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<br /> �� �
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<br /> duly recorded in Book 43, �iage 432, of the 3eed records of said Hall County. .
<br /> 3.
<br /> That said deed does not recite that said �xa.r�tor waa at the time of the e$ecution and deliv-
<br /> exy thersof, either a married or sin�le person, neither d3d her husband �oiri with her in said
<br />, deed, or in t�he execution� acknowledgment and delivery thereof:
<br /> 4.
<br /> That said Catherine Briley was, at the time of the exect:�tion, acknowledgmant and delivery
<br /> Qf said deed, a married woman, a�resic�ent of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and the wife of
<br /> the defenclant , Ja�es S�.Briley:
<br /> 5.
<br /> That, at th� tirne of th� execution, acknowlec�ient and delivery of said deed, and at all other -
<br /> tixnes f'ar about f'ourteen years last past, the defenlanty James �d.Briley, was and has been con-
<br /> t inuously a non-resident of the State of Nebragka, and sti11 remains a non-resident of Nebraska.
<br /> 6.
<br /> That at no time was said real estate� or any part thereof, ever the homestead of said
<br /> �atherine Briley an� of the defendant� James b�l.F3riley� or of either of them.
<br /> 7 .
<br /> That einee the exe^ution, acknowledgment and delivery of said dead� the said Catherine Briley
<br /> has departed this life, and that the defen�ant JameB P�I.Briley, makes claim to said real es�ate
<br /> and to an estate and interest therein by reason of and under the provisions of the homestead lav�
<br /> of Nebraska, and by reason of and under the provisions of the Statutes of descent, distribution
<br /> and inheritance of the State of Ne�;�raska, whereas in fact he has no intereat� title, or estate,
<br /> either legal or equitable, in or to said real estate or any part thereof; that said claim of
<br /> the d�fendant casts a �louci upon the title of the plaintiffs to said lands and that they are
<br /> entitled to the relief prayed for by them herein and to a decree quieting the title to said
<br /> lantis in t hem:
<br /> It is therefore hereby considered, ad�uclged and decreed by the court that the
<br /> defendant, and all persons claiming by, thraugh or under h3m, be and thsy hereby are perpetually
<br /> en�oined from havin� or setting up or claiming an�r interesty title or estate � either ]�egal cr
<br /> equitable, in or'�.to said real estate� or any part thsxeof, hogtile or adverse to the plaintiffs�
<br /> their heirs �:r�.assigns; that the cloud of the defendant's said claims and pretended interesty
<br /> title and estate in said lands, be and the same is hereby removed from the plaintiffs' title
<br /> thereto; that the defendant be� and he is hereby� decreed to have no right� title, interest or
<br /> estate of any kind tivh atever in or to said lands or any paxt thereof� and that the title to said
<br /> lands be, and the same is hereby, quieted in the plaintiffs, their heirs and assigns.
<br /> By the Court James R.Hanna
<br /> JU DGE.
<br /> State of Nebraska �
<br /> Countq of Hall � ss. I, Fred C.Langman Clerk of the District Court within and for said ��
<br />� County and State� do he�eby certify that I have� compared the foregoing copy of the Decree render d
<br /> �darch 31, 1913 in the case of Charles Arthur Briley� et al, vs. Jamee M.Briley� filed by said
<br /> Caurt of the 31st day of March, A.D.1913 with the original filed in my office and that the same s
<br /> a correct transcript thereof� and of the whole of said original.
<br /> In Testimony �Jhereof, I have heraunto set my hand and casued to be affixed the official sea�l
<br /> of said Court, at the City of �rand Island, this 12th day of t�iay A.D.1913.
<br /> Fred C.Langman
<br /> (SEAI,) Clerk of the District Court.
<br /> By Deputy.
<br /> Filed for record June 27, 1913 at 9.45 0�clock A.�. �
<br /> Reg st r o Deed
<br /> _` # �G�
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