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_ i <br /> �T�?�� � <br /> 421 <br /> , <br /> CITY LEASE.�. This Article of Agrsement, made and entered into this 22 day of �iarch AD.1911. <br /> by and bet�reen Emma A.McAlliste�, of the County of Hall and State of Nebrask� of �he first part <br /> and 7PAR;IER & C0. ( a Co-�na.rtnarship consisting of Ethlyn J.�arner and Isabel DeLong, sole �embe s) <br /> of Grand Island, Nebraaka, of the second part . �PITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part <br /> has this day leased unto the party of the second part the following desc ribad premises, to wit : <br /> The corner store on the northerTy 66 fee� of tlle �testarly one third of Lot 4, $lock 67, orig <br /> inal town of Grand Island, T3ebraska, being No. 101 East Third Street, and also the basement <br /> thereunder and extending sixteen feet farther south; Tarty of the first part to furnish water an <br /> steam heat , <br /> Together with all the bu3ldings and improvements on the same for the term of Five years from <br /> the firat day of April 1911, to the first day of Anril 1916, for the aum of One Hundred Twentp <br />� Five 00 f 104 Dollars per month �aayable on the first day of each month in advance ta the party oY <br /> the f irst ;�art or her authorized agent . <br /> And it i� further agreed that if any rent shall be due and unpaid, or id default '�e made in <br /> i any of the covenant s herein cont ained, it ahall then be lawful the said party of the first part <br /> to re--gntar the said premises and the �arty of the second �e�rt agres to vacate said premises <br /> - without notice, and if ���become necessary to bring actioa at lae� to recover possession, to pay <br /> a reasonable attarney�e fee therefor. And the said paxty of the second nart further agree to <br /> pay the �aarty of the firat part the rent as above specified. except �vhen said premisea ars un- <br /> � tenantable by reason of fire, from any other cause than carelessneas of the part . . . of the sec- <br /> ond �art, or persons in" its employ; or by su�erior force or inevitable necessitp. <br /> � And the said ;�arty of the second part covenants that it ��rill use said premises as a �dillin- <br /> ery and Ladies� Furnishing Store ancl for no other purpose whatever, and that it especially will <br /> not let said premisea, or permit the same to be used for any nnla�vful businasa or purpoae what- <br /> ' soever; that thsy will no� sell, assign, uncisrlet or relinc�uish said pre�tises wit�ov.t the writ- <br /> ten cansent of the leasor under penalty of forfeiture of all their right under this lease, at <br /> the election of the party of the fir�t part and that they will uae e►22 d e care and diligenca <br /> in guardin� said property, with builuings, �ates, fencos, vines, shrpbbelry, e�t, from damage by <br /> fire and will nay all water rent and char�es for gas or electric light that shall become due <br /> therson riuring this lease; that they will not perrnit any noise or nuisar,ce tivhatev�r on said <br /> premises to the disturbanae of other tonants, or do� or permit anything on or about saici prem� : <br /> rrhich �Nill increase the rate of insurance; that the lesaor and her agent may enter at any time <br /> to via� and for any necessary �urpoae.� The lessee further agrees that �hey wi11 in all <br /> . <br /> respecte comply with the city ordinances and raquirments of the health authorities, and partic- <br /> uZarly as to keeping said preztiises and the stress and alleys ad�acent thereto � free and clear <br /> from all filth, refuse and obstruction and the stepe and sidewalk$ free from snow and ice; that <br /> , <br /> they will keQp the buildings, glaes, e��, in good repair as the same are now, or may be placed <br /> at any time by the lessor, ar as often as the same shal]. require it, damage by superior force, <br /> inevitable necessity, or fire from any c°�a.use than carelessness of the lessse or persons in their <br /> , �l . <br /> amploy excepted, and at the expiration of this lease, or upon a breach by said lessee. of any of <br /> � � <br /> the covanants harein contained it will without further notice of any kind, qu3t and surrencler <br /> the possession and occupanc��:• of said nremiess in as good condition as reasonable use and natu- r <br /> ral wear anci decay thereof wi�1 perm3t, da:rnage by fire as aforesaid, superior _force or inev�it- . <br /> able necessity excepted. ' � � <br /> And the said party of the second nart hereby gives the said party of the first �art a lien <br /> upon any and all property of the said second �arty ke�t or in use upon said premises, to be <br /> enforced in like �nanner as a chattQl mortga�e, whether exempt from agecution or not, for all <br /> ren� due or to 'qecome due by virtue of this lease. And it is agreed that the te�as of this <br /> -�,. <br />