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<br /> Farm Leaae���
<br /> Thi� Agreement, made and entered into this 27 day of May � A.D.1913 by and between
<br /> Catherine Sievers party of the first part, and Otto Diekmann par�y of the second part, Witnesseth ,
<br /> That the said party of the first part has this day leased unto the party of the second Part,
<br /> the following described pronerty, s ituated in the C ounty of Hall, and State of Nebraska� to-wit :
<br /> The S� N.w.quarter of Section 24� in Township 12, Range 11, W of the 6 P.b�. together with the
<br /> 1�uildings and improvementa thereon and thereto appertaining from the 27" day of May, 1913, to
<br /> the lst day of Aday, 1920� and the said second party� in �onsideration of the leasing of the above
<br /> premises, hereby covenants and a�rees with tha said party of the firat part to pap th� said
<br /> party of the first part as rent for the same as follqws, to-wit: '�-�
<br /> Seventy Dollars in Cash, payabl� in advance on the First day of May of each year.
<br /> And it is Further Eapressly Agreed between the parties hereto that the said party of the fi.rst
<br /> part, should �he deem it necessary, map, at the coat and espense of the party of the second part
<br /> employ men and teams to go upon said pr�nisea and cultivate the crops and harvest th�n or to
<br /> � do anything that ie necessary to promote their growth or save them at any time before they are
<br /> in the granaries, the whole expense of the same to be a lien.upon said second party' s share of
<br /> � said crop.
<br /> And it is Further F�pressly Agreed by the party of the second part that h� will
<br /> carefully protect all buildings, fencea and improvements of every kind that are now on said
<br /> premises or that may be erected thereon during the continuance of this leaea; that he will
<br /> promptly, at the expiration of the term herein granted, yield up poesession of said premises,
<br /> without notice, unto the party of the first part, in as good repair as they now aro or may be
<br /> at any t ime dur ing the c ont inuanc e of thiB lease, ordinary wear and loss by f ire exc ept ed.
<br /> and he will keep the cultivated lands on said �remi�es free from� wesds and destroy all wesds
<br /> along the fen.^,es and about all the buildings, on thE highway ad�oining the land and along the
<br /> bordera of the fields before they ripen their see3s; that he will keep the well, pump and win3-
<br /> mill on said premisee in good repairexceptional losa by heavy wind or fire excepted.
<br /> �
<br /> And it is Further Agresd by the party of the second ?�art that he will not sub-let nor in any
<br /> manner release any part of the described premises withaut the consent of the party of the first
<br /> �art.
<br /> � And it is Further Agreed that the party of the fir�t part and her agents may go upon
<br /> said premises at any ti.m� to inspec t the same or to make impravement$ therean and to plow f cr
<br /> future crops and to sow small grain in corn and etubUle ground in the fall before the eapira-
<br /> tion of this lease.
<br /> And it ia Further Expressly Agreed that the second partytihall secure the performance of the
<br /> t erms and c ondit ions o f th is lease on h is part by g iving to the f irst party on dsmand, a '
<br /> chattel mortrrage upon all or any part of the crops growing or gathersd on said premises during
<br /> said term.
<br /> And if the said second party shall neglect or refuse to give such chattel mortgage
<br /> upon demand, or if he sha11 at any time give or attempt to give to any person or �er�aone a lien
<br /> upon said crop8 or any part thereof, then this lease shall thereby terminate and tn order to
<br /> enforce a forfeitur� for non-�ayment of rent, it shall not be necessary to make a demand on
<br /> the same day the rent sha].1 become due, and the said f�r�:� �aastp may at once recover posaession
<br /> � of said premises and all crop� thereon and the said second party shall in that event be h�ld
<br /> and considerad to have planted and cultivated said crop for the benefit of said first party
<br /> and shall be paid for such services as follows: Said first partp may aell said crop and the
<br /> ur�ezpired term fox eash at private sal he may at her option, procure said erops to be further
<br /> au].tivated or gath�r�d and sold in suc market as she may see fit, and in either event the
<br /> prGCeeds thereof shall be applied, First, to the payment of ezpenses incurred by the said party
<br /> in the premises including the time spent by her in connection therewith: Second, in payment
<br /> of said rent: Thirc� the remainder, if any, shall be paid to the second party for her servic�
<br /> in planting and tending said crops, and se�d fr�rnished by her,
<br /> It iB furthEr agreed that the covenants and agreementg on the reverse side of thi� instrument
<br /> are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this lease .
<br /> The covenants herein ahall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, ezecutors and admin-
<br /> � istrator$ of the parties to this lease.
<br /> S igned th is 2 7 day of 2Aay A.D.1913
<br /> Signsd and Delivered in Presence of Ctto Diekmann (Seal)
<br /> G.0 .Raven Catherine �ievera (Seal)
<br /> State of Nebraska (
<br /> � :ss
<br /> Hall County. ( nn this 18 day of June A.D.1913 before me the undersig��d (�.C .Raven
<br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residir_g in said County, �ersonally
<br />' carcle Catherine �ievers and the said lessor and Ctto Diekmann the said lesse�, to r�e known to
<br /> be the identical persons vrhose names are affixed to the foregoing eonveyance as lessors and
<br /> Lessee and aeknosled�ed said instrument to be their noluntary aet and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Sea1 the :lay and year last a�ove �ritten.
<br /> (SEAL) G.C .Raver� Natary Public
<br /> BCy coinmission expires July 27 1916
<br /> Filed for record J`une 19, 1913 at 9 o'clock A.&i. , �
<br /> Reg ist�er o eeds �
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