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�I��_�t;�-� <br />,� _ � 41��'7 <br />� <br /> . - ----.. _ --- - - _ ____.____ __ ,_ .__ _ , _ __ __ ___ <br /> P ART Y �P ALL LE ASE AND C CNTRACT. . <br /> Thi� Indenture, made and entered into on this 17 day of June, A.n.1911, by and between �ichael I,. <br /> Dolan and Jogepkine R.Dolan, his wife, of Hall County, Nebraska, he-reinafter the "FIRST PARTIES" <br /> and Laura VanCamp, single, of Lancaster County, Nebraska, hereinafter the "SECOND PARTY", <br /> �ITNESSETH� lst . That for and in consideration of the �ayment of One Dollar, the receint <br /> of which is here'oy acknowlea�ed, and other good and sufficient considerations, passing to saic� <br /> Second party from the said First Parties, the said Second Party hereby and by these presents <br /> does demise and lease unto the said ]�iichael L.Dolan a strip or �arcel of ground twelve inches <br /> �vide and sixty six feet long� { or so much thereof as may be needed for the ;�urposes hereinafter <br /> named}� along and off the �lortherly sida or bounciary line of the center one-third of the Norther- <br /> ly one half of Lot Number Ei�ht (8) in Block Number Sixty Four (64) of the -original towr� now <br /> city, of rrand Island, Pde'�raska, for the pur;�ose of eracting and maintaining a partp �all thereon <br /> with the priv3legs of sufficient additional space if rer,uired for suitable footings under same . <br /> 2nd. For the consideration of one dollar, the receipt of �rhich is hereby ac�Cnow].edged <br /> and other good and sufficisnt consi�ierat3.ons passing to the FirSt Parties from the Second Party, <br /> the said First Paxties heraby and by these presents cio demise and lease unto the said Laura Van <br /> Camp a strip or parcel of �round twelve inches wide and sixty six fset long, ( or so mueh thereof <br /> as may be needad for �he nur�;�ose hereinafter named), along and off of the Southerly side or <br /> 'boundary line of the Northerly one sixth of said Lot Eight in said Block Sixty Four, of the ori- <br /> ginal towr� nov� city of rtrand Island, PTebraska, for the purose of erecting and maintaining a <br />'� <br />� , party wall triereon with tho privilege �f sufficient additional snace if renuired for suitable <br /> ' f oot ing� uncier same. <br /> 3rd. This lease includes a strip or piece of land twelve inches wide and sixty six fee <br /> long, ( or so much thereof as may 'c�e needad for the ?�urpose hereinafter stated), along both sides <br /> of the dividin� line between the abovs describeci tracts �nd is given by each of said parties to <br />� <br /> the otPisr for the� �urnose af erecting and maintaining thereon a party wall to be built upon Q�id <br />' land, one nalf on aither side thereof commancing at the East or S�?ruce Strest line and .extending <br /> �7est sixty Siz Feet to the �testarly line of said Lot ei�ht, said wall to be built of brick, <br /> with brick ar stone basement �rall, said baser�ent^� 'ae not less triat seven and one half feet deep <br /> above the footings and said baset,l�nt wall to be not less that sixtean inches triick tivith suitable <br /> footin�s underneath same and said u;�per wallsto be not lass than twelve inches thick and to run <br /> two full stories in hei�ht all to be .built in a good substantial manner of good material anct <br /> caPable of carr^n� a building at least t�vo full stories high . This lease to continus and rema- <br /> in in force from the ctate hereof so long as said party wall when built, shall stand or either <br /> �?arty hereto desires to maintain same . <br /> 4th. It is fuTther agraed that, whereas, the said 2�ichael L.Dolan is no�r ready to erect <br /> said wall alon� saici line, he shall proceed so to do at any time he may elect, the said wall to <br /> be built one half on each side of said ciividing line and to include a 'oasement and two stories <br /> in height above the grounc� the South side of same to have a smooth even surface where expoaed '" <br /> - and to 'ae built as a'aove atated in a �ood subs�an�ial nianner and all to be built and maintained <br /> 1�y the said p�ichael L.Dolan so long as he retains tY�e sole use of �amo. <br /> 5th. It is further agreed that saicl �a��nd rarty shall have the right, which is here�y <br /> �ranted to her, �to use, ut ili�se ar.d eni oy said wall, ani� all of ite facilit ies, at any t ime she <br /> may elect u�?on tl-ie nayment to the saic� ',dichael L.Dalan of one Y�alf the value of �uch part of said <br /> wall aa she may at any time use, same to be aeterr�ined at the time said use commences and, in the <br /> event said rarties cannat s�;ree u���an t;he value of said wall ao utilized �y the Second Party, they <br /> agree to each choose one �an and trie two thus cl�osen shall choose a thircl and the three �ersons <br /> �hus select�u shall ctetterminQ the value af saia wall so utilized and the compansation therefor <br /> - shall be �aid by the Second Party on said basis. , <br />