<br /> 1` ��1�- I.
<br /> 389-
<br /> of the incom� th�r�—of to mty said husband. durin� his lif e and until he sha.11 marry a�ain And
<br /> sub,�eet to such trust in favor or z�y saic� husband upon trust to pay the said income or the
<br /> remainder thereof to my c�au�,ht�z• Est�11a �tichaela Louisa duri � h�r life and so that she sh311
<br /> not have power �hile unQer cov�rture to anticipa�e the sarne b t with power for her to appoint
<br /> by w�.11 that after her decea,s� axiy part not exceed3.n� on� hal of such income shall be paid
<br /> to a� husband of her who may survive rier during riis life or ax�y less p�riod And from and a�tEr
<br /> jthe dec�ase of my said dau�2a.ter a�d. sub�ect ta any auch appoi tment v�h�.ch may be ma.de to her
<br /> I husba.nd as �.Por�saic� in trust for the children oP �r�y said dau ter or ar�y of their issue in
<br /> I such shares (if more tha.n. one ) and in such mann�r as she sha,7. by deed or Will appoint And �,n
<br /> de�'�.u1,t of suc�; appointment and so f ar as any such appointme t shall not extend in trust Por
<br /> her ehildren �ho beixa.� male shall att�,in the a�e of tw�nty o e year� or being �'emale shall
<br /> atta3n that age or m.arry und�r that a�e in equal sh�.res and i t�.ere be only one such child
<br /> the wriole to be in tru�t for that one child But so: neverthel s� that no child �rho or any ot'
<br /> �rhoae issue sha11 ta2�e a s�are under a��y auch a�paintment as a.foresaid shall take any part of
<br /> the said trust fun�.s remainin�;; un�.ppointed without bringing t e sriare appointed to riim or h�r
<br /> I or to his or her f�sue into hotchpot and accountin�; Por the s�ne accordinglq unless m,y. said
<br /> dau�;hter maKin� such appointment shall thereby direet the cont �r� And in case there shall be
<br /> no child o�' �y said dau�hter who b�ing male shall attain the e of� twenty ons years or b�ing
<br /> Pemale sha11 attain that a e or marr trien if dau ht�r sh 11 die in the 1lfetime oP my said
<br /> I'�
<br /> � Y m,Y � -
<br />; husb�.rid bein� at tris time of her death a spinater .or a �rido�r pon trust 1'or rqy said husband
<br /> t� absolutely but if iqy said. da,u�;hter shall surviv� m,y said riu�ba,nd or sria11 hav� predeceased a�r
<br /> I said husband bein� ma.rried at the time of her d�ath th�n upo �uch trust and in �uch man.ner
<br /> - w as m�y �aid dau�;hter shall by Will appo3.nt I give �to �y said �band n�y leasehold house No 3
<br /> Kensin�ton Palace Green a�oresaid I �;ive to my �aid daughter al1 �,,y wearing apparel costumea
<br />� � 2ndia�n Scarves watches �e�v�ls trink.etS and all other articles oS' persona.l use and pereonal
<br /> k orna,ment and so that in case of her m�.rriage the same sha11 e Por her aeperate use Z giv� to
<br /> . my said daughter rqy small portrait sketch of her father when in College and the small por��a�.t
<br />, sketch of her 2'ather now har�in� in the drawin� room and any of the sket�h�s o2' ir�yselt' as a
<br />� girl whieh �y hueband may not �tant except the little portrait of myself laoking over rr�y should.er
<br /> I also �ive to �y said daughter �vhicn`ever on� of my three pi �ures of CTndine she ahall chose
<br /> and the little water colour drawiz� of aDe�rberries� by �tr� ge11 ( Helen Coleman) and a11 the
<br /> photo�raphs and engravings in her own room and the little antique silver coff�e pot with carved
<br /> , ivory handl� Helmet �riaped small Geor�iana cream �ug all th� Georgian t�a spoons and the t�ro
<br /> pairs olcl sug�r ton�� per�'orat�d I �;ive to my husband the use and en�oyment of all the
<br /> remaa.nder nf zny plat� linen e��ina glass books pictures prints furniture and all .other household.
