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<br /> with buildinge, gates, f enc es, vines, shrubbery, etc ., from dame�ge by fire and the depredat ione '
<br /> of aztima].s , will pay all water rent and eharges ,for gas ar el�tria light that shall become
<br /> due thereon during thie lease; that he will not permit any nniae or nuisance r•;hatever on said
<br /> premtses to the disturbance of other tenants, or do or permit anqthing on or about eaid pacemises
<br /> whieh will increase the rate of insurance; that the lessor and its agente may entsr at any time
<br /> to view and for macessary purpose. The lessee further agreee that he will in all respects
<br /> complq with the City ard�nances and requirements of the health authorities and particularlp
<br /> as to keaping said premises and the streets and alleys ad�acent thereto, free and clear from all
<br /> filth refusa and obstruetion and the step� and side�valks free from snow and ice; that I tvill
<br /> keep the buildings, glass, �ates, fences, etc ., in good rspair as the same no�v are, or may be
<br /> placed at any time bp the leseor or as often as the same shall require it, damage bp superior
<br /> force, inevitable necessity, or fire from any 4��isr cause than carelessne�s of the l��see, or
<br /> persone of my family, or in my �mplop excepted, and at the eapiration of this lease, or upon e�
<br /> breach by $aid lessee of any of the covenants herein �ontained, I will Without further notice
<br /> _ of any kiz�d, quit and surrs��er the possegsion and oecupancy of said premisea in as good con-
<br /> � ( dition as reasonabls use and natural wear and decap thereof xill permit, damage by fire as afor-
<br /> seaid, superior for�e or 3nevitable necessity e$cepted. '
<br /> And the said party of the second part '
<br /> hereby givea the said part.y of the first part a lien upon anq and all property of: the said sec-
<br /> ond partp kept in use upon said premises, to be enforced in like manner as a chatt�� mortgage
<br /> �hethsr exempt from execution or not, for all rent due or to become due bp virtue of this lease.
<br /> In �Gitness �ihereof the said parties have hereunto sub�cribed their namee on the date ab4ve
<br /> �
<br /> writ ten.
<br />; in presence of A'arp Shelhamer
<br />� • � , S.0 .Huaton Neil T .CroBbp
<br /> . Fi1ed for record April 17, 1913 at 3 .45 o 'clock P.A�. . �
<br /> � e$ s er o e
<br /> �
<br /> Contract fo4�Rea1 Estate. �'��
<br /> Art ic les of Agreement, Marde this Fourth day of April 1913, between
<br /> Fr�nk J.Linden and Nora Linden, his wife, of th� first part, and Robert J,Dill, af the second
<br /> part, i9ITNE'�SETFi, That the said part�es of the firat part, have thie day bargained e�nd sold
<br /> to the said party of the second part, the following described real es�.at�, situatect in the county
<br /> of Hall, and Stat� of Nebrask�,, to-wit:
<br /> Lot Number Eight (8) in Block Siateen in �allich' s Addition, to +�rand Island, Nebra.ska.
<br /> according to the recorded plat thereof, for the gum of One Thousand Dollars, Faur Hun�dred Dollare
<br /> of which has been paid in hand, the receipt whereof is hereby acknawledged. The remaining
<br /> principal with acc�ued interest at the rate of seven per cent per annu� shall be paid to the
<br /> • -;
<br /> party of the first part at the offiQe of Dill & Huston �rand Islanc� Nebraska, for Frank J.Lindea
<br /> �r assigns all pay�nts payabl� on or b�fore due with interest to date of payment the time�ti�.and
<br /> in the manner following, that is to sap:
<br /> � � ?�ayment C.ne Hundred Dollars on or befor.e Oct. 4th, 1913
<br /> and On� Hundred Dollar� on or before April 4th, 1914 and One Hundrad Dollars on or befose Oct.
<br /> 4th, 1924 and Cne Hundred Dollara on or before April 4th 1915 and One Hundred Dollars on or
<br /> before Oct. 4th, 1915 and One Hundred Dollars on or before April 4th, 1916 with intereet on all
<br /> deferred ?-�a,yments at the rate of seven p�r cent per annua� payablo semi-annually
<br /> . When present insurance �xpiree said second party agrees to procur� new insuran�e and make said
<br /> policy payabl� firat to said f3ret party and second to said second partp �s their ir�tereat� �y
<br /> appear at time a� loss, if any.
<br /> Now, if t h e s aid part y of th e s eo ond part, ehall pay th e s um
<br /> aa above set forth, time b�ing the eseence of thie contract, a.nd shall pay all taz�e and assess-
<br /> i
<br />�
<br />