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� <br /> 434 <br />� ------ --- --_._ __ ___ ____ , <br /> dividing line between Zots Six (6 ) and Seven (7 ), in B1ocK Sixty Five (65), oP the original town, <br /> now city, of Grand Island, NebrasKa, the Easterly two thirds oP said Lot Six (6), being the prop- <br /> erty a1' trie parties of tne second part, and the We�t�rly ane halr oF said Zot 3even (7 }, being the <br /> �- <br /> property of the parties oP the Pirst part. I <br /> � <br />� This lease to continue and remain in f'ull f'orce and ePPect so long as said party wall or an�y <br /> extension thereof shall stand or either party hereto desires to maintain the same. <br /> , <br /> Said party wall to be oP concrete Pootings and brick or stone wall and said �rall to be not less <br /> than sixteen inches thicic Lo the second Ploor and not less than twelve inches thick �bove the <br /> second Ploor and all to be built in a solid substantial manner and capable o2' carryir� a building <br /> three stories in height if eitrier paxty deaires to so extend the same. <br /> And whereaa, the said parties of the Pirst par� are now ready to erect said xall alorig said line <br /> Por a distarice of one hundred fee� Northerly Prom Second Street, it is, therel`ore, agreed that th <br /> parties of the first part ehall erect the same along so mueh o2' said line and on �aid premises <br /> described herein, the same to be built one half on each side of said dividing line, to include a <br /> asement and two staries in height above the ground, all to be built as above stated in a good <br /> and substantial manner and practically in aceordance with plans and speciPications there2'or prepar <br /> by Oscar R. Rirschlte, Arcriitect, trie same to be built by the parties of the Pirst part and as soon <br /> as completed the parties of the second part agres Lo pay to the parties of the Pirst par� one halY <br /> 02' the total cost oP satd party wall as construeted, the eost o� which shall be determined by the <br /> said Oscar �. KirschKe, Architect. The expense oP maintaining said wall shall be borne equally by . <br /> the parties hereto. <br /> It ia Purther agreed that in the event either of the partiea riereto desire, at any time, to extenA <br /> said wall on trie premises herein leased, then either party hereto may, at ar�y time, at his own <br /> proper cost and expense, extend the same along said line on the premises herein leased as Par as <br /> they may desire to do. And an�y $uch extenaion shall be subatantially built xith trie Wal1 already <br /> Iexisting, and either paxty hereto sha12 have the right and privelege to extend said wall, or at�,y <br />� <br /> paxt thereof, another story high at such pa,rtiee' own proper cost and expense ror bui3ding and <br /> maintaining such additional story. The other party hereto to have the right, at a�ny time, to use <br /> and utilize any such extension and additional story by paying one halt oP trie cost and value of su ri <br /> e�tension and additional story. . . <br /> 3hou3.d an aclditional story b� add�d by either of the partiss hereto t�ie Wall of such additional <br /> story shall be oP the same general material, character and kind of workmanahip as the wall already �'_.� �: °� �t <br /> g- <br /> constructed so as to make the same practically uni2'orm. The value of ar�y exten�ion oP said wall or of <br /> ar�y add3tional story thereon shall be determined by each party heret4 selecting a person Por that ' <br /> purpose and the two thus selected to crioose a third person. <br /> Either party desiring to maxe any extension to said �rall shall give trie other party thirty da,ys <br /> notice in writing o1' their intention so Lo do bef'ore commencing work thereon. <br /> It ls understood and agreed that onl,y such portion oP the premises hereby leased as are actually <br /> used and occupied by the party wali herein contemplated, or ax�y extension thereoP, shall be <br /> considered as covered by this lease to the extent that the uae thereo2' ean 3nriure to the re�pect2v <br /> . <br /> lessees, <br /> It is 2'urther understood and agreed that the covenants ,and agreements contained herein shall exten <br /> and be binding upon the assigns, heirs and personal representative� oP the pa,�ties hereto, as <br /> covenants running with theland. <br /> IN TEST�IMONY WHEREOF, the par�ies h�reto have hereunto set their hands, in d�zplicate, the day and <br /> year first abone writter�, <br /> xerman H.� �ellnite <br /> Witness: �,aria Hehnke <br /> ,,,,�red Zoh��,___r_ <br /> Art�}ur c. Ma�v__ e� Joa��,_.�oolatenholm <br /> � MarY Woolstenholm <br /> Adol�h W. Sterne <br /> —__�t t�,e S t er,r�e______ � <br />