. _ -- ._ _ _ ,.:
<br /> 5��
<br />� __ ___ _ _ . - - -_ _ _ ____.. _ ----� .__�_ -- _ _
<br /> mente, whether spec ial or general, which may 'become due on said real estate f or the year 1912,
<br /> and thereafter until the above paymente are Qll �ade, then said partp of the firet part shall,
<br /> at his own cost, egecut� and deliver to the said party of the second part, or hie assigns,
<br /> upon eurr�nder of this contract, a Warranty dead to the aboue described premieeB, and the
<br />! abetract that he has as now eztended.
<br />! And it is Ft�rther Agrsed that in case �ny payment,
<br />;
<br />�
<br /> I �ither of principal or interest, re�aining unpaid for a space of thirty daya after the same
<br /> ehall become due, or a failur� to pay anq taxee or assessments, at the tima the same becomes
<br /> due, then in that c as e, the whole amount unpaid on this c ontrac t shall b�come dus and payabl�
<br /> without further notice; and such delinquency in papment, ox the failura in other re�apects bp
<br />'�
<br /> the partp of the second part to �?erform the stipulations of thie contract, or anp part of �hem
<br /> shall entitle the party of ths first part ta immediat� posses$ion of the premises de�cribed
<br /> r,er einy and ths �art y of th e s ec ond ps�rt eha11 f orfeit al l payment s made under thie c ontract .
<br /> This contract shall be in duplicate, one copy of which shall rer�ain with each party ta this
<br /> contract . �Dhen any payment is made on this contract, the person paping the same �hall -take
<br /> a duplicate receigt therefor from the party hereto or his assigns.
<br /> In �itn�ss �hersof the parties have hereunto set their hands th� dap and year first
<br /> � above �ritt�n. � �
<br /> In presence of Robert J .DilI
<br /> ' D.1� .T it us Frank J.L ind�n
<br /> H.I.Lang Nora Linden
<br /> Purchaser when making payment v��ill for�vard th3s eontract to the office of Di11 & Huston
<br /> ' �rand Is3and, Nebraska,aontract will be returned properly endorsed. '
<br /> �tate of Nebraska (
<br /> :sa
<br /> Sherman Ca�:�nty ( On this 17th day of April A.D .1913 before me the undersigned D.W.
<br /> Titv.s, a Notary Public, duly comr�issioned and qualified for a►nd re$iding in said County, per-
<br /> sonal].y came Frank J.Lind�n and RTora Lind�n, his g�ife� to me known to be the identical persona
<br /> Whoee names ar� aff�ixed to the foregoing inBtrument as grantoss, , and aeknowledged said instr-
<br /> jument to be their yoluntary act and deed.
<br /> �P itness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last abo�re written.
<br /> (SEAI,) D.�.Titus
<br />, B�y comrf�ission egpires the 18th day of October 1915. Notary Pt�blic
<br />�
<br /> Fil�ct for recard April 1�, 1913 at 11.15 0� Uloek: A.M. _ '
<br /> �
<br /> Re eter o e�
<br /> � �
<br /> ArREE�EI�TT -- Sale of Real Eetat���"�'
<br /> Thira Indenture, A�ade thi� Tvrenty second day of August A.D.197.2i .
<br />�, betwe�n H.D.Xikins and A.E.Aiking, hie wif�, parties of the first part, and Phillip Stoeger
<br />� , ��
<br /> partp of the a�cond part, �GIT�tESSETH, That the party of the first part has this1°Vs�ld to the
<br /> party of the second part, the following desaribed propertp, to-wit : The 8outh Ee�st Quarter
<br /> of Section 21, Town. 12, Range 12, in Hall County, Nebraska together �ith a11 appurtenance�a
<br /> ther�to b�longing, f�r whiah th� party of the sacond part agreee to pap the sum of Twelve
<br /> Thousand Eight Hundr�d Dollars, �12, 8OU.00, papable as follows:
<br /> Cash in hand Two Thoueand Dollar�, receipt wheroof i� h�rebq acknowlodg�d, Balanca of cash
<br /> on �he First day of �arah, 1913� exc�pt a mortgage of �3000. T:zre� Thousand Dollars, now on said
<br /> land, which said e�cond party assum�s and agrees to pap as part of th� purchas• price.
<br /> Papers to be sent and paym�nt made at the Farmers State Bank of Cairo, Cairo, N�braeka.
<br /> The party of the first part is ta furnieh a warre�nty deed, a good and �ufficient abstract of �
<br /> t itl�, pay all taxes assessed again�t ss�id land, an�d if thers is a mortgage on �aid propertq
<br /> wi11 pay intexest thereon un to �dareh lat . and will give posseesicm bp Mareh lgt, 1913.
<br /> It ie nutually agread that time is an easential element in thia contraat, - and it is f�ar-
<br /> ther agre�d tha.t in case either of the parties hereto shall fail to perform the stipulationa �
<br />�
<br />