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� �'����� �93 <br /> tims they may eleet, upon payment to the said George Ba.rtenbacri of one half of the value o1' such - <br /> part of said wall as said parties of tri� first p�.rt ma�r at any time use, such value to be determi d <br /> at the time when saic� use .commences, and in�vent the parties hereto cannot a,gree upon the value <br /> of said wall, so utilized by the pa,rties o�' thE first part, they agree to each choose one man and,::�.��- <br /> ->,, - <br /> the two thus chosen shall choose a third and the three persons thus electeci shall determine the <br /> value of said wall so utilized. During the �oint use of said wall the expense of repair� and <br /> � <br /> main��rianee sha11 be equally b orne by both parties using and owning the sanle. <br /> � It is further understood and agreed th�t in the event the partiea oP the �econd part do not at thi <br /> time extend �aid wa.11 to the Northerly limit oP the premises hereby leased, either party may at <br /> � any time, extend said wall along s�.icl line as Par as he may desire, at his sole charge and expense <br /> during his sole use thereof, under the terms and conditions herein prescril�ed for the building oP <br /> ` sa,id party wall, any such extension shall be built substantially, to corre�pond with �rie wall <br /> already in exi�tenee and in case either party riereto shauld at any time dee�ire to erect an <br />�i additional story on the buildings situated on their respective premi�es, S�ch party shall riave the <br /> . privilege to extend sa,id wall or ax�y part thereof another atory high at hi�l own cost and expense <br /> ; <br /> � during his sol� use thereaf, trie oth�r party shall h�.ve the right at any ti:me to use and utilize <br /> any 'such extension by paying one rialf the cost anc� value of such extension, euch value to be <br /> � determined in the manner hereinbefore provided, and aPter payment of one ha1P the value oP said <br /> i _ . <br /> ? p�.rty wall or ar�y ext�nsion, or �xten�ions, thereoP the �ame shall become the �oint property oP <br /> the parties hereto, eacri owning one h�,lf ther�of, so Par as the same is �oi,ntly used and paid Por <br /> by the parties rier�to. Either party desiring to m�ke ar�y sucri extension �hall give to the other <br /> � paxty thirty day� �vritten notice oP hia intention so to do bePore commencirig work thereon, and it <br /> � <br /> is under�tood that only such portion of the premises as axe actually u�ed and occuFied by the part <br /> � wa11 herein contemplated, or ar�y extension th�reof, shall be considered as cover�d by triis lease <br /> � Ilto th� extent that th� use thereof can innure to the respective le�sees. <br /> .; 1 ..� <br />! iTriat efther party, his heir� or assi�ns owning on either sid� may build sa�d wall higher, thicKer <br /> � or d�e�per or longer taking due care not to injure th� other owner and doing the work �rholly Prom <br /> his own side tznless the otrier side be vaca.nt, and doing all that may be neaessary as by caxrying <br /> up �'iu�s Por chimneys or ventilating shafts, to leav� the other owner as near as may be in as good <br /> condition a� bef ore, and one h<�,lf oP said addition when used by the ad�oiningF owner to be paid <br /> f or share and share alik�, but no part of trie cost of s�.id additions shall be due or payable from <br /> jthe ad�oining owner until used by him. <br /> � <br /> fIt is Puxther understood and agreed that the covenants and agreements oP t2�i� lease ahall exten� <br /> to and be binding upon the assi�ns, heirs and personal representatives of t'he parties.. hereto, as <br /> covena,nt� running witri th�; land. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties h�reto hav� hereunto set their hands in duplicate, the day and <br /> year Pirst above written. <br /> Ell� M.Paine <br /> ' Witness <br /> � Ira �T.Paine <br /> Ba.vaxd H.Paine <br /> ,_� � Geor,�e Bartenbach <br /> BaYard H.Paine <br /> Charlott� Bartenb ach <br /> Stat� of Nebraska, ) <br /> ) SS. <br /> Hall County, ) BE IT REMEII�ERED, that on this 13th day oP Decamber A.D.1910, befor� <br /> the undersigned, a Notar3r Public, within ar�. Por said County, personally appeared Ella M.Paine <br /> ar�d Ira T.Paine, he�husband, p�,rti�s of the Pirst paxt, and George Bartenbach and Charlotte <br /> Aartenb ach, hi� �ife, parties oP the second part , to me personal�y Known tca bE the identical <br /> I' persons who si�ned the above and Por�going instrument , a.nd the,y severally acknowl�dged the <br /> execu�ion oP the �ame to b� their� voluntary act and deed Por the purposes tJherein expreased. <br /> i+�y commission �xpires Nov 10: 1916 <br /> Witneas rr�y hand a.nd Notarial Seal, at Grand I�l�nd, the date last above w itten. <br /> Filed Por ecoTd. ay 3rd 1912 at 10 :30 o�clock . ' B�,vard H.Paine <br /> - <br /> . <br /> (��L) Nofi•arv PubliC <br /> " °�� <br />