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F _ _ <br />� <br />� �� � <br />� 4 <br /> f - <br />� <br />'r 4 �� <br /> to receive the same shall be guilty of a misdemeamor, and upon conviction th�reof shall <br /> be Pined in a sum not exceeding one hundreci dollars and th� costs of the prosecution. <br /> Approved February 2�, 15�3. <br /> � �'iled for record an the 4th day of April 1g12 at 9 :15 o'clock A,�i. <br /> ����� � <br /> Register oP Dee <br /> 10-0-0-0-0-c��o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o-o-o-o-o- <br /> CITY LEASE.s �" <br /> Thie Article of A�reer.:ent, macie and er+ered into thi� 9" c�ay of Anril A.P. .�Q12 � � <br /> by and betweer. �Tacob 7�irdna�el of Jrand Isl�nd, of the County of Hall and State of T3ebrask� of <br /> tne first ���art ancl Gust `lalonis of rxand Isl�znd, of the second ?�art . �PIT13ES5ETR, that the safd <br /> ��arty of th� fir�t part has ti�is day leased unto the pa_rty of ths seeond nart the following <br /> ciascribed nre�ises, to-�rc�it :- The ground floor and basement of tne t��o story prick ��uilding <br /> situ�tec� an the Fast�rly or.e-third af Lot 6 in �lock 5'7 of the nriginal Towr� now city, of r�rand Y <br /> Isianc� 2�eti�aska sarns to ��e used �.s an ice-cream ;aarlor, restaurant, canfectionery ma�ir.g ar.d <br /> retailing establiShi:zent ancl fruit s�and or any ot:er legitirnate ousir.eas not detr�mental to the <br /> k:uilcling. Togetller �ith alI the buildin�s and im?�rc�ver�lenta on th� sarne far +,he term of 2 <br /> years from the 5" �;ay of A�ril 1912, to the 5" aay of A?�ril 1914, for. the sum of Sixty-�'ive ar.d <br /> no�1G0 Dallars, �aer r� naya'r�le on the fifth day �f each r�onth in advance at th� office of �aid <br /> �tir�dnagel. �i1D IT IS FT.�TtiER AsREFD that if any rent shall be due and unn�ic� or if defaul � <br /> 'r�e macie i�1 any of the coverants herein •con;�.inec� it shall^'1�e l�wful ft�r �ny of the said ;�arty <br /> of the f irst ��art to re-anter tiie said ��remi�es, and the �arty of the second nart agrees� to vac at <br /> saici rneraises witriout r.otice, and if it become necessary to brin� �ction 3t law to reeover passes ion <br /> to ��ay a reasanable attc�rney's fee therefor. And the said rarty of the BeCOnd ?�art ft:rther � � <br /> � <br /> agrees to ���ay the rarty �f the fir�t �art the rent as aR:�ove �r�ecifiecl. <br /> ascond �arty has the nrivilQ�e of extending the tf�rithin lea�e fc�r four years from the 5" <br /> � <br /> I aay c7f A?�ril, 1�14 on the sar.:e terms ar.d cr�nctitions as the within lease, s�er,ond ;�arty to give the ' <br /> first party 30 clays natic� �arsvious to +,iie ex��iratiAn of triis lAase of his intention to extend ' <br />� <br /> - <br /> saicl laase four years more . exce��t when sai:d �remieeg are untenantable by xeason of fire, from <br /> any other cause than carelQssness of tr.e party of the second �art, ar persons of family or in <br />! eniploy;�r �y suz�eriar force c�r inevitable necessity. Ancl the said �art of the secand nart <br />� covenant that tixrill use said preinises as � and for na Qther ���urnose rrhatever, and that <br /> es_:�ecially :�rill not let said pre�aises� or nermit the sarae tU ba �z�ed for any unlawful business � <br />�I� <br /> or �-yurPose r�hatsoever; that �ill not sell, assi�r� uncierlet or reliia:�uish s�id premise� with : <br />� aut the ���itten con 7ent of *he lAss�r under .�enalt? of forfeiture of all rights under this lease� <br /> at the election of the �art c�f the first �art anci. that will use all due care and c�ilig�nc - <br /> I � • <br />� in guarciing said ;r���erty ;-Ji�:h uuildings, gates, fences, vines� shrizbbexy� etc� from d�mage by � <br /> f ire ancl ths clepreciatic�ns c�f,lals� will pay all charges for ga� or electric light that shall <br /> become ciue ti:ereon auring t�iis leass; ti�at he wi11 not ��ermit any noise or nuisance �that ever, on ' <br />,i . <br /> said� nrer.�ises t� tne aistur��ance af other tenants, or do, or permit �r. ything on or about �aid ?ar m-► ' <br />;� <br /> ises �r,rhich w.ill incraase tne ra�e af insurance; that the les�or and its a,�,ents may en+er .at ar_y � <br />'� time to vie�v anci ior arLy necessary �ur�?ose. The leseee further a�rees that he �vill in all � ,' <br /> -respecte com�ly �•rith tl�e city ordinances an� rec�uirerients of the hsaltr. �?�thorities, and �narticu- a <br /> larly as to kee}�ing saici �remises and the streats ana alleys aajacent thereto, free and clear t <br /> fram all filth, refuse and ab�tructi�n ancl the steps and sidewalks frae from snow and ice; that <br /> will keep the buildin��� glass, �atea, fence�, etc� in �c:�oci re�-�air as the sarae are now, or may . <br /> be �laeed at any tirie b,,� tne leasor, or as c�ften as the sarr.e shall rec�uire it, ciamage by superior <br /> force, ir.avit3�;le necessity, or f�re fro� any ather cause th�n carelessness of the 1es�es or � <br /> �ersons of far�ily, or in enipioy e��ce�ted, ar:d a± the expiration a� this lease, or upan a �reach <br /> �y saiu lessee of �r.y of the covenants herein c��ntainecl will. without notice of any kind, quit 'and " , <br /> i <br /> surrer.der the Y�assession ana occu;�ancq of said �rer��ises in a� good �onc�ition as reasonable use <br /> t <br />