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����� <br /> - �1� <br /> --- -- -_____. ___ _ -. _ _ ___ _ - -- -_ _ _ _--- -__-- <br /> P AR T Y '� A L I, L E A S E A N D A a R E E M E N T.�� <br /> Thi� Agrsamsnt made this 14 day of July 1911, by and between Laura Van Camp, $ingle, of Lincoln <br /> Lanca�ter County, Nebr., party of the first part, and Henry H.3tratmann and Charlotte Stratman <br /> his wife of Grand Islanc�, Hall County, Nebraska, narty of the �econci �art, �PITNESSETH: That <br /> whereas the �aarty of the fir�t part owns the center one third of the northerly one half of Lot <br /> �, <br /> eight (8) in .Alock Sixty Four (64} of the Original Town, now Citp of t3rand Island, _ Nebraska, <br /> and the partiss of the second �art own the southerly two thircls of said Lot eig�it (8) in Alock <br /> cisty-four (64) of the Original Towr� now City of �rand Island, Nebra�ka, the same standing of <br /> record in the name of Henry H.StratMann in the records of Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> AND �PHEREAS the said parties hereto are desirous that a party wall should be erected upon <br /> the boundary line 'oetween their reapective porti4n of said lot hereinabove mentioned: <br /> That for and in coneideration of the agreements hereinafter contained and the payment of One <br /> dollar by the said sa�ebnd parties to the eaid firet party, the said first �artq does hereby, and <br /> bq the�ae presents, demise and laase unto ths aaid Henry H.3tratman a strip of ground twelvs <br /> ° inchea �ride and sizty sig feet long, or so much thereof as may be needed for tha purposea herein <br /> set forth along and off the southerly side , or boundary line, of the center one. third of the <br /> northerly one half of lot ei�ht t8) in block sixty-four (64) of the Original Town, now city of <br /> �rand Island, Nebraska, for the purpose of erectin� and maintaining a party v�all thereon �rith <br /> � groper foatiri�sthereuncisr , as hereinafter stated. <br /> ' �- on ained and the a nt <br /> e e in <br /> For and in consicieration of the res.��ents ancl stipulations h r c t p Yme <br />, � <br /> o he b <br /> . o he second art d te <br /> ies f t <br /> o h f o he of the fir�t art the art p <br /> t e o o rmt art <br /> t m f One d llar � y p p <br /> demirirre and lease unto tha said party of the firat part a strip of ground t�elve inches wide and <br /> � " sixty-eis feet long, or ao much thereof aa may be neaded for the purposes herein set forth, <br /> along and off of the ,northerly side or boundary line of the southerly two thirds of lot eight <br /> (8) in block Si�ctp-four (64) in the Ori�inal Town, now city of rrand Island, NeUraska for the <br />! purr►ose o€ erecting and maintaining a ptrty wall thereon with proper footings thereunder� as here - <br /> after etated. <br />� It is �derstoad and ag-reed that this agree�ent includes twelve inches of Iand upon each side <br />, of the dividing line between the two respectivs tracte herein set -out, and i� macie for the sole <br /> purpcsse of allowing a party wall to be e�Cectad alon� and over sai�ldividing line between the <br /> said two tracts af lanc�, and shall be and continue in force so long as said wall, when arecte�d , <br /> ehall stand or so long aa either narty hereto �hall desire maint�in the same . <br /> it is furt'r�er agreed that saicl wall is t0 be built of brick or stone or cement block, as may be <br /> agreed upor� ancl the basa of the wall is to built of sufficient strength and thicknese to carry <br /> at leae� a two atory r�uildings �vith footings under said basement wall of at least sixteen inche <br /> in width on e ithex side of �aid boundary line. Ancl the ce nt er of said wall i e t o be exact ly <br /> : over the ciividing line between the reepective tracte herain set out . <br /> It is further agreed tl�at each of the narties hereto is ready to erect his building upon <br /> the portion of the lot ad� oining the said paxty line, and that said wall shall be erected <br /> � � �oint 1� by ths part is s heret o and one half of the expesrae of said wall shall be borne by each <br /> of the parties hereto and that said wall, when comPleted shall be reraired or strengthened at t e <br /> j oint expense of the part ies hereto. <br /> . It is understood and agreed that only such portion of land as is muutuall� leased herein shall <br /> be considered used or under the cont rol of the other �art y as shal7. "- .• actually be used f or <br /> erecting a party wrall upon. <br /> It is further provided that an open shaYt. ghall be constructed in the eecand floor of aaid <br /> bui].ciing for the sole purpose of givin� light and air through winc�ows to the r��or�s ad�oining <br /> the same. Tha� it shall be in�id party wa�.l be�inning feet back fsom the fr nt <br /> of said building and be faet in wi�th and fest in de�th and the center line <br />. � � ,��,. ._. _ _. .v :��__� ._ _ � <br />