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`)c,� ' <br /> . <br /> 1 <br /> , <br /> _ __ _ . - _ _ . _ __ ___ ._ . ____._____ _------ <br /> _______ _. .___.. ____..___._------ ----. .----�� <br /> -- --.. <br /> conveyance �s lessor and lesses; , and a�knov�ledged the said instrument to be their voluntary ' <br /> act and deed. <br /> �'itness my hand and 2�otarial Seal .the day an3 year last above written. , <br /> ; <br /> (SEAL} T .C.C .Harr ison� - <br /> :dy comrr.ission expires February 12", 1918 Notary Public a <br /> Filed for r�c�rd C;ctober 22, 1913, at 1.3� o'clock P.A.�. <br /> ����� ���� <br /> � Register of Deeds�� <br /> �,� _ �,_._�..� ._ �--_...___.._._�._____o_ ___�_._ U�._- <br /> Contract�,,, <br /> ' This a;reeMent mad� and entereci into this 19th c�ay of April and <br /> between �P.J...Tordan� party of the fir�t part� ana �V .L.Phillips party of tha se�ond part� �VITr?�SSETH <br /> That the saia �arty of the first part 1N .J..Tordan hereby leases to the s,aid party of the second <br /> part 1N.L.Phillips, the south forty-four feet of lot five blo�k two� Tdagy�s ad�ition being a traet <br /> of land forty-four by sixty-six feet. for the pexiod of six months from the 19th day of April <br /> 1913� until the 1°th �.�ay of Cct . 1913, at the agreed rental of fourteen dollars ('�14 .Q0) p�r manth <br /> payable in a�vance each and every month, ( exce�t tnat payment of the r.ent for the f i>rst twc� month <br /> is hereby acknowlsdged) together ��ith all a?�}�urtenancee, and improvements of every kind �vhatso- • <br /> ever thereto belongin�. <br /> It is further agreed between the parties hereto that the said �►.L; <br /> Fhillips shall construet a good tight boarcl fenee between thc south foxty-four feet of lot five <br /> �lock two, described herein, and the north eighty-eaght f'eet of �aid lot and block, as a line <br /> fence� ax�cl each of' the �art ies herato agrees to bear and pay one-half of the e�pense of the con- � <br /> � struction nf said fence ir.cluding all work and materi'al. <br /> It is further agreed between the �ar- <br /> ties h;;reto that the said ;?arty of th� first rart �V .J.Jor��an hereby agrees w°ith the said �artq <br /> of' the second nart, '�I .L.Ph illips that the said �arty of the se�and part '�.I,.Phillips shall have -_ ; <br /> , <br /> th� option to purchase tlie baid �auth forty-four feet of lot five, block two, Nagy� s addition ={ <br /> � <br /> leased under contract �t any time v�r3�hin six r�onths from this date at the agraed and stip- ' <br /> ulated price by �ontra�t of fifteen nundred aollars (�1500.00) in casY.� or sixteen hundred dollars <br /> (�1600.00) by contract to be �aid as follows to wit : That the said' �.L.Phillins shall have the <br /> o�ation� to purchase sai:I pronerty at the sum of fifteen hunlred dollars (�1500.00) in cash, o�x or <br /> before six montha from t'rlis clata, and in the event that he pays for the said lots in cash then <br /> he is to rec�ive a good and �uffi�ient warranty deed, conv�ying a good and ??erfect title and also <br /> abstract of title showing a gooc� ar.d p6rfe�t title to be vested in him, the said �V.J.Jordan, and <br /> in tne event he pays cash for said �:remises within six months from this date then the rent for <br /> the last t��o r�onths amount ing to th� sum of twenty-eiGht dollars (�28 .00) is to be remitted or . <br /> if he has alreacly paid it then sail sum of twenty-ei�ht dollars (�28 .0�) is to be dedueted from <br /> the fifteen hun1red dollars ��1500.00) r�urchase priee agreed upon herein. <br /> It is f'urther a�reed between the parties hereto that the said 7� .L.Phillips �hall have the ` <br /> further ort ion to nurchase said �rer�ises upon a c�ntract at any time wa.thin six months from this <br /> date. Said �ontract shall �.e accom�ar.ied �y a warranty deed conveying title and also abstract <br />� ' of titla an3 s3id aeac� contra�t, ans abstract shall be deposited in the Commercial State Bank <br /> to fulfill the terms of the �ontra�t . Said eontra�t shall provide that the pureh'ase pric� of <br /> said premises shall be sixteen hundred dollars (;�1600,00) to be paid by the said w .L.Phillips <br /> on or before two years frc�m Geto�er 19th, 1913, Th� said +� .�?.�ordan agrees -to furnish to the <br /> said i� .L.Phillips a good marketable title to said premises �vith abstract chowing a good title � � <br /> ancl said premises to be free and �Iear of all liens and en^umbran�es u��hatsoever� u�on th� nay- <br />, <br /> -' ment of s�id sixteen hundre� dollars (��1600.00) and interest on the same at the rate o� six and <br /> one-half �er �ent, interest nayable anually, <br /> ~ And said �.L.Philli�s or� his �art a�rees to imm- <br /> ediately construct upon the nremises heretofore de��ri'ued in this contract to wit: The south <br />' ' f'ort y-four feet of lot f ive, block tcvo, Nagy' s addit ion to �xan� Island� Nebr .� a manufa^tur ing <br />� _ :; <br />