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<br /> otherwise plead ta the petition of the plaintiff, were �ach thriee aolemnly called in open Court
<br /> I and came not but made default, and it a�pear3ng to the Gourt that due and legal serviee by publi
<br /> cation of th� filing and pendency of this action has been had upon the follo�ing defend.ants
<br /> to-wit :- Elizabeth �.�hearer, John D.Shearer, John C.0 .Hiler��a.n, Josephin� Hileraan, t4"ichael '� .5..
<br /> Hile�-�ar� Adda L.B.Hanigan, Earl E.Trout, Pearl Trout, i�illiam �.�ead, Bruce , �dead and Albert �d.
<br /> P�ead, for the time and in the manner provided for by law, and it further a�pearing that thE
<br /> � defendants Cscar L.Hileman, Lillian B.Hileman� Harry D.Trout, Ibbie D.Trout� Rertha P.�reenwood
<br /> Joshua �reeriwood, Dessie P.Breakenrid,�e, Walter Breakenridge, Anna S .V.Hoxe, Frank E.Howe, and
<br /> �Viiranda R.Jones had entered their voluntary appearance herein, waiving the issuance and service
<br /> of swn�nons and X�raying that a hearing of said cause may be had at the firat s�.tting of this
<br /> Court, it is ordered that their default be entered herein, and that the faets statec� in the
<br /> plaintiff� s ��etition �e taken as true as against them and eaeh of the said defenc3ants abave
<br /> named. �
<br /> The Court further finds from the evidence adduced that the plaintiff Isaac Ne�rton �en�e ey
<br /> is now ar_d for a number of years laet past has been the owner in fee simple and in actual poss-
<br /> ession of the followins� described real estate situated in the County of He�ll and the State of
<br /> 0
<br /> �e'r�r�ska, to-wit:- Lots nwt�ber Ten (10}, Eleven (11) and Tvrelve (12) in Block number Six (6) in
<br /> Brett and Johnson' 's Addition ta the Village af �Good River, and that plaintiff� s title thereto is
<br /> derived from a certain tax deed �$de, exeauted ackno�ledged and delivered by the County Treasure
<br /> af Hall Coun�y, N�braska, with his official seal thereto attached to one En�3.l Pearson, which deed
<br /> is in due form of law and is egecut ed in conformity with the laws af the State of Nebraska, �rd
<br /> that all the laws of said State, as conditions precedent to the ezeeution, acknawladgement and
<br /> delivery of said tax deed were �ully� �nd legally complied with� done and performed and that by
<br /> rea�on and virtue of said tax deed the said Emil Pearson beeame the o�vner in fee sirlple title
<br /> of the aforesaid premi�es and that said deed is duly recarded in the office of the Register of '
<br /> D�eds of Hall County Nebraska in book 41 of Desds at Page 384 of the Desd records of said Count
<br /> and State.
<br /> The Court further f3nds that said Emil Pearson conveped the s�.id premises to this
<br /> plaintiff by deed duly executed ackno�ledged and delivered and the plaintiff is now the owner of
<br /> the fee sirnple title to said premiaes and ia in open, ezclusiv�, adv�rse and notorious poesessio
<br /> of said gremisea under claim of ownexship by �aid deed.
<br /> The Court further fiads that Caroline L
<br /> Hileman a widov�, r�as the owner in fee simple title of said premises during the yea.rs 1891, 1892,
<br /> 1893, 1895 and 1896 and as such ownsr� failed neglected and refus�d to pay the taaea duly and = - - .
<br /> legally levied against said premises; that on or about the 15th day of �arch, 1896, the said
<br /> Carolina I,.Hilernan departeci this life; that since her demise and dur3ng the years 1$97, I898,
<br /> 1899, 19G0, 1901� 19�2 and 19�3 the above named defendants and heirs st la� of the eaid Caroline
<br /> L.�iileman have been the owners of said property and duxing all of said years mentioned have
<br /> fai2ed negleeted and refused to pay the taxes duly and legally levied and assessed against sai.d
<br /> premises� but allowed the same to become delinquent and sa3.d premises were duly and legally sold
<br /> by the County Treasurer of Rall Comnty, Nebraska, and that sa3d defendanta and each of them havin
<br /> failed and rsfuaec� to redeem gaid prem3ses from the said tag sale and alI of the provieions of
<br /> law having been fully complied �ith and the time of redemption from said sale having expired the
<br /> County Treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, executed, and acknowledged and delivered the said tax
<br /> deed hereinbefore mentioned to the said Emil Pearson� which deed divested the aforesaid defendan s �
<br /> and each of then� the heirs at law of Caroline L.Hileutian, deceased, of all their righti>title,
<br /> claim and interest in and to said premises .
<br /> The Court further finds that the ??urchaser of the t
<br /> sale for the year 1891 and subsequent yeare hereinbefore rrentioned of the said premises was one
<br /> Frank E.Hawe, herein named as one of the defendants� dut that the said Frank E.Howe, failed and
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