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<br /> CITY LEASE.� � �
<br /> 'This Article of A�reement, nlade and entered into this 31 day of December A.D.1912
<br />�� by and between Jacob �Pir�dnagel of the County of Hall and S�tate of Nebraska, of the first part
<br /> ( and �P.C.Bayne of the seco�.d, part . �ITNESSETH� .that the said party of the first part has this
<br /> dap leased un�o the party of the second part the follov�ing described premises, to-wit:
<br /> The second story ( divided into eixteen rooms ) of the �Gwo pronertiea at 314 and 316 �Pest 3rd
<br /> Streat, �rand Island, Nebraska, s3tuated on the East 44 ft°�Lot 6, �lock 57, Original To�rr� now
<br /> Citq of Grand Island. Together with all the buildinge and imprQVements on the same �or the
<br /> term of five yeare from the firat day of January 1913, to t�3e first dap of January 1918, for the
<br /> sum Qf Sixty Five no/100 (�65 .00} Dollars per month� payable on the fi�st day of each month in
<br /> � advance And It Is Further Agreed that if any rent shall be due and unpaid, or if default be
<br /> made in any of th� covenants herein contained, it shall then be lawful for anp of the $aid part_
<br /> of the first part to re-enter the said premigee, and the party of the second part agreee to vac- -
<br /> . ate said premises without notice, and if it become necessary to bria� action at law to recover
<br /> : . posseseion, to pay a reasonable attorney's fee therefor. And the said partp of the second part
<br />�� further agress to pay the party of the first part the rent as above epecified.
<br /> except when said premises are untenantable by reason of fire, from any other cause than care-
<br /> leseness of the paxty of the secand part, or persons of his family or in his employ; or by sup-
<br /> erior force or inevitable recassity. And the said party of the second part covenante that he
<br /> �ill use said premises as a rooming hou�e and for no other purpose �rhatever, and that esneciallp
<br />, � will not let said premises, or permit the same to be used for any unlawful businese or rurpose ,
<br /> whatsoever; that h� will not sell, assign, underle� or relinq�ish said premises without the
<br /> � written consent of the lassor under genalty of forfeiture of all his rights under this lease, at
<br />� � the election of the �arty of the first part and that he will use a11 due care and diligence in
<br /> Ili guarding said property, with buildings, gates, fenees, vines, ahrubbery, etc ., f-rom damage �y'�:,
<br /> . fire and the depredations of animals, will pay ell water rent and chargee for gas or electric
<br /> light that shall become due thareoa d�as�ng this lease; that he will r�ot permit any noise or
<br /> nt�i$,ance whatever on saic� premises to the disturbance of other tenants, or do, or permit ar_y-
<br /> thing on ar about said premise�s which will increasethe rate of insurance; that the les�or and ite
<br /> � agents may enter at any time to view and for any necessary pvrpose. The lessee further agreee
<br /> that he will 3n a11 reBpeets comply with the city ordinances and requirements of the health
<br /> au�horitt�s, and particularly as to keeping said premises and the streets and alleye ad�acent
<br /> ther�to free and clee�r from all filth, refu�e and ob�truction and the steps and aidewalks free
<br /> from er�o� and ice; that he will keep the buildin�s, glass� gates, fences, etc ., in good re�air
<br /> a� the sam� are noW, or ma3� be placed at any time by the le�sor, or as often as the same shall
<br /> require it, damage by euperior farce, inevitable necessity, or fire from e�# o�ser cause than
<br /> careleesne�8 af the lessee or persons of his family, or in his er�plop escepted, and at the ezpir-
<br /> ation of tht$ leaee, or upon a breach by eaid leasee o� any of the covenantg herein contained,
<br /> � will without further notice of an kin uit and surrender the osses�ion and occu�ancy of �aid
<br /> � , Y d, 4 P
<br /> premises in as good condition as reasonable use �nd natur al we.ar and decay thereof will permit
<br /> damage bp fire ,as aforesaid, superior force or 3nevitable necessity excepted.
<br /> And the said party�of th� second part herebp gives the sa�d party of the first part a lien upon
<br /> /
<br /> anp and all property of the said second party kept or in use upon said premises, to be enforced ,
<br /> � in like manner as a chattel moxtga.�e, whether exempt from e$ecution or not, for all rent due or
<br /> to become due by vir�ue of this lease.
<br /> In �Pitnese Ahereof the said parties have hereunto suUscribed their names on the date above
<br /> � written.
<br /> In Presence of Jacob �Iindnagel
<br /> Z .R.Alter Jr., �P.C.Bapne
<br /> �
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