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����� ._ � <br /> � 40��9 '��� <br /> � <br /> �ursue, implead, seize, sequeSter, arreet, attach, imprisor� and condemr� and out of prison again <br /> �o deliver. AND upon the receipt of any debt� dues, property, or sum of money, ( as the case <br /> �ay be j fo� me and in mp name to give , grant, seal, and deliver acquittances or receipts or <br /> �ther sufficient discharges. AND furtner to take or commence anp proceeding�a in bankruptey <br /> �egainst any persons, partner�hips or companies indebted to me , to cauae any or either of mp <br /> , <br /> c�ebtors to be declared bankrup� and in such case t o attend at aIl meetings that may ba held of <br /> �he creditors af the insolvent eatatas and at such mestinge to act for me and in my name on all <br /> �atters and things whataoever, respecting which cred3tors may vote, resolee, order or regulate <br /> i�nder and by virtue of the provisions of a�r Insolvent Act in such ma�dr as my attornep may <br /> �hink fi�, �o demand and receive the amount of anp and all compositions which map be agreed upon <br /> �nd of any and all dividends and upon payment thereof to give and grant proper receipt s and <br /> c�isc2xa�cge��'� AND I do hereby further empower my said attorney to collect and receiv�e all <br /> uch rents, and arrears of rent as now are or may be, or shall hereafter graor, due or o�ing to <br /> - <br /> + e, from any person� or eompanies, as tenants or occupiers of anp landa, tenements or heredita- <br /> nts, belonging to or claimed by me, to aaerci�e the general cvnt rol and $upervision over such <br /> a�nds, tenement e and heredit ament s, t o prevent, forbid and hinder, bp all laAful means �hat soev°r <br /> �he commi�sion of anp trepass or waste upon the same or any part �hereof, to take posBiesion of <br /> 11 such�s, tenements and hereditaments and real egtata Whatevsr� to or in which I may be in <br /> .�- <br /> ny �ra��interested; and tq gran�, bargair� and sell the same or any part t�of, for Buch sum <br /> � f <br /> c�r price and �Dn such terr�e as to my attorney shall seem meet ; and for me� and in my name, to <br /> -� :;' <br /> t�ake, �xecute! a�k� �. -�_ and deliver, good and sufficient deeds and conveyanee$ for the �same, � <br /> � � � ¢ : " <br /> $ither with or wi'�' ou� covenants and �rarranty; and untfl the sale �hereof, to let and demi�e the <br /> �aid real estate, for �ha best rent that can be. procured for the eame, and to ask, demand, collec t <br /> , <br /> � <br /> recovar and receive all sums of money �rhich shall become due and aroring to me, by <br /> t�eans of such bar�ain and sale, or leasea,�r�f demise; to mortgage anq propertq, to transfer, set <br /> �ver and accept mortgages, to raise money on mortgages, to take, annul, and ca�ncel the �ame, and <br /> �ornake antries int o the compe�ent registers of propert ies and mortgages; AND further to effe- <br /> � <br /> any sort of insuranee on all property, belonging to me, with anq Insurance Company on Quch <br /> erms as to my said attorney shall eeem meet and proper, to sign any applicatfon fOr said insu-- <br /> ance, any represent at ion of the conciit ion and value of said property, art icles of agreement, <br /> �romisory, or�premium note, and all other pape�s that maq be neeeseary for that purpose. <br /> , <br /> - � AND further to receive on commiasior�, sell etnd vend all and everp gooda, Raras and merchan- <br /> ' �ze, in case it may be necessary, for the conducting, carrying on and transecting the affairs <br /> �if mine in America, to make and executa, sign, seal, and delivsr, for me and in my nams, all <br /> }�ills, bonds� notes, Bpec�.al�ties, or other instruments in �vriting Whatsoever, to receive and <br /> �nter at the respective atistom house any goods, wares or merchandiee, imported by me or which maq <br /> ereafter arri�re, conaigned to me, to sign for me and to seal and deliver for me and as my act ~:. <br /> d deed, any bond or bonds, �hich may be required bq the respective colle�tor for securing the <br /> . utie� on any sueh goods, Ware�, or merchandiae,� also to sign, seal and deliver for me and as mp <br /> �ct and deed any bond or bonds, requisite for obtaining the debenture on any goods, �rares or <br /> : �ierchandis�, when exporteci and genera].ly to �ransact all business at such suston house in which <br /> am or map hereafter be interested or concerned. AND furth�r to represent me in all <br /> atters of inheritances, to give up inheritancea, to sign all needful documenta for this ob�ect <br /> nd to make applications for the,purpose of obtaining le�ters of administration and Probate of <br /> ill�a. And further to sell, transfer or buy shares or other titles and to sign and seal <br /> he respective documen�s and papers in my name. AND generallp for effecting the premises to <br /> o whatever shall be requisite and necessary as fully , amply, ancl effectuallq to all intentr'and � <br /> i <br /> urposes whatsoever as I mpself might or could do if personally present . AND I do hereby <br />