; __ . _�, _ -....
<br /> �l��!! � , '
<br /> 615.
<br /> That eervice by publication was duly and legallp made upon the defendants in the ti�e and manner
<br /> required by law, and that said defendants and each of them have failod to appear and anewer and
<br /> �
<br /> are in clefault.
<br /> The Court further find� from the evidence, that on the 7th day of March, 1883
<br /> . one Henry S .Craig was s�ized of th� A'ortheast Quarter of �ection 3, township 9 north, of range
<br /> 10 west of the sixth princ ipal �r.,eridian in Hall County, Nebraska; and the Northeast Quarter of
<br /> the Southwest quarter and the southeast quarter of the �outheast Quarter all in Section 13,
<br /> township 8 north� range 14 wes t of the s 3$th pr inc ipal mer idian in F.earney C ount y, Nebraska.
<br /> I That on eaid day the said Henry �.Craig died intestate leaving as hia sole heir at law, his
<br /> u�other Anne �,,�dunroe.
<br /> That said Anne I�.2�unroe died intestate and seized of the real estate on
<br /> the 16th day of July, 1892. That the sole heirs at law, of the said Anne �.Munroe, were Eli�ha
<br /> D,Smith, a brother; Elizabeth D. Smith, a sister and Harriette B.Simpson, a sister; and Thomas
<br /> K.Fessenden, Lhary Borden, Anne S.Judson, Harriette A.Clinton, children of a deceased sister of _
<br /> the said Anne �I.2�unroe, who died prior to 1892. That the said Harriett• �3.Simpaon died int-
<br /> estate� Noveraber 22� 1895, leaving as her so18 heirs at law, Elisha D.Smith, a brother� Elizabeth
<br /> � D.Smith a sister, and the defendant Thomas K.F�ssenden, b�ary Borden, Anne S.Judson and Harriette
<br /> � A.Clint� childr�n of the deceased sister of the said Harriette B.Simpeon.
<br /> �r:� :�. .. That Elisha l�.Smith died intestate July 8th� 1899 leaving as hi� sol� surviving
<br /> heirs� Jane Robbins �mith, a daughter, Henry S.SmitY� a son, and Charles R.Smith, a son.
<br /> That the said Elizabeth D.Smith died intestate I�ay 10, 1903 leaving as her sol� heira at law,
<br /> the Defe�hdants Thomas K.Fessenden, Mary Borden, Anne �.Judson, and Jane Robbina Smith, Henrp
<br /> S.Smith and Charles R.Smith. That the defendants Thomas K.Fe�senden, E�ary Borden, Anne S .
<br /> Judson� Fiarristt• A.Clinton, Jane Robbine Smith� Henry S.Smith and Chaxles R.Smith ara the sole
<br />�
<br /> heire at law of Henry S.Craig, Anne M.Munroe, Elisha D.Smith� Elizabeth D.Smith and Harrietts
<br /> ,
<br /> B.Simpson� and that the defendants reorge Borden, Charles E.Judson, A.Duane Clinton, and Sam
<br /> � _
<br /> ,
<br /> ]�.Smith are the husbands of �iary Borden, Anne S.Judson, Harriette A.Clinton and Jane 8obbine
<br /> Smith respectiv�ly.
<br /> � That the plaintiff in 1892 entered into the possession of said premises
<br /> to-wit: The Northeast Quarter of Section 3, township 9 north, Range 10 west of the 6th prineip-
<br /> al meridian in Hall Gounty, Ne'r.sraska; and the northeast quarter of the southwest a�uarter, and
<br /> the southeast quart�r of the southeast quart�r of sec tion 13, township 8 north, range 14 west
<br /> of the 6�h principal meridian in Kearney County, rlebraska, claiming to be the owner of said land
<br /> � That the said plaintiff has ever since claimed said real estate as the owner thereof and has
<br /> ( ever since been in the open, natorious and adverse and exclusive possession thereof and is now
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> the owner of and in possession of the same .
<br /> That the recard title to said premises stands in the name of the said Henry S.Craig and the
<br /> claim� of the heire of the said Henry S.Craig constitute a cloud upon the title of the plain-
<br /> tiff. It is therefore ad�udged and decreed, that the said Thoma� K.Fessenden, Mary Borden,
<br /> George Borden her husbandy Anne S.Judeon, Charles E.Judson her husband, Harr�etts A.Clinton,
<br /> A.Duane Clinton , her husbanc� Jane Robbins Smith, Sam �,?5mith hor hueband, Henry S.Smith Ella
<br /> b�.Smith hi� wife, Charles R.Smith, Isabel Smith his wife, and each and all of them are wholly
<br /> v�ithout any title or ir.terest in and to the said premise� and the title to said premises is
<br /> hereby forever quieted and e onf irmed in the plaint iff, John A.Pdunroe, again�t the e laims of the
<br /> defendants and all persong claimin� by, through, or under them.
<br /> Plaintiff to pay the casts of this action taxe�l at ,Dollara.
<br /> James R.Hanna
<br /> Filed Jun 1.7, 1913. Judge.
<br /> State of Nebraska (
<br /> :ss
<br /> Gounty of Hall ( I, Fred C .Langman Clerk of the Distriet Caurt within and for said
<br /> County and State� do hereby certify that I have corapared the foregoing eopy of the Deeree
<br /> �
<br />��
<br /> f.�
<br />