• _ _
<br /> 442 .
<br /> Eairo Lodge of W�stern Bee� Number Twelv�:— RES�LUTI4N.�,,
<br /> VfR�.erea�, Cairo Lodge of West�rn B�tes nwnb�r T�velv�, oS' Cairo, H�11 Gc�uu.nty, N�braska, i� �ustly
<br /> indebted �o Georg� �'lebbe, of Cairo, Hall Coun�y, N�bra�ka, in the �um of Twenty Eight HLtndr�d
<br /> Dollars (�2g00.00)� and 1� d�sirous oP ha,ving th� time oQ payment ther�ot' �xten�ed to Decemp�r 7"
<br /> 915, �.n.d wi�hes to ��cure to said G�org� Fl�bbe or a:signs the payment o2' ��,id �um �n.d inter��t
<br /> at th� ratE of Seven p�r c�ntum p�r annum, payable �emi a,nnu�.11y untii paid:
<br /> Now TherePor�; ,
<br /> BE IT RESOLVED by Cairo Lodge of Wegtern Be�s Number 3�relv�, in r�gular meeting as�embled, at �rhi '�,,
<br /> a Quorum of �aid Lodge �as pre�ent �.n.d acting, that A.I,.Omer, John W.Dunkel �nd S.M.B�adle, Tru�t �
<br /> 02' said Cairo Lodge oP Western Bee� Number Tv�elve, be �and they h�reby are authorized, for, and in
<br /> the name of said lodge, to make, ex�cute and deliver to said aeorge Fl�bbe, th� prc�nis�ory not�
<br /> of said I,odg� in thE �um oP Twenty Eight Ht,indr�d Dollare -��2g00.00), due Dec�mber 7" 1915, beari
<br /> int�rest at th� rate of Sev�n per centum per annum, paya,ble according �o the t�rms or Nine Intere
<br /> coupons attach�d of said note, �ith th� privilege of paying $100.00 or any �1�3'�1:6� ther�ol' on
<br /> account oY the principal sum ther�oP at trie tim� of ar�y inter��t payment: And �aid tru�te�e ax� h eby
<br />� authoriz�d and direct�d to �ecure th� payment of said not� by making, Executing, acKnowl�c�ging and
<br /> deliv�ring to s�,id George Fl�bb� ar his a�signs, a mortgags conv�ying to �aid Georg� �'lebbe or
<br /> his assigns, Lot� Sixt�Qn (16) and Sev�nte�n (17 } in Block Sixte�n (16} oP th� Original �ov�n o1' �
<br /> C�iro, Hall County, N�braslca, a� shown by th� recorded plat th�r�o1'.
<br /> Dated at Cairo, Nebraska thig �+" day of October A.D.1911,
<br /> Th3s is to certify that at a r�gular m�eting of Cairo Lodg� oS W��t�rn 8��� Numb�r Tw�lvs�, held
<br /> at th�ir hall in Cairo, N�braska, which is th� u�ual m�et3ng plac� oP said Zodge, due notice ot
<br /> a�riich and o2' th� present�,tion and propo��d adoption of the �.bove re�olution� riad b�en given in
<br />�i
<br /> the mann�r provfd�d by the by laws of the �aid Lodg�, the above �nd 2'�r�going r��olution was ciuly -
<br /> I adopted and m�.d� a p�.rt oP the record� 02' ffi�,1d I,adge.
<br /> �vitne�g our hands and 02ficial s�ai oP th� I,odg� on th� above Date.
<br />' - _
<br /> A.Z.omer
<br /> Attest. Presidcnt
<br /> �� M�.uae om�r
<br />, S�cretary �
<br /> (s�)
<br /> � Filed for r�cord on th� 28th da.y oP Octob�r 1911 at 9:30 o'clock A.M. :
<br />. •K�L{/� � �. .
<br /> R�gi�ter o2' D da �;
<br /> ������������������������������������������������������������r�������������������w������� ��r���������
<br /> BILZ 0�' SAI,E'��.
<br /> ` That I C.8.Ly1� County of Hall, and Stat� of Nebra�ka, party of thE 1'irst part, 2'or and in consid rati.on -
<br /> of the sum oP One # ------------ DOZLARS la�Pul money of the United Stat�s, to him in hand paid,
<br /> at or bePore the �ns�aling and delivory of thes� pr�senta by Th� �'�,rmars Co—operative Produce C0.
<br />,
<br /> of the second part, thE r�c�ipt-�rhereoP is hereby ackno�rledged, haa bargained and �c�ld and by th�s �
<br /> pr�sents do grant and convey unt0 the �aid party o2' the s�cond part, their heirs, executmr�, �.dmin
<br /> istrators �,nd �.saign�, One 1�+' x 30 ' tamarack Cha�a�aion silo bought t'rom �'arm�rs Cc�--operative
<br /> Produc� Co. now on NW 4 of sec: 9, tWP•9, rangc 12 �reat t�P 6th P.M. �
<br /> It is furth�r agreed b�tween the part ies a2'or�said that th� pa.rty o� th� ��cond p�,rt w311 permit
<br /> the party �f the fir�t part to u�e �aid silo, until eneila�e nvw in �ilo 3� used, if u��d befor�
<br /> April l�t 1912. belanging to me, and now in n�y pos��ssion at the place last aforesaid.
<br /> T� HAVE AND TO HOLD th� �ame unto the �aid party aP th� �econd paxt, their �x�cutors, administrato s
<br /> F
<br /> and assign� 1'or�v�r. And I do, for my h�irs, ex�cutor� and admini�trator�, cav�nant and agre� to d � '
<br /> with th� sald party of th� �econdpart, their �x�cutors, admini�trators and a�asigns, to warrant and d�fend
<br /> thE sale o�' said property, goods and chattele h�r�by mad�, unto the �aid party or th� eecond part,
<br /> th�ir executors, administrators and assign�, againet a11 and �v�ry person and person� whom�Qev�r.
<br />�
<br />