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6�4 <br /> Agreement;�-- into thie 13th da of June A.D.1913 b and <br /> This Agreement, made and entexed y , Y <br /> betwsen Claude R.Craig , party of the first part, and Pric illa Emersan, party of the sec ond part <br /> NITNESS�TH: That in consideration of the sum of T�relve Hundred (�1, 200) Dollars, to him to be <br /> paid by the party of the second part, the party of the first part agr�es to sell and convey by <br /> warranty cleed to the party of the second par� the following described real estat� situated in <br />�� the Caunty of Hall and State of Nebrask� towit : Lote 1�lumbered One (1), Thre� (3), Five (5), <br /> and the East half of Seven �7) in �1ock Four, ��.), in College Additian to 3�est LaRrn in the <br /> � ity of rrand Island, Nebraska. <br /> Said party of the f irst part, al�ao, agrees to furnish to <br /> the party of the second part an abstract of titl� to said pr�mi�ee showing that the party of <br /> the first part ia the owner of a marketable title to said premises and that the said premises <br /> are free from taxes, liens and incumbrances party of the second part to have fruit and garden <br /> now on premises. _ <br /> Said �arty of the second part agrees to purchas� the premise� above descr- <br /> ibed from the party of the first part and to p therefor the said sum of �1� 200, payable as <br /> � <br /> follows : Forty (�40) Dollars on the signin� of these presents; Siz Hundred (�600) Dollars <br /> on or before July lst� 1913, and F�ve Hundrsd and Sixty (�560�0 or before July ].st, 1914, with <br /> interest thereon fram July lst, 1913, at the rate of six per centum per annum, said d�ferrsd <br /> payment af �560 to be evidenced by the promissorp n�te of the party of the second part secur�d <br /> by a first mortgage upon the �remises above describEd, <br /> It is further understood and agre�d <br /> that, upon the paymEnt of the said sum of �600 by the party of the gecond part, the party of <br /> the first part, shall execute and deliver to the party of the second part tlie warranty deed <br /> conveying said premises to the party of the second part, shall assi�gn to the par�y of the second <br /> part the insurance policy now an said premises and surrender possession of said premises unto <br /> the �arty of the secand part anc� at the same timo, the party of the second part shall execute <br /> I�'� and deliver to the party of the first part said note and mortgag� for �560. <br /> In Witness 1�hereof, we have hereunto set our hancLs, in duplicat�, th� date firet above <br /> � �r itt en, � <br /> �TTNESS : Claude R.Craig <br /> R.R.Horth <br />'; P� i1].a E�erson <br /> Filed for record June 13, 1913 at 10.3Q o 'clock A.T�t. <br /> DEGREE��. ___..._ _.._ <br /> � . Register of D ds y <br /> BE IT REAfE��iBERED, That on the 4th ciay of June , A.D.1913, that bein� one of the day� <br /> of the ,Tune Term A.D.1.913, of the District Court of the 11th Judicial District of Nebraska, <br /> with in and f or the C ounty of Hall, held at the C our�t Fiouse in the C ity of Grand Island k�ef ore <br /> Honorable James r.Hanna, one of the judges of the said Distriet the following among other pro- <br /> ceedirigsp�ere had in the words and figures following to-wit: <br /> In the Dis tric t C ourt of Hall C ounty, Nebraska. <br />� John A.Munroe, Plaint if f, ( � <br /> vs <br /> Thomas K,Fessenden, �eorge Borden� �Zary E.Border� 3605, Decree. _ <br /> Anne S.J�.dson, Charles E.Judso �iarriette A. <br /> Clinton, A.IAiane Clinton, Jane�obbins Smith, � - <br /> Sam E.Smith Henry S.Smith� Chasles R.Smith� <br /> Ella M.Smit�i, Isabel B.Smith, Defendants <br /> Nov� on this 4th day of June , 1913 that bein� one of the days of the regular June 1913 � <br /> term of sa��d Court, this cause came on to be heard in said Court, before the Hon. James R.Hanna <br /> Judge preBiding. <br /> The Court being duly advised in the premises, finds that the defendants and <br /> each of them are, and v��ere non-residents of the State of Nebraska, at the time of the commenc- <br /> nient of this aetion, and that serviee could not be had upon them within the Stat�. "�': <br /> �. <br />. a <br />