_ _ _ .
<br />� ����� � � _ � ,
<br /> � � � 6 3�.
<br /> -- _ _ . - - -_ . _ _ _ _--- _ _ . --__- ----- -- - -- --
<br /> � That u�on September 13, 1813� Theresa M.Evans of Hot Springs� Fall Rive County, South Dakotsy who
<br /> is the mother of Fred T.Evans, formerly the husband of Cora J.Evane, hereinabo�e mentioned, rnsde
<br />;
<br /> an affidavit setting out that the said Cora J.Evans died upon June 26th, 1899, leaving as her �
<br /> heirs� Fred T.Evans� her husbanc� and her son Fred T.Evans� Jr.� and Joe c.Enans, and that the
<br />�
<br /> said heir$ were all of the heirs of said �ora J.Evans� which sai� affidavit of Therssa M.Enans
<br /> was recorded in the Records of Hall County, upon September 16t1� 1913. �
<br /> And this affi8�t hereby states that the said Cora J.Evans herein referred to �B "at the
<br /> day af her death the owner of each and all of the 2ots herein first above des�ribed, and is the
<br /> same �ora J.Evans referred to in the affidavit of said Theresa M.Evana . And further deponent
<br /> eayeth not . .
<br />' Bayard H.Paine.
<br /> Subscribed and swogn to before me this 16th day of September 1913 .
<br /> (SEAL) J.E.Dill
<br /> My commission expires July 16, 1919. Notary Public
<br /> Sta�e of �Vashington ( �
<br /> : ss .
<br /> County of King. ( Fred T.Evans and Joe S.Evans� being first , duly sworn upon their _
<br /> oaths depoes and say that Cora J.�:vans� �rho formerly owned res�l estate in Evane Addition, rrand
<br /> Ialand, Nebraskay died upon June 26th, 1899� at Deadwood, So . Dak. that she left as her sole and
<br />- only heira at law her husbanc� Fred T .Evana, and that the name of h�s present wife is Jennie P.
<br /> - Evans, -and that she left two sons Fred T.Evans� Jr., and Joe S.Evans, that the said Cora J.Evans
<br /> and Frsd T.Evans had no other children alive at the date of her death, save and except the said
<br /> � Fred T.Evans, Jr., and Joe S.Evans, and th�t there were no children of any deceased ehild alive
<br /> at that date, but that the ones here set out are the sole and only heirs of Cora J.Evans, that
<br />, �' she died with out leavi an will so far as the knowled e of thase affiants '
<br /> ng Y g go es, and no prob�t e
<br />' proceeding� xere ever had on her estate. And further the�deponent� sayeth not .
<br /> � �ITNESSES: Fred T.Evans
<br /> - H.E.Thomaa
<br /> �'oe S.Evans
<br /> - Subecribed an3 sworn to before me this l3th day of September, 1913
<br /> (SEAL) Thomas M.Rhodes ;
<br /> �dy cogunission egpires Cct�. 4th, 1913 Notarp Public
<br />. Filed for record 8eptember 16� 1913 at 10.30 o'clock A.M. ��
<br /> eg ster o eeds
<br /> #
<br /> � AFFIDAVIT .
<br /> �n t e ma,tter of the title to Lot Cne (1), in Block Twenty-nine (29)� of the Qri�inal fioarn
<br /> nt� �ity, of Grand Island, Hall �ounty, Nebraska.
<br /> State of. Nebraska (
<br /> :ss
<br /> Hall County. ( John Allan� being firat duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says� that
<br /> he ��as well and personally acquainted with H.N.Robinson. who acquired title to the above desar-r
<br /> ibed lot by Special �arranty Deed frorn Sidney Dillon, as Trustee for the Union Pacific Rai2aaay - `
<br /> Company� c?�ated Ddarch 23, 1881, ana re�orded in I3ook "F", page 407� of the Deed �tecords of said "
<br /> Hall G�unty, and he knows that he was the same person who, as Horatio N.Robinson , with his wi�a,
<br /> , conveyed said lot to Richard J.Shar�by �larranty Deec3� datec3 Feb .12� 1889� and recorded in Book
<br /> 12, page 525� of said Deed Records .
<br /> Affiant further states that he was for many years well- and
<br /> personally acquainted v�.ith said Richard J.Shar�and knoa�s that he was the same person �ho� ae
<br /> R,J.Sharp conveyed said lot to his wife Hannah Shar� by �Varranty Deed�-=da�ted May 1, 1907, and
<br /> re�orded in Book 47, page 29�� of said Deed Records� and further saith not .
<br /> John Allan
<br /> Sub�lcribed in my presence anc� sworn to before me this 18th of September, 1913.
<br /> L.�.Allan
<br /> - (�EAL) PTOtary Public
<br /> �9y eommission eapires Sept . 24� 1J16
<br /> Filed •for reeord �eptember 1°, 1913 at 9 o'cloek A.�d. ���� �/ ?
<br /> L6'
<br /> ' eg steY o� Dee
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