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----�— _ -�, <br /> i <br /> 52�3 <br />, <br />� <br />� <br />, <br /> DECREE. <br /> BE IT REMEM�ERED That on this 12th ciay of Sentember, A,I�.1912� tbat being one of the d s <br /> of the Juna Term 1912� of the Di�trict Court of the Eleventh Judicial District .of the State of <br /> Nebraska, within and for the County of Hall� held at the C�urt House in the City of r rand Island, :; <br />, <br /> before Honoxal�le James N.Paul one of the Juages of the said Di�trict, the follot�ing arrong other <br /> I''�� <br /> �aroceedings ��rere had in the words and figures following to-�rit:- <br />� In the District Court of xail Gounty, Nebraska. <br /> J.E.Dill and S.C.Hustor�, � <br /> vs - . <br /> Annie Florence 7Pilson �3owen, Eugene 3679. DECRLE <br /> �ells Bowen, her husband, Eugene V�arren <br /> �Vilsor3 Ella �il�� his wife. <br /> " Now on this ciay this cause came on to be heard , the <br /> plaintiffs appearing in person anci by France, & France, their attorneys� and the Court fiMds that <br /> the defenciants, Annie Florence 7Pilson Bowen, Eugene �Pells Bower� Eugene i�arren �Pil�or� Ella �Pilso <br /> and each of them have been duly served �tith notice of the pendency of this action �►nd that said <br /> defendants and each of them are in default for ansvver, demur or other pleadings and the default <br /> of said defendants arc� each of them ie hereby taken and entered. <br /> And thie c ause coming on fur�her to be hea�d upon the Petition of the p].aintiffs ar_d the . <br /> evide�tce and the Court being fully advised in the premises, finda that the allegations of said pl : <br /> intiffs' �•etition true . Tne Court further finds from the evidenee that the defendantg� <br /> Annie Florence 7�ilson Bo�ren, Eugene i�arren �Pilson� and Ella �lilsan and each of them have actual <br /> knowledge of the nendency of this euit . The Court further finds that on the day of Octob <br /> 1906, One �eter �Pilson departed this life intestate ar_d that at the time of his death he was a <br /> resicient of the State of Kentucky; that he left no wido� surviving him ar.d that he left surviving <br /> . him, as his heirs at law and his sole and on:2y heirs at lav�, the follo�ring named �erson�� to-�vit : <br /> the aefendants Anrie Florence �131son �owen, a daughter, and Eugene �Darren �Yilsoz� a son, and one <br /> Laura Alice i�ilson Tuall, a daughter� and one �i�urice S.�ilson, a son, and one Carl Elmo �ilson, <br /> i sor� ar:d none �thers; that, at the time of his death, the said Peter �Ii1sC►n was seized as the <br /> owner in fee simrle of the following ctescribed re�l estate situ.ated in the Caunty of Hall and 8tate : <br /> of Nebraska� to wit: All that part of Sectian Number Three (3), in Township Number Eleven (11} <br /> North of Range Nun�ber Nine (�), 3Vest, of the 6th P.P�. lyin� east of the right af wap of the Orr�aha <br /> � Republican Valley Railraad Company, exc epting the Southeast Quarter of the $outheast �uarter of ' <br /> saicl Section T'r.ree (3} and excepting tNenty aeres in the Southeast corner of the South�rest quarte <br /> af said Section Three (3), �rhich said twenty acres is bounded on the East by the center line of <br /> said section, on the South �y the South line of said Section, on the We�t by the right of way of e . <br /> Orlaha & Republican Vall Railroad Company ar.d extending North go far as is necessary to include <br /> said twenty acres and which said twenty acrea is now known and deseribed as Lot Number Four of <br /> Ailean'� Subdivision. <br /> The Cau�t furt her finds that prior to the death of the said Peter �ils <br /> ASarie E.�9ilson, �rife of tlie said Peter �ilson� denarted t�is life intestate and, at the tiMe of h r <br /> 4eath, she ��as a resident of �the Sfate of Kentucky; that the said �Iaxie E.�il�on left surviving <br /> �er as her heirs at law and her sole ar.d only heirs at law� �daurice S.3Pilson and Carl Elmo �ilson, <br /> her sons, and that, at the time of the cieath of the said 2�arie E.�ilaor� she was the lawful wife <br /> of the said Peter Nilson; that the said Maxie E.i�ilson, at the tir�ie of her death was seized as <br /> o�rner in f ee sim�le of the following described real estate $ituated in �he County of Hall and Sta <br /> of P�ebrask� to=�rit:- �4ren�y acres in the Southeast corner of the Southweat quarter of Section <br /> ;VTu�:ber Triree (3), in Totivnship Nuraber Eleven (11), Idorth of Ran�e Number Nine (9)�_ �esr � of the ot <br /> Principal Meridian, ar.d said tv�enty acres is bounded on the Ea,st by the center line of said <br /> sectior� on the South by the South line of said Sectior� on the 3�est by the Ea�t line of the righ <br /> of �vay af the Omaha & Re��ublican Valley I�ailroaa Cor�?any and extenas North so far as to f�ncluae <br /> .�=. <br /> twenty acree anci is now known ar.d cisscribed as Lot Four (4) of �ilson' s Subdivision. <br />