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<br /> Block 80, of the original town, now city, of �rand Island, in Fiall Caunty, Nebraska, for the pur-
<br /> � �o�e and use of erecting and znaintaining a party �all thereon with suitable and substantial
<br /> footings underneath same, extending a sufficient width on the above premises to supnort said wall.
<br /> Thi� lease include� a strip of land twelve inches wide and sixty eia feet long ( or so mueh
<br />� thereof as nay be needed for the purposes herein stated) along and off each side of the dividing
<br /> line betv�een the lv'ortherly one �ixth of said Lot 8 in said Block 80 and the center one third of
<br /> the Northerly half of said Lot' 8, in �aid Black 80 , the said nroperty and respective tract� being
<br /> owned by the above named lessors and said strips of land so leased commencing at Locust Street
<br /> . � on the East side of said Lot 8 and eatending Aesterly on the dividing line between the above
<br /> � described tracts to the ���terly boundary of said Lot 8.
<br /> This lease to continue and remain in force so long as said party wall or any extension there-
<br /> of sha11 stand or either �arty desires to maintain same.
<br /> .
<br /> The said ??arty wall to be constructed of brick or �tone including a basement wa11 not le�s
<br /> than seventeen inches thick and seven and one half feet deep s�vith substantial footings under same
<br /> not less than thirty four inches ��vide, all to be built in a solid substantial manner capable of
<br /> carryin� a building at least three stories in hei�ht if either party hereto deeires to so egtend
<br /> same.
<br /> And, Nhereas, the said first party is now ready to erect said wall along said line from
<br /> Locust Street �Desterly sixty t�vo feet, it is a�reed that 3t shall erect same along said line and
<br /> on the premises herein leased, the same to be built one half on each side of said dividing line,
<br /> ( to include a basement and �wo stories in heighth a�ove the grounc� all to be built, as above
<br /> � etated, in a good, substantial manner� and practically in accordance �vith the plans and specificat-
<br /> ion� therefor �o be prer�ared by Oscar R.Kirschke, Architeet, and 5_c�me to be built bp first �arty
<br /> at its aole char�e and expense in the first instance and to be so r�aintainsd so long as it retains
<br />� � � the sole use of same.
<br /> The first party to �ive to second party a notice in �nrriting at least
<br /> � thirty days prior to the commencement of said TNOrk af its intention so to build.
<br /> It is further agreed that the second party shall have the right, which i� hereby granted to hir�
<br /> � ta use, utilizs and en�oy said wall� or any �art thereof, and all of its facilitie�e at any time
<br /> he may elect, upon the payment to the first party of one half of the value of such part of said ,
<br /> �all ae he map, at any time use, said valua to be determined at the time when said u�e commences,
<br /> � and, in tne event said �arties cannot agree u�on the v.alue of said wall so utilized by second
<br /> �arty, they agres to each chooae one man and the two �hus choeen shall choose a third and the three
<br /> persons thus selected shall determine the value of said �vall so utilized and the compengation
<br /> to be paid therefor under the terms hereof. During tiie joint use of said wall the expense of
<br /> repaix and maintainance sha11 be e�ually borne by bath �artieg usin� and owning same in proport-
<br /> ion to said uger and ownership.
<br />, It is further agreed that, in case the f irst party doe� not, at this time� extend eaid wall
<br />�
<br /> to the 7Pesterly limit of said �remises herein leased, ( it being the intention to build only
<br /> sixty t�ro feet �Vesterly at this time), then either �arty may, after the lapse of seven years from
<br />�'� this date, eatend same alang said line on the premises herein leased to the 7Peaterly line thereof
<br />�I ' �t �'�,5 sole charge and expense during his sole use thereof under the terms and conditions herein
<br /> �rescrib�d for the building of said ?�arty wall, such extension to be, substaritially, the same a�
<br /> the r�all already existing. The other party, in such event, to ha�e the right to use and utilize
<br />�'� such extended wall by paying one half the cost thereaf under the terms herein nrov�bded and, in
<br /> case either party hereto should desirs, at any time, to erect an additional story on the building
<br /> situate on their respective �remises, such �arty snall have the Privilege to extend said wall, or
<br /> any �art thereof, another �tory high at his own cost and exp�:nae for building and maintaining
<br />�� same uuring his sole use thereof, the other Party to hane th� right, at an�' time, to utiliz� aad
<br /> i
<br />�.
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