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<br /> �11. --- AFF IDAVIT.
<br /> State af Nebraska (
<br /> :ss -
<br /> Ha13 County, ( I, A.A.Edwards, b�ing first duZq s�orn upon mp oath depose and sap
<br /> That I was the acting and qualified Receivex of the Bank of Commerce of rrand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> for several years prior ta the lst day of Janua.ry� 1903, on whiah date the aff�irs of sa3.�1 Bank
<br /> were wound up, and the Receiver thereof, diseharged. . �
<br /> That during my Receiverahip I had possession of the Books, papers and eff�ta of said :
<br /> Bank, including the Loan Register_,showing all Real Estate Loans made by said Bank.
<br /> That I have this day examined said R�gistar, an3 fi�i on Pa.&e 61, therein a record of Loan G7 ~.
<br /> being a�oan of �1000.00 made by John C . Troyer ar�3. wife B�ary J.Troyer to E13.as �.Bartles, on
<br /> Lats 4 and 5, Block 5, Russell i�heelers Adciition to �rand Island, and also a loan of I50.00
<br /> n�ade�id Troyer to said Bank of Cors��.erce� second by second Mortgage on said land and that
<br /> said Loan Regiater discloses that said S�ond Mortgage was paid ta ths Bank on December 14th,
<br /> 1892 . That said First Mortgage was paid to Elias Dd.Bartles on February 10th, 19�2.
<br /> This affiant further states that proper releases wer� gfven far eaid :+�c�rtgages at ths t�m�
<br /> of payment of said Loans, and the release of First A4ortgage recorded, but release of Second :
<br /> �lortgage �vas lost, wit�out reeord.
<br /> Thi� affiant further statee that it does not appear from the r�ordg of said Aank, ±hat
<br /> the said Bank or its Creditors have any interest in, or claim to the above described property
<br /> and that there is not now living any person authorized to issue a duplicate release therefor.
<br /> H.A.Eclwards
<br /> Subecribed in my �resence and sworn to before me this 15th day of Oetober� 19:06
<br /> (SEAL) Eli A.Barnes
<br /> �dy commission expire� �'eb. 7 1911. Notary Public
<br /> Filed far record April 1'7, 1�13 at � .15 o'clock F.�t. � /�
<br /> l/d� , •
<br /> � ! Regiater o s
<br /> � _ .
<br /> C ity Lease ^
<br />� This Agreement, D�ade and entered in�o th�s 17th day of January A.D.1913, by and
<br />�
<br /> bet�veen Mary Shelhamer of the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, of th� first part, and
<br /> Ne�il Crosby of the aecond part, WI�NES8ETH, that the said partp of the firet part hae this
<br /> ;la�r 18ased unto the party of the seaond part the following described premiges, to-wit;
<br /> known as number 403 . East Division St., 4rand Island, Nsbraska Together with all the build-
<br />� ings and improvements on the same for the term of one year from the 13th day of February, 1913,
<br /> R to the 13 day of Februarp, 1914, far the sum of Fifteen and na/10� Dolla,rs ner m�nth, payable
<br /> on the 13d day of each month in adnanae, at the regidence on de�nd.
<br /> And it i� further agreed that if any rent shall be d�e and unpaid, or if default be made in �
<br /> any of the covenants herein contained, it �hall then be lawful for anp of the said �artp of
<br /> the firet part to rs-enter the said �remises, and the partp of the se�ond pa�:.: agree to vacate .
<br /> said pr�mise�a without notica, and if�become necessary to bring action at law to recover pvssess-
<br /> n
<br /> ion, to pay a reasonable attorney�s fee thsrefor. And the said partq of the second part furthar .
<br /> a$ree to pay ths party of the first pax'� the rent as above specified. ezcept �rhen said �remiseg
<br /> are untenantable by reason of fire, from anq ather cause than carelessr_ese of the party of the
<br /> second psrt, or peraons of his family, or in his employ, or by superior force or in�vitable
<br /> - neceasity, And. the said partq of the second part covenants that I will use said premises as
<br /> a privat� dwelling and for no other puxpose whatever, and that I especiallq will not let said
<br /> premises or per�nit same to be �sed for any unlawful bua�iese or purpose whatsv�r; that I will
<br /> not sell� aesign, und.erlet, or r�linquieh sai.ci pr�mises without the written consent of the les-
<br /> sor under penalty of forfeiture of all of my rights under thi$ lease, at the el�tion of the
<br /> party of the firet part and that I �rill use all due care ar�. diligence in gu�rding said hxoperty
<br />