� _ _..____
<br /> ����
<br /> Know All Men By These Pr�s�nts : Triat we and each of ua, to wit : 4�liver S.�Iorse, oS Silver Stax,
<br /> �Iontana, and Elmer J.1�orse, of Sheridan, �ontana, and E1Za J.Tregemba and husba.nd, Ja.mes Tregembe, >
<br />' both of Overbrook, Ransas, and Zizzie C.Garber and husband, Arthur Garb�r both of Fiald�rin, Kansas,
<br /> and l�y�t�:e M.Chapman and husband, A.A.Chapman, both of Topeka, Kansas, and EPPie J.Nead and
<br /> husband, W.H.Nead, both of Franklin, Nebraska, do by the�e presents grant this Power of Attorney,
<br /> and m�,ke and constitut,e Marcus I,.Morse of Shelton, Nebraska, our tru� and la�rPul agent Por the �
<br /> purposes and to perform tne acts herein set forth, to wit ; to make and execut� an agreement in
<br /> writin� �'or the sale of the following described property: the South �test on� fourth (S.VP.�), and
<br /> lot� four (4) and five (5). consisting of about Two Hundred eight� (2g0) acres, all in Section
<br /> thirty-one (Sec.31), Township nine (T. 9 ), Range twelve (R.12 ), West o�, the Sixth Prineipal
<br /> Meridian in the state of Nebraska. according to the provisions herein set forth.
<br /> Said Maxcus L.A2orse ma,y �xecute said above mentioned agreement as abov� mentioned at the price
<br /> of sixty seven and 50�100 Dollars (�67.50) per acre; and shall receive at tl�e time oP trie
<br /> execution of said agreement and as a part of the purchase price of �aid lands, at least the sum
<br /> of Taro Thousand Three Hundred thirty eight 7�-�10� Dollars and interest (�233�.7�+) ; whieh l�,et
<br /> named sum said Marcus L.�4orse is hereby authorizecl to receive and receipt �or and apply said sum
<br /> to the payment one certain mortgage for said sum wriich he, said Marcu� L.Morse, as guardian for o e
<br /> Marshall L.�iorse holds against the said above de;scribed property; and shall thereupon relea�e sai
<br /> mortgage of reeord; said sum oP �233g. 7�+ shall by said Marcua I,.Morse be received bePore possessi n
<br /> be �;iv�n to the purcha,ser of said property; should said above mentioned agreement provide f'or the�
<br /> payment of mor� than th� said amount of Tt�vo Thousand Three Hundren thirty-eight 74�100 �ollars
<br /> in cash then the amount in excess of said last named sum sha11 be depo�ited in some bank in the
<br /> vicinity of said lands ; said a,bove mentioned agreement shall provide Yor the final payment ot the
<br /> purchase price not la,ter than M�.y first, 1912 ; at which last named time said �darcus I,.�dorae shall
<br /> be and is by t'r�ese pre5ents authorized to receive Pinal and complete payment f or said lands and
<br /> receipt for the same to the purchaser of said lands.
<br /> A 11 moneys received for said above described lands in excess of the �ithin mentioned mortg�,ge
<br /> shall be deposited in some convenient,.bank in the �icinity of said lands and be distributed, shar
<br /> and share alike, among and between the abov� m�ntioned Oliver S.�orse, Elmer J.Morse, Ella J.
<br /> Tre�emba, Lizzie C.Garber, �yrtle M.Chapman and Effie J.Nead, less legal ax�.d proper expenses.
<br /> The purchaser of sa.id lands sha,11 be charged ��ith the responsibility of seeing that the amount o2'
<br /> the purchase money in excess of the within mentioned mort�a�e be deposited in a bank as above
<br /> provided and for the above mentioned purposes but no furth�r as to the application oP �afd moneys �
<br /> For the purposes herein specifiad �ve and each of us do hereby authorize and empower said �a,rcus
<br /> Z.r�2orse to �xecute a �vriten a.greement Por the sale oP said 1�nds above described and in the m�,nne
<br /> hereinbe�'ore mentioned anc� Por s��.id purposes may and is hereby authoriz�d to sign the name o� eac
<br />� of us to said �.greem�nt and �o bfnd us a.nd each of us in the same manner and to the same EII�tErit
<br />� as if we a.nd ea.ch of us were personally pre�ent and signing the sa,me personally and with our own �
<br />� . hands, and we and each oP us hereby a�;ree that the same shall be binding upon us our heirs,
<br /> exe�.tors, a.dministrator$ and assigns. If any one or more of the above named pa,rties shall execut
<br /> an instrument of liKe terms a.nd tenor a,s this, it sria11 be as effeetive as if all had signed the .
<br /> same instrument.
<br /> Effi� J.Nea�d Lizzie C.Garber
<br /> Witness as to Arthur Garber
<br /> E1'fi� J and W. V�.H.Nead �rtle �.Chapman
<br /> H.Nead A.A.Chapman •
<br /> D.C .Benedict
<br /> Elmer J�orse Sheridan �iont
<br /> Ella J.Tre�emba Overbrook Ks
<br /> James Tre�emba ��
<br /> _..r�.�... ___.._s�...�. __
<br />