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- <br /> `"!����,r.� , <br /> �.� <br /> _ 621 <br /> � L E A S E . <br /> K2�T0�'� AI,L ��EN BY THESE PRESEN�'S� That LTr?ION STCCK YARDS ^O�,�PANY, LIN;ITED� a corporation existing <br /> ( under and by virtue of the laws cf the �tate of r?ebrask�., in consideration of the sum of One <br /> j and no/100 {�1.00) DCLLARS, to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth here- <br /> by Demise� Lease anci Let unto �'NION FA�IFIC RAII,RCAD CG�,:;PA�TY, a corporation existing under and <br /> by virtue of th;; laws of the State of Utah, the following described real estate, sitt:ate, lying <br /> and being in the County of Hall� and in the State of Nebraska, to-wit :- <br /> A strip, piece or parcel of land situate in the Southeast �uarter of the Northwest Quarter <br /> (S.E.}� o� N.W.�) of Section Eleven (11}� TownshiF Eleven (11) NortY� Range Nine (9) �Vest of <br /> � the Sixth Prinei��al �eridi�n� being more narticularly described as follo��s, to-Rit:- <br /> Be�inning at a point thirty-three (33) feet ciue Plorth of the East and West eenter line of <br /> said uection Eleven �11)� said noint being one hundred (100) feet narthResterly from tha eenter <br /> line af the Sol�th main track of the Union Pacific Railroad when r��easured at right ar_glee there- <br /> to; t'rlence westerly along a line parallel with saicl East and �lest center line two hundred and <br /> ninety (290) feet to a point; thence northerly at right angles to said East and �Vest center <br /> line, thirty (30} �eet to a point; thence easterly along a line �arallel with said East and weet <br /> center line, threa hundred and fifty (350) feat, more or less, to a point in the northwesterly <br /> right of way line of said Railroad Company� said right of �ay line being parallel to and one <br /> hundred (100) feet north�:-esterly from the center line of said main track; thence sovthwesterly <br /> � along said right of way 'line sixty-s�ven (6i) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, <br /> containing an area of tv�enty-t��o hl.�ndredtha (.22) of an acre, more or less. for the Term of <br /> Twenty-five (25) years fr�m and after the First day of A�ay A.D.1913� unless soaner terr:inated <br /> at the will of said T?nion Pacific Railroad Company by removing its railroad traeks and arpur- <br /> ' tenances . �herefrom. <br /> TO HAV�; AND TO HGLD the said premises with all the rights and appurten- <br /> ances thereunto belonging unto the said Union Pacific �ailroaci Com?�any, Lessee, its successors <br /> and assi�n� f'orever. <br /> T�iE LE�:.�OR I��EBY COVENAPITS A�TD AGREES, and this lease is executed and <br /> delivered and accepted by the lessee� upon the express con�ition trlat the railroad tracks <br /> �rhich it has constructed on said leased prer.:ises, or �Yhich it may hereafter canstruct on said <br /> leased premises� shall be ueed solely by said L1r_ion Pacific Railroad Company� and shall not be <br /> used by any other Railroa�l Cor.-:pany� v��ithout the written consent of said Union Pacific Railroad <br /> Co��any. " <br /> In Wit�ess �Ghereof, the said Lessor� Tlnion Stock�Yards Company, Limited, has causecl <br /> these �resents to be sealed with its corporate seal, an�. t� be signed by its Fresident and <br /> , attested by its �ecretary� this Fourth day of July A.D.1913 . <br /> In Presence of T?nion Stock YarsUa Com�any� Limited. ' <br /> I 4 co rn } <br /> _ J.O.Johnson � seal } By W.G.Whitmore, President . <br /> Frank Whi�more ! <br /> Attest : �7.D.VPhitniore, Secretary. <br /> � State of Plebraeka <br /> County of Hall ss . Be It Remembered� That on this Fourth ��ay of July, A.D.1913� before <br /> me a I�Totary Pu'blic, in and for said County� appeared the I�nion Stcack Yards Company� Limited, by <br /> � .r.�initmore� its Pres id�nt, who is personally kno�m to me to be the ident ical person whose r.ame <br /> is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as saici President, and then and there acknowled�ed <br /> the exe�ution and sealing of said instrument to be his valuntary act and deed; and the voluntary <br /> act and �ieed of said Conpany. <br /> In 7'litness �'Jhereof, I have hsreunto set my hand and official seal <br /> t' Fourth �;.ay of July A.D.1913� at Grand Islanc� in said County and :?tate . <br /> (SEAL) Chas .G .Ryan ' <br /> .�y com.::i�sion expires Feby.l", 19Z9 T•?otary Public. , <br /> Filed for recard July 11, 1913 at 9 o' clock A.:Q�. ���r� <br /> Regiet�r of Deeds� �`V�^- <br /> _�_- --____----_ _--__._.------------�------_----- —_- ---- <br />