the City of I3altimore, on the� llth aay of July A.D.
<br /> �_
<br /> 1910 a� �-yhich was present a �uorum of said Dir��tors, auly authorized to act in the premise s,
<br /> resol�ztions �-,erc ;_�assed an�� ent�red on �ri� mir_utes �f sai� "or�nar_p, of y��hi�h resolutions the
<br /> for�;Going is a true copy ana of tne vahole ther�of.
<br /> In Tc�timony ��h:,-rLof, I have ..e�eunto sat my hand an� the seal of the Untted ctates Fidelity
<br /> ana ruarar,t•�r Corlpany, th3�s lst aay of September, �.D. 19].� .
<br /> (s i� . ) �'m. T.I��lorgan
<br /> (��AL) Assistant �e�retary
<br />��.. �._. ;
<br />