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� T . , . _. _ .___ _ . ,. __ ___ _ ,,, <br /> �����'�� . <br /> � 625 <br /> AGREE�a1ENT: �`*�.� <br /> �, <br /> . THI� AGREEMENT, made and entered into on this 23rd day of July, 1913, by and between Theodore <br /> Puchert, hereinafter the first party, and J�nes W.Warren, hereinafter the second party, both of <br /> Hall County, Nebr�.uka, <br /> witne�seth; <br /> lst. That, �vhereas , the above named parties entered into a written contract under date of Nov <br /> ember 17th, 1910 , wherein said first party agre�d to sell to second party and second party agreed <br /> �to purchase �rom first p�rty the East half of the Northeast quarter a,nd the North half of the <br />! Southea,st quarter of Section 21, in Township 10 North, Range 1]., West, in Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> for the sum of �22 ,�+00 , ��vith interest on deferred payments at 6 per cent as in said contract state , <br /> which contract was , on November 29th, 1910, duly recorded in $ook u�a of Miscellaneous Records at <br /> PagQ �71, of the records of Hall County, Nebraska, and, <br /> Whereas, the second paxty finding himself unable to meet said payments as in said contract require , <br /> ha,s agreed to and with the first party on this date to settle a,nd cancel said contract a.nd the <br /> obligations of both parties thereunder under the terms and conditions herein written, <br /> , , <br /> OW, THEREFORE, it is a�reed betv�een the partie� hereto tha,t said second party will on or bePore . <br /> July 30th, 1913, execute a,nd deliver tc the first party a quit claim deed 1'or the above described <br /> remises , same to be � signed by second party and his wife; that second party will pay to first part <br /> on the delivery of said deed the sum of One Fiundred and Fifty Dollars; that second party will on <br />�� _ <br /> this d�,te surrender to first party poasession of all of the stubble grouxid on said premises with� <br /> II� <br />'i a privilege of enter�ng upon same for the purpose o�' plo�ting; that second party will, also , gilte <br /> o first party two PiPths of all of the corn grown on s�.id premises in the season of 1913, same to <br /> e shucked and delivered to 2'irst party on premises in good season and as soon as same can be <br /> athered; that second party will surrender possession o�' the remainder o1' said premises to first <br /> : arty on or before March lst , 1914. _ <br /> n consideration of the fore�oing, tne sa,id contracts oP purchase and sale above referred to axe <br /> o be cancelled and surrendered and �.11 obligations of both parties thereunder to be relea�d; <br /> ha,t Purther in consideration::o�' this settlement and of the payments above made and to be made as <br /> erein stated, it is a�reed between the parties that , ti�rhereas, there is due from second party to <br /> iret party upon the princip�,l of the purchase price in the above contract the sum oP <br /> 19,000 axid interest thereon computed to �arch lst, 191�+, a.mounting to �1,7�0, making a total due <br /> nder s�,id original purchase contract of �20,740, that there ta.xeu due and unpaid on said <br /> - remises for the year 1912 , amounting to about the sum of �35; that sa,id first pa,rty in consider— <br /> tion oP the premises, hereby agrees to and with second party tha,t he will and does hereby give <br /> o second party a right and option to repurchase ��te� �.bove d�scribed premises at ar�y time within t <br /> ears from and after Mareh lst, 191�+, for the sum of $20,7�+0 plus the amount o�' taxes above <br /> tated, less a credit thereon oP the �150 to be paid in cash as hereinabove stated and the f'urther <br /> redit thereon �'or the value of two fifths of the ccrn given to said Pirst party by second party <br /> s rental for 191�. as �.bove �et forth. That is to say the said second party hereby is given a right <br /> d option to repurchase said gremisea at ar�y time tivithin t�vo years from Marchlst, 191�+, uponApay— <br /> ent to first party of said sum of �20,740 plus taxes for 1912 , less the $150 paid as above state '�,,. � <br /> d the value oP two fifths of corn and upon a tender and payment to said first party oP said <br /> ount wi.thin said period the said first party hereby agrees to execute and deliver to second part <br /> r his assigns a good and suf�'icient warra.nty deed for 9aid premises with abstract oP title showin <br /> a,me free of all liens and incumbrances with � marketable title thereto. <br /> his contract and the obligations herein set forth shall be binding upor� and succeed to the heirs, <br /> xecutors , administrators and assigns of the parties hereto. <br /> N WTTNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this instrument in duplicate on the date first herein <br /> � �ritten. Witness: Theodore Pucriert <br /> Ben� .J.Cunnin�ham J.W.Warren <br /> Filed for record on the gth day oP August 1913 at �+ o�clooX P.M. �L�� <br /> I Keg s er o Dee s <br />�. _... _�. _�__ ___ __- --- -- _ <br />