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<br /> ARTICLF5 0� AGREE�J�NT ;�`°-_
<br /> � Articles of Agreement, Made �his 23rd day of February, 1912 in the year of` our I,ord a,nd BETWEEN .
<br /> �Iaude Sherida.n o� Gra,nd Island, Nebr party of the first part, and Everett Holcombe of Zoup City,
<br /> ---
<br /> Nebr. party of the second part, WITNESSETx: That said paxty of the first ga,rt hereby covenants and
<br /> agrees that iP the party of the second part shall tirst make the payment a,nd perform the covenants
<br /> hereinaPter mentionefl on his p�,rt to b� ma,de and performed, the said party of the first part �ill
<br /> convey and assure to the party oP the second part, in fee �imple, clear o�' all incumbrances w'hatev r,
<br /> by good and sufficient Warranty Deed, the Pollowing lot, pi�ce, or pareel of �round, viz.:
<br /> Lots Nine (9 ) and Ten (10 ) in B1ock Eighty—six (g6� in Wrieeler & Bennett�s Fourth Addition to �
<br /> . •
<br /> Grand Isla,nd, Hall County, Nebraska as surveyed platted a,nd recorded •
<br /> And the said art of the second art hereb covenants �,nd rees to to sa d a
<br /> p Y P Y � pay i . p rt oP the
<br />�
<br /> Y
<br /> irst part the surn oP Six Hundred Dollars in the ma.nn�r Pollo�ring, FiPty and no�100 Dollars cash
<br /> in hand p�.id, the receipt whereoP is hereby aeknowled�;ed, and the b alance One Hundred Fifty Dollar
<br /> to be paid in cash on February 2ath, 1912 and the balance oP $400.00 to be paid on or before Fet�ru y
<br /> 23rd, 1913 — de�'erred payments to bea,r interest 1'rom date hereof at rate of 6�i per annum with
<br /> interest at the ra.te oP 6 per centum per annum, payable annually on the who�.e sum remaining From
<br /> time to time unpaid, and to pa,y �.11 taxes, assessments, or impositions that may be le�ally levied
<br /> or imposed upon said. land, subsequent to the year 1910.
<br /> And in case of the Pailure of thc� said part,y of tne second part to make either oP �he payments,
<br /> or perform any of the covenants on hi� part hereby ma,de and ent�r�d into, this contract shall, at
<br /> the option Qf the party of the Pirst part, be forfeited and determined, and the party of the seco
<br /> pa.rt shall 2'orPeit a7.1 payments made by him on this contract, and such payments sriall b� retained
<br /> by the said party of the first part in Pull satisfaction and _liqt�idatian of all daana,ges by her
<br />� susta.ined, and she sh�,ll have the right to re—enter and take possession of the premises aforesa.id.
<br /> It is mutually agreed that all the covenants and a.greements herein containQd shall extend to and
<br /> i be obligatory upon the heirs, executors, administrators, and assi�ns of the respective parties.
<br />�' IN WITNESS WHFREOI�', the parties to these presents ha.ve her�unto �et their hands and seals the .
<br /> day and year first above �rritten.
<br /> �aud Sheridan �L.s.)
<br /> Si�;ned, Sealed, and Delivered in the Presence of )
<br /> ) - Everett Holcombe �,L.��
<br /> , A.G.Abbott } .
<br /> Sta.te of Nebraska,
<br /> H�11. County. ss
<br />� Be it ermenbered tha,t on this 23rci day o�' February 1912 bePore me Arthu�!
<br />,
<br /> G.Abbott a Notary Public duly_ commi5sioned and qualified and residing in said county personally
<br /> appeared Z�aude Sherid.an a single woma.n to me personally known to be the identical person na.med
<br />�
<br /> in and who executed the foregoing contract and acknowledged the same t� be her voluntary �.ct a.nd .
<br /> deed for the purposes ther�in expressed.
<br /> Arthur G.Abbott
<br /> (SEAL) l�otary Pub11c. �
<br />; Commission expires Nov. 20, 1913 �
<br /> Filed for record on the 2Sth day of Februa,ry 1912 at 1�;15 o 'clock A.M.
<br /> R gister o� Dee
<br />