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<br /> ._ _ ______ _
<br /> of the covenants herein conta.ined, it dhall then b� lawPul for any oP the said party oP the Pirst
<br /> part to re—enter th� said premises, and the party of' the second part agr��s to vacate said pr�mi� s
<br /> without notic�, and if it become necessary to bring action at law ro recover posaession, to pay a
<br /> rea�onable attorney's fee therefor. And the said party of the �econd part further agr�es �o pay
<br /> the party of the Pirst part the rent as above �pecified.
<br /> Thi� 1ea,se 1� not a�signable except by eon�ent of 1ea�or in writing but l�ssor agrees not t0
<br /> withc��.d���hi� consent Prom ar�y �ssignment t4 a good responsibl� party desiring to usE same t'or
<br /> m�rcantile purposes. Rent to be paid except when said premi�es are untenantable by reason oP fire
<br /> from an,y other cause than carel�s�ne�s �f the party oP the �econd part, or per�ons oP his family
<br /> vr in hi� employ; or by superior Porce or inevitable necessity. • ,
<br /> And the sa.id party di the second part covenant tha,t he will us� �a.id premi�es a� a store and for -
<br /> no oth�r purpose whatever, and that he especially �ill not let �a,id premi�e�, or permit the sam�
<br /> to be used Por ar�y unla�rf'�1 bu�iness or purgose whatsoever: that he will not sell, assign, und�rl t
<br /> or relinqui�h said premi�es without the writt�n consent o2' the le�s�r under penalty oP Porf�iture
<br /> of a11 hi� rigrit� under this lea�e, at the �lection of the party o2' the fir�t part arid that he wi 1
<br /> use all due care and diiigence in guarding �aid property, with b�.ildings, gat��. Penc�s, vines,
<br /> shrubber�, etc. , Prom dama,ge by fire and the depredatic�ns of animal�, will pay all water r�nt and
<br /> charges Por gas or electric light that �hall become due thereon during this lease; that he 1�111 n t
<br /> permit any noi�e or nuisa.nce whatever on said premi�es to the disturbanee �P bther t�nant�, or do �
<br /> .
<br /> Qr permit ar�ything on or about �aid premises which will inerease the rate of in�urance ; that the
<br /> lessor and it� agenta may ent�r at ar�y time to view and Por and neces��.ry purpese. The les�ee
<br /> further agrees that he will in all respec�s comp],y with trie city ordinances and requirements oP
<br /> the health authorities, and particularly as to keeping �aid premi�es and the str�et� and alley�
<br /> ad��.cent th�reto Pree and clear from all filth, refu�e and obstruetion and the steps and sidewalk
<br />, 2'ree from snow and ice; that ne will keep the buildings, glass, gatea. fence�e, etc. , in good repa r
<br /> as the same are now, or may be pla.ced at any time by th� lessor, or a� aPten as the same �hall
<br /> r�quire it, dama,ge by superior f orce, inevitable necessity, or fir� 2'rom ar�y otner cauge than
<br />' car elessneas oP the lessee or per�ons oP his Pamily, or in hi� employ excepted, and at the expira ion
<br /> oP this 1ea.se, or upon a breaeh by �aid lessee � oP ax�y of th� covena�t$ herein contained he will
<br /> without Purtrier notice of any kind, quit and surrender the po��e�si�n and occupancy of said pr�mi es
<br /> in as good condition as rea,sonable u�e ar�d natural wear and decay th�reof will permi�, damage by
<br /> Pire as at'oresaid, superior fore� or inevitable neces�ity excepted.
<br /> And the said party af the second p�.rt hereby gives the �aid party �f the Pir�t paxt. a lien up0n and all
<br /> property of the �aid second party kept or in use upon said premise�, to b� enPorced in like marin�
<br /> as a chattel mortgage, whether exempt Prom execution or Mot, Por all rent due �r to become due by
<br /> virtue of this lease.
<br /> It is agreed that the time oP this lease may be ex�ended Por thre� (3 ) years F�om �ay 20" �1913 a
<br /> same renta,i by less�� giving written notiee �,t least 30 days bePore B�ay 20u�1913
<br /> IN WITNESS 1�;REOF the said parties h�ve hereunto �ub�crib�d �heir name� on the date above writte .
<br /> In presenc� of � �.R�nieK
<br /> W.A.Prince Jesse Clemerr�s
<br /> State oP Nebraska )
<br /> )ss.
<br /> ` Hall County ) On this 20" day of' May A.D.1911 before me W.A.Prince a Notary Publie,
<br /> dul� eoanni�sioned and qualified Por and residing in �aid �3ounty, personally eame M.Renick the
<br /> 1�S80Y'' �Sld Je3$2 Clemens the lessee to me known to be th� identieal persons whose name�. are afPi d
<br /> to the foregoing lease as lessor and le��ee; and acknowledged said in�trument to be their volunta.r -
<br /> act and deed.
<br /> Witnes� _�qy h�.nd and Notarial Seal this 20" day ar �ay z9ii
<br /> �r eommission �xpire� trie 3�+ day or JuMe 191�+ W.A.Prince
<br /> (SEAI,) Notary Public �
<br />� . � �
<br /> � __..--- _�_. �
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