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T : ' � <br /> 5�4 <br /> _ __ _ . <br /> be forfeited and c�etermined, ar.d the �axties of the seconcl part shall forfeit all payments by the - <br /> r.ade on tr�is cantract, ar.d such payments shall be retained by the: �arties of the first part in <br /> fuZl satisfaction of all damuges by them sustaine� and ths �iarties of the first �art shall have <br /> the ri�ht to re-enter ar_u take possession of the Premises aforesaid faaithout formal notice . - <br /> It is further mutually a�reed that all covenants and agreements r�erein contained �hall ex- <br /> tend to and be binc�ing urnn the heirs, execu�ors,. ana ad.ministrators ana assigns af the respact- <br /> ive r�arties. <br /> In 'Nitness i9hereof the �arties to these ?�resents have hereunto set their nanc�a and <br /> seals the day anu y=ear f�rst above ��ritten. , � <br /> Oc tober 22nd 1912 . A�ar ia A.Baurzann <br /> Au�ugt J.Baumann <br /> Signed ar_d Sealed in Presenc� of Patrick �i .Donovan <br /> G .I� .Brinin�er. �iaude Pd.Donovan <br /> Filed for record CctoUer �3, 191G at 11.20 01 clock A.&t. ,����� . <br /> e�ister needs <br /> -o-o-�.:�-c-o-o-o-o-"-�-a-o-a-o-c-o-o-e-c-�-e-o-c-o-e-c-e-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o-o-o-o-o- <br /> AGtZEEI+�ENT, �..,.. <br /> �ierioranclum af Agreement, �dade and entar�d into tY�is 9th day of SeptemUer, 1912, by <br /> ancl betti�veen The Koehler Hotel Cor�.�any, a corr�or�ti�n of �rand Island, Nebraska, party of thP firs <br /> ;�"' - <br /> * 4 <br /> ;?art, and th� arand Island Hotel Company, a corporation of Jrand Island, Nebraska, narty of the : - <br /> second part� NITNESS�TH: Tha�t, �Frhereas, the ?�arty of the first part is the ot�ner of the TZorth- � <br /> erly G8 feet of Lots 1 and 2 and th� Easterly 33 feet of Lot 3 and the 7Gesterly 44 feet of tr�e <br /> Soutric�rly ^04 feet of said Lot 2, all in Block 56, of the original town , no±�v city, of rrand Island� <br /> Hall ��unty, Nei�rask� and to �,�rhich said pramises �he party of the secnnd part is tenant of the <br /> party of the first �art under a ti�rritten lease 'petween the r�arty of the first �art and Oliver A„ -�+! <br /> . . . . N� y�� ' <br /> r��cClintoek and r.N.Selby� pearing date :�ay lst, 1909, anci expiring Anril 30th, 1919, the party -'' <br /> h of �ha seconci part hereto usin� the assignee of the Lessees named in said Lease, and, 7Phereas, <br /> Iby the ter�s of said .arritten lease the 'c�oiler for furnishin� heat ana hot water for saicl premises <br /> is to be kept in repair by the party of tne first pax't during the Zife of said Iease, anci <br /> i�lie-reas, tne ;aarty of the second rart is de�irous to havs the r�arty of the first part to install <br /> in said buil.uir_g an adciitivnal boiler to tre one now in use therein with a view that t�vo boilers <br /> �::e kept for use in the 'puilding on said ;�rsr:iises, ancl, <br /> i�;nereas, tne party of the first part ie ��villing to install an additional boiler in said build <br /> ing� ancl ta prone-rly re?�air anci re-set the boiler now in said building and to connect the t�vo <br /> raith a header, upon conclition that the narty of the second nart �rill keep sa3d boilers in repair <br /> durin� the rsmainder of the lease t�r�?er -lhich it is now holding said ?�remises, �t its own prop�r <br /> cost an1 expvnsa� not:�rithstan�ling tha provision contained in said original lease re�uirin� the � ° <br /> narty of the first nart to keep the '�oiler in re�air� <br /> id�A� THE�FORE� it is hereby stipulated anc� agreed by and betaveen the parties hereto that <br /> tne party of the first �art sh�ll re-set ancl re�air the o2d 'poiler nov� in sa�.d building and insta 1 <br /> in said building a r.e4v boiler, all to be done substantially in aecorclance �rith the s�ecifications <br /> hereto attached, malked "Exhi'pit A" ancl made a part hereof . The installing of said ne�v boiler - <br /> ar_d the re-settin� ancl repairing of the o1c1 one to be co�menced with all reasonable dispatch and <br /> cor:ipleted EFrith out unnacessary delay and al1 to be ctone at the proper cost and expense of tne <br /> �arty of the first �art . � <br /> In Con�ideration thereof� the �arty of the second part agrees that, after <br /> said ne�� boiler has '�een so installed and the ald one so re-set ancl renairea, to keep saicl boiler <br /> in good state of repair� ut its own r�rof�er cost and a�aense� during the xemaincler of the neriod . <br /> for :�hich tney are holdin� said �re�nises undar the �rasent lease, nrovided, how�ver, that, in the <br /> event e�aid uoilers, or either of tizem, should becor�e so inca�acitated as to be unfit for use� a <br /> ne� boiler is to be installed in the �alace of the old one by the narty of the first v�art at its <br /> o�rn nro?�er cost ancl exrenso� and :�rhen so installed is thereaf+er to be kept in a �ood state of <br /> i <br />