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<br /> � THIS Ar�REEMENT, made and entered into on this 29th day af Fe'aruary 1912, by and betu�een '
<br /> Paul C.�7einhold and Rosa F3.7Peinhold, his avife, hereinaftex the firat parties, and David B.Branam ',
<br /> �nd John H.Branamar� hereinafter the second parties, 311 of Hall Cour.ty, Nebraska.
<br /> let . �ITNESSETH, That the said first narties �-for and in eoneideration of the payments made
<br /> �nd to be made and the keeping and performing of the covenants and conditions by the second par-
<br /> ties to and with the firet parties, �s hereinafter stated, hereby agree to sell and convey by
<br /> good and sufficient warranty deed to the said second parties, who, on their part, agree to pur-
<br /> chase, receive and pay for the following descril�ed premises situate in Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> to-�=�it:- Lot Nur:iber _Four (4) in F31ock 2dumber Siaty Three (63) in the original town, now city,
<br /> Af Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> 2nd. Said �arties of the second part agres to purchase said premisea and to pay therefor the
<br /> �cum of T�Nelve Thou�and (�12, 000) Dollars, payable as follo�rs: Five Hundred (�500) Dollars in
<br /> c aah� w�ich av�s naid on the f ifth day of�February, 1912, Fifteen Hundred ($1, 500) Dollar� on the
<br /> �igning of the�ae presents, �500 of which is in casY� and �1, 000 to be by the sale to the parties
<br /> of the first �art by the �arties of the second part of one �dodel-T- fivs paasenger Overland
<br /> �utomobile eryuipned �vith top, wind sh.r�ld and light generator, to be delivered to t�e parties of
<br /> the first part by the �arties of the second nart any time d�ring the month of April 1912, Five
<br /> Thousand (�5, 000) Dollars on or bef ore f ive yeara af te r the date of these nresents and, upon the
<br /> �ayment of said sum of �5, OOQ �vith interest as herein�fter provided, said parties of the firat
<br /> part a�res to executeand deliver to the �arties of the second part, or their assigna a good and
<br /> �uffieient �+arranty deed for said ;�rer�ises, subject anly to an� liens� ineurabraneesor ta�ceg pla-
<br /> �ed thereon by the parties of the second nart, or their assignet, unon the due execution and
<br /> �telivsry to the said Paul O.�►einhald of their �romissory note for �5, 000 due on or before five
<br /> years after the da�e thereof with interee�t thereon at the rate of sig per centum ner annum, pay-
<br /> �ble semi-annually from the date of said note, which said note aha11 be seeured by a first mort-
<br /> gage , uron the ?�remiees hereinbef ore degcribed. Tha �10, 000 still rem�ining due upon the pn.r-
<br /> Chase price of eaid �remise� shall bear interest at the rate of six ner centum rer annumi payable
<br /> �emi-annully, from the date of these presents, narties of second nart have right to nay �500. or
<br /> �ny multi;�le at any time .
<br /> 36rd. Said �artiea of the first nart covenant and a�ree to pay all taxes levied and assessed
<br /> �gainet said premises for the year I911, and prior years anci t�� gaq all di the paving tax now
<br /> levied against said premi.ses, excepting the sum of �139.40 �which amount said part i�s of the secon
<br /> �art cavsnant and agree to pay.
<br /> 4th. It ie further und�rstood and agr�eec� that the p�rties of the first p�rt in making thia
<br /> �ontract of sale reeerve the small barn now located uPon aaid nremi�es and haa the right to re-
<br /> move the same fram said nremises at any time b�fore A?�ril 6th, 1912 and for the purpose of r�mov-
<br /> ing the same, may en�er upon said premises.
<br /> �th. Said �arties of the first part covenant and a�ree to furMish to eaid �arties of the
<br /> atecond nart, or aesigne, at the time they are entitled to a deed to said premises, with an abst-
<br /> �cact of t itle to said nreraiees, showing said �remises to be free f rom taxeg, liens, and incumb-
<br /> rances �s of thi� <iate, except said n3ving tax in the sum of �139.40, and that z �ood and mark-
<br /> �table title to said premi�ee rests, as of thie date , in the said Paul O.�einhold and agree to
<br /> �urrender �os�eession of �aid �rernises unto the said �arties of the gecond nart on the first day
<br /> �f �darch, 1912, provided the narties of the first r�art can secure possession of the dwelling
<br /> house on said nreraisea in which one A .�3.Dingman is tenant by that t 3me and in the event the r_.art-
<br /> ies of the first Part cannot secure �oasession of said dwellin� houae by l�arch lst, 1912, then
<br /> �taid preraiaes are to be surrenderecl to the parties of the second part aa aoon ae the parties
<br />,
<br /> t�f the first part can secure posasasion of said dwellir.g house and the �arties of the gecond --
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