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<br />� ��
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<br />� Ct3NTRACT AND LEASE. '
<br />� �
<br />''� This cdntract and lease made and entered into this 20th day of October, 191C?, by �and bet�een Qeorge B.
<br />,' Bell o.f Cc�ok County, Illinois, hereinafter "Leasor", and +George H.�ade of Hall County, 1Gebraska �
<br /> hereinafter the "Lsssee", witnesseth.
<br /> First : That for and in consideration of the rentals to be pai.d and the ,covenants and � ,
<br /> conditions to be kept and psrformed by the said lesaee to and with the said iessor, as hereina�ter
<br /> atated the said lesaor hereby rents and leases of the said leseae, who, or�is par�, lea�es from .
<br /> �
<br /> the said lassflr, Lot Number Thrse in Block Number Thirtp-nine in the original to�.i ( now �citp.) of �
<br /> �rand Islandj Hall County, Nebraska, for the period of five years, 'commencing November le.t,�1910,
<br /> .
<br /> Ij and ending October 31st, 1915, subject to an earlier terminatiori as hereinafter set forth.
<br /> I�� Second: Aa rental therefor the said lesaee agreee and is to pap to the said lesec�r, � or
<br /> assignB� the sum of Fifteen (�15.00) Dollars per month for each and every month during $aid term, �
<br /> same to�payable in advan�e on tha firet day of sach and everp month at the office of the Grand
<br /> Igland Natianal Bank in �'rand Island, Nebraska. � , •
<br /> Third: Said premises are leased� e$presslq for the purpose of allo�ring the aaid leg$ee
<br /> to er�ct thereon a building to use and occupy same for a $ka�ing r.ink or similar entertainment°
<br /> purposes, and ,it is expressly understood that .same cannot be used for any illegal or illegitimate
<br /> purpose whatever, and that no �ambling or like pr actices shall be allowred thsreon. Said buildin
<br /> is to be erected at the sole charge and e$pense of lessee, and maintained at his sole charge, '
<br /> under the regulation of the ordancea and requirements• of the city of �3rand Island, and of the
<br /> r
<br /> State of N�braeka, ragulating such �buildings, and said leasee sha11 have the privilege of- �ema�zing,
<br /> same at the end of this lease, providecl all rentals due to lessor are paid at such time, otherwise
<br /> the �aid lessor to have a lien thereon for such unpaid rentals, and provided further that such
<br /> .
<br /> xemoval shall be made without damage or injurq to the freehold, and that when removed the said
<br /> premises are to be lsft in the sa�e conaition as when taken over by said lesaee.' In no evsnt
<br /> c an said lessse contract any liens or inewnbr ances upon said premises or against eaid lessor,
<br /> and said lesses is to pay for all charges for public utilities, sueh as water, lighte and gas,
<br /> used by him thereon and hold lessor a.�d hig premises har mless therefrom.
<br />� Fourth: It is further agreed that the prompt payment of the rental� herein reserved at
<br /> t�e timee and in amounts haxein �et forth shall be cons3dered the esesnce of this leaee, and any
<br /> failure on the part of the lessee to make such �ayments promptly ehall, at the option of the lesso
<br /> void this lease and entitle lessor to take possesgion of said premises, but such aetion shall no�
<br /> ,
<br /> re3.�ase said lessee from any of the obligations by him herein assumed. It is fur-ther ��ee� '
<br /> that said lessee cannot assign this leaee nor sublet said premisee or any part thersof without �
<br /> �he written conaent of the lessor, and any attempt so to da wiil void thig lease at the ontion '
<br /> of leaeor. .
<br /> Fifth: As a part of. the con�ideratian of this lease and eontract, and for the further
<br /> consicieration of �ne Dollar in hand paid by les�es to lessor� les�or hereby gives to the said
<br /> lessee an ogtian to purchase the above described premisss� at anp time within twelve m�onths from
<br /> ana after November lst, 1910, fcDr the eum of �3, 000� cash, to be paid to said leseor, and u�on the
<br /> payment of said sum at the rrand Ssland National Bank in �rand Island, Nebrask�, within twelve
<br /> �rionths from 1+Tovem'aer lst, 1910, les�or a.grees to make, execute and deliver to said lessee a good
<br /> and sufficient warranty desd therefor with abstract of title showing good marke�able tit3e ±heret
<br /> free of liene and encumbrances. If, hosvever, the lessee does not exercise this option of pur-
<br /> chase on or befoxe November lst, 1911 then it shall absolutely cease and end at said time without
<br /> any declaration ox notice on the part of lessor, and all rights to purchase said premises at �aid
<br /> price of �3, �i�0 sha11 thereon end.
<br />