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. ,,. .,! <br /> ��t_7 . <br /> �upport and mainta3na,n.ce and if the same be in�uPFicient, srie, the �aid Marie yilienthal her�by r�ee <br /> to use of the af oresaid p�rsonal prQperty such thereof a� shall be n�cessary� for her �upport and <br /> maintainanc�, and that if the �aid rental� a.nd the �a�id personal property �hould prove insufflcie t <br /> Por the aforesaid purposes, and it �riould be so determined by the aPoresaid tru�t�e�, or their <br /> succe�sors, then and in that event, and in that event on]�, ar� th� said trustees hereby authoriz d <br /> and empowered to ��11 �he, the said grantor �oining therein, so mueh and �uch parts of the said <br /> B1ocK� 3, 5 an8 8, Plea,aant Home Subdivi�ion and Addition to the City of Grand I�la,nd, <br /> FOUR <br /> Nebr�.�ka, and the said Zot Triree, in Block 10�+, Railroad Addition to the City oP Grand I�land, <br /> Nebraska, as ma�be necessary for the support and maintainance of the ��.id Marie Z3.1.ientha,l ot and� <br /> during her natural liPe. <br /> And that upon the death of the said ��arie Zilientha�., tYle said trusteE� �fore�aid, or their s�uc- <br /> cessars, �hall, by a �;ood a,nd suffiot��t de�d, cmnvey the said �locKa 3, 5 and 8, in Plea�ant <br /> Home Subdivision ax�.d Addition to the City oP Grand Island, Nebraska, and the said Lot Three, in . <br /> Block 104, Railroad Addition to the s�.id City of Grand Island, Nebra.�ga, each as afare�aid, to <br /> the Henry Zilienthal, hi� heirs or �,ssign�, anci the said Cathaxine SchaaP, or her heirs or <br /> a�sign�, and Adela Wi�se, or her heirs or asaign�, in fee, aub�ect to the aPeresaid conditione, <br /> and power of the said trustees, and trielr�uccessors, to dispose thereoP as hereinbePare provided. i <br /> And in consideration thereoP, the said Henry Lilienthal, Catharine Schaa,f, and Ad�la Wie•��, hereb <br /> agree and do surrender any and al1 right, titl� and interest they may have in and to th� estate o the <br /> said Henry Lilienthal, deceased, except that herein conveyed to tne said �ruatees, and to take no <br />; <br /> action tivhatever looking to the �ettiz'�;rasid� the decr�e r�ndered in the County Court, pr.obating <br />, the �aid t�ill, af the �aid decea�ed, or taking a,ny action looking to the �etting aside mr anullme t <br />; a <br /> oP the said will, each hereby rati�2'ying and confirming the said �udgment and d�cree rend�red by <br /> I <br />� the said County Court, and each el�cting to take and receive the said block� and lots to b� deede <br />� to the �aid trustees a� aPoresaid, and under the conditions herein afore�aid a� their respective " <br /> �hares of the property o1' the said deceased. <br /> It is further agr�ed that if one oP the s�,id trustees should die, or by some Court, having ` <br />: �uri�diction, be removed from the �aid trust, that �hen and in that event, the remaining trustee <br />� ahall have and is hereby given Pull and complete authority to carry out the provi�ian� of the ; <br />� af ore�aid trust a� herein provid�d. <br /> FIVE - <br /> IZJ' WITNESS WHEREOF TI-� PARTIES hereto have hereunto set th�ir x�e�pective ha,nds this 3rd day oP <br />� June, 1912, at Graxid Isla.nd, Hall County, Nebraska. + <br /> Mari� Lilienthal <br />' �itne�s to Mari� Lilienthal, J.L.Clea.r Henrv I,ilienthal <br />� �ora Zilienthal a <br /> Witness to signature oP Henry I,ilienthal, Henr�' Schaa�' . � <br /> j Dora Zilienthal, Henry Schaa.P, Catharine h�r <br /> SchaaP, AdEla Wiese, and Wm.H.Wie�e, � Catharine X Schaa2' <br /> including the mark oP Cath�'1�� SchaaP mark ____ <br /> and. the mark oP Adela Wiese. h�r <br /> Adeliah X Wiese # <br /> w.H.Thom'p s on mar7� <br /> . wrn.�i.wi�se � <br /> We, the a,bove named trustees, at the request of the respective parties to the foregoing contract, � <br /> e <br />' hereby �,ccept the aforesaid trust and pledge, to the said contracting; parties a� their intere�t � <br />� may appear, our fai�hful di�charge thereof. <br />�_ . <br /> � . <br /> Dated thi� 3rd d�,y of June, 1912, � <br /> John Sass <br /> Philli'p Sandere <br /> Filed for record on the 19tn �ay of Auguat 1912 at �+:30 o�c1�eK P.M. <br /> , <br /> � Re�i�ter oP Dee : <br />�_ _ _ <br />