. - � . . . . . . . . . .}� �
<br /> 43�
<br /> thereto and that the title to said property ahould be quieted. in her and her interest trierein
<br />� conPirmed and that he, the defendant, should be fore�rer en�oined from having, or claimir�.g to have �
<br /> any right, title or interest triereto and in ar�y manner interfering wit�. her quiet and peaceable � �
<br /> en�o�r�rnent thereof. .
<br /> The Caurt f'urther finds that the former name oP plaintiff �ras Effie �[. �tcCulloch and that she is �
<br /> entitled to ha,ve same restored to her.
<br /> It is therefore o�dered. ad�udged anfl decreed by the Gourt, that the marriage contrac� heretofore
<br /> existing between the said EFFIE M.BADY and HEAtRY RADY, be, and the same hereby is Qissolv�d and th t both
<br /> parties are released from the obiigations of the same, said decree to talce e�Yect and to be in Po ce
<br /> six (6) months Prom this date, to--wit:- �iarch 15th, 1912, unless set aside or appealed from. �
<br /> It ls furtner ordered by the Court that the plaintiff, be, and she is hereby the o�rner in fee
<br /> simple oP the North Eleven Acres oP trie North �ast Quarter (N.E.�� of the �Torth East Quarter (N.E. )
<br /> oP Section Four (�-) in To�msnip Eleven �11) North o2' Range Nine (9�, wesL in Hal1 County, Nebraska,
<br /> and that she is the sole and only owner o�' said propert� and that her said husband, the derendant
<br /> herein, has no interest therein or right or title thereto, and that the title to said property is
<br /> hereby quieted in her and her interest therein conPirmed and that he, the said defendant, is hereb
<br /> forever en�oined from having, or claiming to have, any right, title or interest thereto and in
<br /> any manrier in�erPering with her quiet and peaceable en�tay'-�ent thereoP. �
<br /> .
<br /> It � 1.s Purther ordered by the Court that the plaintiff be, and she hereby is restored to her f'ormer
<br /> _ i /
<br /> name of LP�'ie �d. McCulloch. .
<br /> It is further. ordered by the Court, that the said plaintiPf pay the Costs oP this aetion, taxed in the
<br /> . �
<br /> sum oP � • James N Paul
<br /> . Y J�;idge District Court
<br /> Filed for recora on l�th day' 01' September 1911 at 4.:30 OiC1OCk- P-.M. r
<br /> I�'�
<br /> ����� ,
<br /> Register o2' D ds
<br />'I ��w�������������������������:����a����+�+���:�������������+��:�����:��������+����a�����:���r����+�:�� _ :��+����+��s�r
<br />, 1�ticlee of Agreement for �farrantp Deed.�.. � •
<br /> _ .
<br /> I� Article� oY Agreeu�ent, Made thie TWentieth day of March i911, in the year of our Lord
<br /> one thoueand nine huriclred and e2even, between Eli�ah J.Hall and Itargaret C.Hali, his wife, of
<br /> .
<br /> ,
<br /> I, GSrand I�land, in Hall County, Nebsaeka, partq of �he fir�t part, and 4eorge �rady of esid Citq
<br /> and County, paxty of the eecond part, AITNESS�TH, 'Phat said party o� the first psrt herebp covena t� `
<br /> and agreee that if the par�y of the eecond part ehall firet make the payment and perform the t
<br /> covenant�e..�h�ra�ne�.Le����ntion�d on hia part to be made, azzd performed, the aaid pa�ty of the fir�
<br /> part will convey and aasu=e to the� par�y of the eecond pe�rt, in fee eimple, alear o� all encumbra ee
<br /> �hatever, by good and �ufficient �arrantp Deed, the following lot, piece, or parcel of groun�d, viz i
<br /> T�ot Three {3) in 81ock R�enty-eeven (27) in Rueeell �Iheeler�e l�Cidition to the City of arand
<br /> Ielartd, in Iis,11 Countq, Nebra�ka. �
<br /> t
<br /> A�nd the daid party of the aecond part hereby covenaKte and agreee to paq to aaid party of th �
<br /> firatt part the �um oY Ta►o Thaueand (�2004.44) and no/100 Dallara, ir� the manner follo�ing, Two - �
<br /> . j
<br /> xunarea C�200.40) arid no/100 Dollar� caeh ia hand,� the receipt whereo� ie hareby ackno�ledgec� '
<br />� and the balance Eighteen Hunc�red (1800.00) Dollare in eemi-annually paymenta of One Rundred T�vent
<br />�
<br /> ��120.Q4) firat inetal].ment to be paid September� 20th, 1911, aecond payment �[arch 20th 1912� snd �
<br /> like sum of $12p.00 to be paid on the 20th day of Sept, and B[arch of each year until 15 payments
<br /> are made and the balance of �1800.�0 ia pa�d in ful3� with intarest at the rate of aeven (7) per
<br /> centum �emi-annuallp payable with above paymente annually n the whole avm rema,ining �'rom tia�e tv � `
<br /> time unpaid, and to pay all taaee , aeeesementa or impoaitione 4hat may be -leg_���r levi�d or imp�cae u
<br /> upon eaid land, eub$snguent to the year 1910 And in eaee of the failure of the aaid, �B���C of the ,
<br />� aecond part to make either of the paymenta or perform any of the covenante on hie part hsreby
<br />