_ _
<br /> 42�
<br /> - __ _ _ _____ ._.._ . _.__ ___ __ ______�.
<br /> report and that they be discharged from their trust as such executors and that said eatate be dec ared
<br /> settied� and it appearin� to the Court that all claims against said estate are paid in full and
<br /> that the time for filing claims a�ainst said a�tate expired on the 14th c�ay of October� 1899, and
<br /> t7�at �.11 pars•ons ��ere uuly and legally not if ied that the t ime for f iling claims a�;ainst said
<br /> state will ex�nire on the 14th, day of Octaber� 1899, an� it further appearing to the Court that
<br /> said Executors �and Agnes Birkholz are the sole legatees under said will.
<br /> It is therefore ardsred that said report be a�Proved and that said executors 'qe discharged.
<br /> �tat e of �•lebraska (
<br /> :ss .
<br /> Ho;vard County ( I here'oy certify that the above and foregnin� was taken by me from �
<br /> he original files and Journal entriss in the above sntitlecl cause and that the same is a true and
<br /> orrect abstract of all the praceedings had in said matter.
<br /> Dated at St .Pa��l Nebr. June 14� 1910. J.A.Hag�art
<br /> Rvnded Abstracter
<br /> Filad for record Au�ust 30 1911 at 9.4G otclock A.1�1. .
<br /> Re�ister o eeds :
<br />� o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�- o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-a-o- -o-o-o-o-a- ,
<br /> At�REEP�ENT FOR �ARRArtTY DEED:�"' . � � u
<br /> e 8 h o �
<br /> en �Sad this 2 da f u u t in the ear
<br /> ' le of A reem t t A �
<br /> Art z c s
<br /> 8
<br /> ,
<br /> Y 8 Y
<br /> cf our Lord 4ne Thousand Iv'ine Hundred anci Elaven, F3ET�PEE�T Charle� �.Hotchkiss of �ierrick County '
<br /> T�ebraska, �arty of the first part, and �illiam E.Sampson of Hall County, Nebraeka, �?arty of the
<br /> second part fdITZdESSETH, that the said paxty of the first part hereby covenants and �grees that
<br /> if the ��arty of the second �.art shall first ma�e the payment and pexform the covenante hereinAfte
<br /> mentioned on his �art to be made and performed, the said �arty of the first part �rill con�ey and
<br /> assure to the �iarty of the second part, in fse simple clear of a11 encwnbrances whatsoever, by
<br /> �ood ancl sufficiant �arranty Deed, the fol.lawing lot, piece ana �arcel of grouncl, viz: �
<br /> The �las� half of the SQUth East Quarter, and the South half of the North East 4�uarter, of
<br /> the South Eagt Quarter, all of Section Two. (2�} Townehip Fleven (11) North of Range Nine (9)
<br /> I� iGe�t of the 6th P.�i. bein� Ono hunclred Acres. .
<br /> N And the said p�rty of tne seaonci part hereby covenants and �agrees to pay to the said paxty '
<br /> � of the first part the surrz of �� Ten Thousand and 00�100 Dollars,� in the mannar following Four
<br /> Thousand and 00/1G0 Dollars cash in, hand �aid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and th � '
<br />'i o balance =�'�� Six Thous�nd Doll�rs, payable T�arch the First 1912, at which time, First Party a�ree �
<br /> �`t
<br /> � to furnish a �Var���e� Deec�, and Abstract, shocving perfect title . with interest at ,the rate of--
<br />� per centtun �er annum, paya'ale------- annually on the wholQ sum remaining from time to time un�aid,
<br /> . � and to pay all taxes, assessments, or impositions that may be legally levied or imposed upon said .
<br /> land, aubsec�uerrt to the year 1912, And in case of failure of ths saicl �arty of the second nar� ,
<br /> to make e�.ther of the ?�ayments .or to perform any of the covenants on his part here�:y made and
<br /> entered into� this. conti•act shall at the option of ths party of the first part, be forfeited and
<br />'I
<br /> determinecl, and thQ �arty af the second nart shall forfeit all payments b�y him on this contract .�
<br /> and such payments shall be retained by the said narty of the first part in fu11 sati�sfaction of
<br /> all clama�es by him sustainacl, and he shall have the right to re-enter and take possesaion of the
<br /> saici p�a�ises afo-resaid.
<br /> It is mutually agreed that all the covenant� and agreements herein contained shall exten�
<br /> to �.nd be obli�atory upon the heirs, execu4ors, administrators and assigns of the respactive
<br /> ��arties. IN �(ITt1ES5 �Ih'ERECF, The parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands
<br /> and seals, the day and year first above tivritten.
<br /> Signec3, eealed anci ciel3vered in presence of Charl9; B.Hotchkies ( L.S.)
<br /> , �1.E.Sampson� � L.S. )
<br /> �.H. Sampson
<br /> St at Q of Nebraska (
<br /> :ss
<br /> Fiall Coun�y ( On this Tc�ten�p Eighth day o� August A.D.1911 before me the undersi�ned
<br /> �Pilliam H.Sampson a �lotary public d�zly cor,�missionea and nualified for and residing in- said County
<br />