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<br /> Thie indenture made this lOth day of February, 1913.bq and between Charleg J.S.Trout, party
<br /> of the iirst nart, and ��ary J.Trout, party of the second ,�art, being hu$band and wife and both
<br /> regiding in �ood River, Hall County, ilebraska, �thereas divers and sundries dieputee and
<br /> unhappy differences have arisen between the partiea hereto for which reason they have consented
<br /> and agreec� and hereby da consent and agres to live separate and apar� from each other during
<br /> the continuance of their natural life.
<br /> Thsrefoxe this indenture ��ritnesseth that the said party of the first. �art in conside�ation
<br /> of the premisea and in �?ureuance t�ereof does hereby covenant, promise and agree to and with hi s
<br /> said wife that it shall and may be lawful for her his said tvife, at all times h�reafter to live
<br /> saparate and apart from him and that he shall and will a]low and permit her to reside �rhereso-
<br /> ever she may �lease �vithout let or hindrance ori his part and carry on any bu�iness, buy and sell
<br /> any groI�erty, as she may from time to time choose or think fit and that �ie will not at any time
<br /> sue or • suffer her to be �ued f or living separate and apart from-him or compel her to live with
<br /> him, or sus oz molest any other person for reCeiving, entertaining or harboring her, and that he
<br /> will not, ;�ithout her consent, visit her or kmoJringly enter any house where ehe shall reeide
<br /> and that he will make no claim to any of her �ersonal �rearing apnarel, �ewelry, furniture, fix-
<br /> ture�, dishes, trunks, or belongings which she may now have in her possession, w��e�ther the same
<br /> have been given-to her by hi�n or purchased by her, or to any personal pronerty she may hereafter
<br /> paarchase, and that she shall and may enjoy and absolutely dispose of the same� as if she were
<br /> femme sole. �
<br /> It is further agreed by and between tne parties hereto that the partp of the firat
<br /> � paxt shall pay to the party of the second part the sum of Four thousand dollars (�4000) , lawful
<br /> i
<br /> � money in cash, on or before tNenty four hours, to-wit : on or before 6 P.M. February llth 1913,
<br /> � in full of all demands of any kind or nature excent as herein •set forth. .
<br /> It is f�rther agreed that th� narty of the firs� �art shall not hereafter be responsible for
<br /> any of the debts of hie said wife, hereafter or now outstanding contracted by her and that she '
<br /> will not hereafter ask or d�nand any money or any sunport or maintainance ezcept the Four Thou-
<br /> sand dallars he-rein provided, that she will not apply to any court to compel him to live with
<br /> ner or to support her in any manner, or to cor�tinue the marital relations with her in any manner
<br /> whatever, and that she does hereby relinquish all ri�ht, title, interest and claim in and to
<br /> a11 real and pereonal property of every kind and nature �rhatsoever that he map �ossess, or which
<br /> shall be devised to him, or that he may have, bup, or p�ocure and that he shall and may enjoy
<br /> and absolutely dispose of the same, as if he were unmarried, and for the more fait:�ful carryin�
<br /> out of the above provisions tnat she shall and will upon requsst sign any mort�a�e, c?uit-claim
<br /> dseds, or any other conveyancesthat he may require, at any time in the future, to more fully
<br /> vest in him the Couth�rest quarter of section 4, township 10, north of ran�e 11, west of the 6th
<br /> I P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, and also lots 4 and 5 in block 10 in �Pallich� s Addition to 4rand
<br /> i
<br /> Island Nebraeka, hereby ratifying and confirming a deed heretofore egecuted in blank to said
<br /> � lota in �lallichs Adeiition and authorizing him 'to fill in �he name of ths grantea therein, and
<br />; releasing all and every right of every kind �vhich �ahe obtained by reaeon of the marriage vows
<br /> entered into between them.
<br /> That party of the second part further agre�s not to visit or enter any house where she knows
<br /> him to reside, �ithout hi� consent, the purpose and intent of these Articles of :�eparation being
<br /> that the part'ies hereto shall be to each othe� as if the marriage tie heretofore existing between
<br /> them had been �vholly dissolved, and they will 'b� to each other as strangere in all and every
<br /> matter whatraoever .
<br /> In �Vitnese �hereof the parties hereto have l�ereunto eet their hands in the presence of the
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