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<br />�' 543
<br /> i
<br />'' - --- --- -- _ _ _ ____ _---___ _ ----- ____ _ _ ___ . ___ ____ _____-- -
<br /> That upon November lst, 1911 a certain lease was entered into by and between the Bradstreet &
<br /> Clemens Compa,r�y, a corporation, pa,rty of the Pirst paxt, and Walker & �31ain, a Co-partnership,
<br /> paxty of the second pa.rt , whereby and by the terms whereof the said party of the Pirst pa,rt leaseQ
<br /> to the said party of the second pa.l t lots Pour (�+) and five (5 ), Block eighteen (1S ) Evan's Add-
<br /> ition to Grand Island, NebrasKa, for the period oP ten yea.rs co�nencing November lst, 1911, at
<br /> the option of the Directors of th� s�;id The Bra,dstreet & C1Qmens Compar�y for a rental price oP
<br /> 3ixt3r dollars per yeax payable semi-annually, together �vith other provisions and reservations and
<br /> conditions, all as in said lease set out which said lease was duly recorded in the ofPice of the
<br /> Register of Deeds of Hall� County, Nebraska in Book �2, of Miscellaneous records at pa.�e 512 :
<br /> NOt� �HEREFORE in consideration of trie sum of One Hundred and no�100 dollars in hand paid, the
<br /> receipt whereof is hereby acknovlledged, the said Walker � Blain, a co-partnership, do her�by assig
<br /> all their right, title, interest and claim oP every kind whatsoever in and to the lease hereinabov
<br />� described and rePerred to unto Henry H�.rry, his heirs and assigns, and in consideration of thi�
<br />` assignment the saic� H�nry Harry h�reby assumes and agrees to ma,ke all payments and perform each
<br /> �nd all of the conditions oP the said described le�.se ti�rhich were origin�lly to be flone and perPorm d
<br /> by���the said WaTker & Blain..
<br /> Tn�witnesseth vYhereo2' we_ have hereunto set ou�" hand in the pre�ence of the undersigned this 19th d .
<br /> of' October, 1912. .
<br /> Walker & Blain
<br /> WITIT�S
<br /> bV A.J.Walker ;
<br /> Ba.yard R.Paine
<br /> Henrv Harry
<br /> E ffiiner �
<br /> Biled for reeord on the 22nd day of October 1912 at 3:20 oclock P.M.
<br /> . �
<br /> e�;ister o2' Dfle
<br /> -o--o--o -o-o-o-o-a-o-eo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o--�
<br /> �,
<br /> Articles of agree��ent made this 22nd day of October, 1912 b;T and between tJaria A.Bauman�
<br /> and Augus t J.BaLUnann, ari f e and Yiusbancl, parti e s of t he f ir st part, and Patr i ck �P.Donovan and ?.tat?d
<br /> i�.�onnvan � parties of t�ie second �;art; �PITTIE�SETH� Tiiat said rarties of +,he �first r�art hereby ,
<br /> correnant and a�ree that if the parties of the second p�.rt shall first make tne pay�ents ar_d �er-
<br /> fo�m the cover.ants here.ir:after mentioned on their �arts to be made and performed, the saici parties
<br /> of the first �art avill convey an�i assure to tne parties of the second part, in fee simple, clear
<br /> of all encumbrances .vhatsoever� by good and suffici�nt warranty deed, the follotiving lot, �iece,
<br /> and parcel of grounc�, viz. ; Lot 3, Block 6, H.G.C1ark' s Adclitian. Anci the parties of the second
<br /> �ast hereby covenant ana agree to pay the saicl parties of the first part the sum of �2800 .00.
<br /> Parties of the first part having appliecl, throu�h The Enuit Gble Building and Loan Association
<br /> for a loan on this �aror�erty for :�1800 .00 at the request of the narties of the second gart, said
<br /> r�ties of the second nart herei�y ugree to keep up tr.e nayrnents at the rate of �25.20 rer month
<br /> ,
<br /> ta the said £uilding and Loan Associ�tior� ancl to exe^ute a promissory note for ��1000 .00, bearin�
<br /> even date herevrith, �rith intere:t at 6� per annum, rayable quarterly, ana payable �vithin 5 years '��
<br /> from date� or at any time k�efore when a sufficient surn has been paid in on The Equitable Bu�clin.�
<br /> and Loan Assoeiation loan of �1800 .00 �rhen a re-laan may be made in orcier to ray said parties of
<br /> I the first part in full.
<br /> The �arties of the secona nart further agree to pay all taxes and assessments or impositions
<br /> - th�t may r�e legall,y levied , or imposed upon said pro}aer.tp, and in case of failure of parties of
<br /> '�he second part to ma�ce either of tY�e �ayments or to perform aryo uf the covenar�ts on their paz't s
<br /> h�reby made ar.d entered into, this contract shall, at the option of the narties of the first part
<br />� '
<br />