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'.����� � <br />� � ;. <br /> 41:3 <br />' --- - -_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ - -- <br /> ARTICI�ES OF AGREEI�ENT FOR �tARRANTY DEED.& ASBIGN�EATT. <br /> Articlee of Agreement, �nade this twenty-third aay of February 1911, in the year of our Lord <br /> one thousand nine hundred anct elevQ� BET�fEEN Isaac PJ.Augustine and Amanda Augustine, hus3�and <br /> �.nd wife, of Grand Island Hall County, Nebraska, party of the first part, and Charlea H.Kolb of <br /> said Ci�y raxty of the seeond part, 3PITRIESSETH, That eaid part y of the f ir$t Fart hereby covena- <br /> ts and agr�es that if the party of the second part shall first make the pay�ent and perform the <br /> covenants hereinafter mentioed on his part to be made and performed, the said narty of the first <br /> par� will convey and assure to the party of the eecond part, in fee simple, clear of all incumb- <br /> rances whatever, by good and sufficient �Parranty Deed, the following lot, �iece, or Parcel of <br /> ground, viz:- <br /> � The North Sixty-sia (66) feet of the South One Hundred Sixty-sia (166) feet of <br /> I,ot number Twenty-five (25) of County Sub-division of the �rest half (�F.1/2) of the South �est <br /> Quarter (5.�1.1�4) of Section Ten t10) in Trnvnship Eleven (11) North of Range Nine (9) �test of <br /> the Sixth P.M. in Hall Caunty, Nebraska, being a ractangular tract with a sixty-six (66) foot <br /> �rontage on Tdorth Cherry StrQet in the City of �rand Island, and 130 plus feet in length . <br /> And the said gar�y of the second part hereby covenar�ts and agreee to pay to said party of the <br /> first part the sum of 4ne ThousQnd and Fifty (�1, 050.00} Dollar$, in the manner follo�ring: <br /> Fifteen and no�/100 Dollars cash in hand paid, the receint whereof is hereby ackno�rledged, and <br /> the balance�:$l, 035 .00 as viz: �15.40 on �arch 23rd, Arril 23rd, May 23rd, June 23rd, July 23rc� <br /> and August 23rd, 1911 and �12.00 on the 23rd day of each and every month thereafter until balance <br /> is �aid in full, all deferred payments bearing interest at �he rate oY e�ven per cent per annum <br /> from date hereof, with interest at the rate of 7 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on <br /> the whole sum remaining from time -to time unpaid, and to pay all taxes, assessments, or� imposit- <br /> 3ons that may bs le ally levied or imposed upon said land, subsequent to the year 1910. <br /> � � ' <br /> d in case af,�fa�lure of the eaid .party of the second part to make either of the payments <br /> or perform any of the covenants on his part hereby made and entered into� this contract shall at <br /> the ontion af the party of th'e first part be forfeited and determined, and the party of the seco d <br /> � part shall farfeit all payments made by him on this contract, and such paymentg �shall be retain- <br /> �sd by the eaid paxty of the first part in full sat iefact ion and liquidation of all damages by <br /> him eustained , and he shall have the right to re-enter and take posseseion of the premises afore <br /> said. and second party agrees to vacate and surrencier said premises without notice when in defa- <br /> ult of anq monthly gayment . Second party has right �to pay off the er�tire balance due or any <br /> �sum in exceas of the month3.y payment when any pay�ent becomes due . <br /> It is mutually agreed that all the covenants ana a�reements herein containect shall extend <br /> to and be obligatory upon the heirs, sxeeutors, administrators, and assigns of the respective <br /> partias. . � <br /> In �itness �hereof, the partias to these presents have hereun�o set their hands and seal <br /> ' the day and year firet above written. <br /> Second pa;ty to keep premises insured in sum of �800.00 payable in cass of loss to first <br /> narty as his intereat may appear. <br /> � $ignect, Sealed and Delivered in presence of ) Isaac N.Augustine ( L.S ) <br /> ) <br /> A.G.Abbott as t o I saac & Ar�anda Aizgu�t ine } Amanda August ine ( I,.S. ) <br /> C,�.Roush� to Charles H.Kolb Charles H.Kolb <br /> Sta�e of Nebraska ( <br /> :a�a. <br /> Hall County ( On this 23rd day of February A.D. 1911 before me Arthur r.Abbott a <br /> Notaxy Public, duly comr�i�sioned and qualified and residin� in said County, personally ap�eared <br /> i saae N.August ine� and Amanda August ine, husband and wife t o me known t o be the iden- <br /> tical persons named in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they ackno�rledged said <br /> . instrument to be their voiuntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed. <br />