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� <br /> ������;�. <br />; __ 561 <br /> Northerly at righ� angles 7 feet ' thence �Pesterlp ?�arallel with said alley 60 feet ' to Locust <br /> Street ' and thence Southerly 33 feet to the place of be�inning. A diagram of the premises intend- <br />� ed to be leased ig ahown on the back hereof�which is referred to and made a part hereof. <br />, <br /> TC HAVE AND T� HOLD the same to the said party of the second part from the second day of �anu- <br /> . <br /> ary � 1913' until the First day of June � 1917' .. And the said party of the second part ' in con- <br /> sider ation of the leasing of the premises herain.described� covenants and agrees to and with the <br /> firet rarty' to pay to the first party at its office in Omaha' .Nebr� as rent for the use of said <br />�l �remiaes' the sum of . FOUR THOUSAND and FIFTY (�4.050.00) DOLLAR$. ?�ayable as followe to-wit :-- <br />� � <br />. Seventy five (�75 .00) dollara per month commenci�g Jan'lst ' 1913 payable monthly in advance. <br /> The second ;�arty further covenants and agreea that it will promptly pay when due for all city <br /> water and light used and consumed during the term of this lease. It is agreed and understood <br /> , that said premises shall not be uaed f or the sale of intoxicating liquors' liver y or salee stable <br /> feed barri� storage of hay ' alfalfa' straw' combustibles or anytkt�ng ealculated to in�ure tne <br /> property o� impair the premises or adjoining pronerty. It ia further agresd and understoo_ <br /> � <br /> and is one of the conditione upon which first party rents said premisee�� that in case second <br /> Party sublets said premises or any part thereof� the'�lease �hall be in vt�riting ar.d a cory of same <br /> shall be sent first �arty at once and said leaee shall contain a provieion and condition that in <br /> Icase the Cummin�s �dotor Car Company' should fail' ne�lect or refuse to pay to first party the <br /> - � rents rierein agreed to be paid promptly �vhen same comes due then and in that case the lease made <br /> � : � by the second party to anyother rerson' firm crporation shall terminate at onae and the LiMinger <br /> � Implement Company shall have the ri�ht to the immediate possession of the premises the same as no <br /> lease had ever been made to othere by the second party. The second party furthex cavenants - <br /> � <br />' avit�t the first r�arty that at the expiration of the time mentivned in this lease or a failure on <br /> I <br />� their part to complp with the conditions herein it will yield up peacable possession of said pre- <br /> mises to first part y and place tY�e pror�erty in the same condition which it is now in the< ugual <br /> wear� inevitable acciclents and logs by fire excepted; and that upon the non payment of the said <br /> renta or any part thereof when t�ie same is above �romised to be paid or upon the violation �r <br /> non fulfillment of any of the covenante of this lease� the said party of the fir$t part ' map at <br /> its election deelare this lease at �n end and recovex possession as if the same was held by forc- <br /> � ible detainer' or any o�a� '�iolding under it hereby waiving any notice of euch elaction,� or any <br /> demand for the possession of said prenises . I+ is further agreed and underatood .that the first <br /> party will not be responsible for any repairs: but that the second party shall at. their own �exp- <br /> - ense �;eep up all re�airs in the same condition which they are now found' and the first party will <br /> not be responsible to the second party for the heating of the premises' :breaking o=F freezing. of <br /> sewer or water pipes and the second �arty agreee that they will look to the oAner of the prer��;seg <br /> for the heating of the pro�erty and all breakage and repairs. It is further agreed and under- <br /> �tood that the first party shall in no manner be liable to the second garty for anp loss by fire <br /> or injurp to their business in caae a fire should oecur but that in all matters of thie character <br />� . <br />, <br /> they ghall look to the owner of the �remises anci rely u�on him plac�.ng the property in a tenant- <br /> � . able condition. <br /> ( The covenants herein contained shall extend to and be binding upon �;he partiee <br /> hereto' their heirs' administrators' executorstsuccessore and adsigns. <br /> �itness the hands of the parties aforesaid. Zin�nger Implement Co�npan�_ <br /> Att�st, �f,H.Hsad�,���taYY ( corp seal,� B F.L.Ha�11er ; _� Pr�eeident . <br /> - �._ .3':_ <br /> • =-- Attest Frank Dahlst�n�' ( or�) ; Cum�ni.ngs �dotor Ca,r Company,' ~� <br /> �Yitnesses �.fi.Q�loy� Se�retary � �$�a1} �� By B.2.Cummings,' Pre�sident <br /> :State of A1ebrA�ka ( <br /> :es <br /> Douglas County. ( 4n this 7th day of January 1°13 before me Jennie V.Bressman a notary <br /> pub�.ic duly commissioned, qualified for and residing in said countp, personal�y came F.L.Haller <br />