<br /> effects not �i�rein b�fore b�queathed durin� his life and until he sha11 marry again he Keeping
<br /> the samc prop�rly insured a�ain��t fire �nd after hi� d��.th or marria�e I give the same ta my
<br />� sa�.d dau�hter ab�olutel.�r And I deelare that it shall not be nece��ary �'or m�y Trustees to tak�
<br /> ar�y inventory thereo� and that my Trusteea sha11 not be conc�rned to see to th� insurance
<br /> thereof or be liable �'or a�ny losa or dama�e that may happen th�reto from any cause whatever
<br /> x clevise all the real e�ta�t� o�' every kind situate in Nebraska or �lsewhere in the United States
<br /> I'�� � o�' Am�rica belon�;ing to me or over �hich I have a�y po�ver of di�position unto my said husbarid
<br />; In tru.st to se11 and dispose of all tYle said rea�- estate and of all that he-may require a�ter
<br />', �y d�cease in a,x�y way or manner at public or pr3vate sale with po�rer to mak� ,good deeds a�'
<br />� � conve�ance th�reof in �'ee simple ar for a�r less estate without ar�y obligation on the part of
<br /> t�.e purchas�rs to see �to or be r��ponsible 2'or the applicatian oP the purchase moneys and �tith
<br /> pow'er as r��ards my r�al estate a�re�d to be sold �,n r�y li�'etime to perrect the title thereto ;
<br />�� a.�td convey the �am� to t�ie purchasers th�reof And I authorize my �aid husband to postp9ne the ;
<br />! sale oS' my �aid real estate �'or so lon� as he in his uncontolled discretion shall think Pit and '
<br /> until such sale to mana.�e repair insurQ demise for ar�,y term of years or tena.ncy �-and at ar.�y rent �
<br />, : and deal and arran�;e with the tenants thereof And I empower my said husband to appoint �r�y pereon '
<br /> or persons or Corporation to aet as his Agent or Attorney or Agents or Attorneys on his behalf
<br /> in 3��braska or elsewhere in the United State:� of America �'or the purpose ot' �elling converting
<br /> gett�.ng in and executing and perfecting a�surances of or mana,�ing or cultivating or other�rise
<br /> e admini�terin� any of my prop�rty in Nebraska or elsewhere in the United States oP America at �ueh
<br />� � remuneration and with such provision� in that berialf a� rr�y said husba,nd may think fit and with
<br /> '� po�rer to appoint substitutes without being respon;�ible for any lo�s arising thereby ,And I flirect
<br /> that my said hu�bant� �hall remit and pay ta zr�y Trustee� all moneys arising from the sale o�' my
<br /> re�.l estate in America except so mucri thereo�`� as may be required. for the pa�rment oP �y debts
<br /> in Am�rica and the exp�nses oP adminlstratin.g �y estate in Ameri,ca and th� net income arising
<br /> f"rom rqy estate in �America. until the �ale thereof and the receipt of my Trustees sriall b� a
<br /> suffici�nt di�charge for the sam� I d�vise an4 bequ�ath all the real an.d personal estate what—
<br /> saever a�d wn�resoever not hereby otherwise disposed o:f and of which I am entitled to dispose
<br /> , by t�ill to my Trustees upon tru�t that �y Trustees sha11 either ret�in the same in the ac�ual
<br /> st�,te of inve�tm�nt in �vhich �they may be at r�y d�ath or at their diacretion shall sell the same
<br /> or such part thereo�' as �ha11 not consist of money anfl shall out of the moneys produced by such
<br /> sale pa.y my f"un�r�.l and testam�:ntary expenses and d�bts and the legaciee bequeathed by this my
<br /> Will or ar�y codicil hereto and the duty on a11 le�aci�: and annuities hereby bequeathed and
<br /> �hall inv��t the resid.ue of �the �aici moneys and the proseeQ.s of sal� of my American estate wh�n
<br /> th� sam� shall b� received from Ir�y �aid husband with poM�r from time to time to vary the
<br /> inv�stments and shall starid pos�es:�eci of the said re�iduary trust moneys and the investments tor
<br /> th� tinie b�in� repre�entin� the same and of the net incom�: of my America��Estate until the �ame
<br />� �hall b� aold as and when the same shall be received from � said hu�ba.nd upon. similar trust�
<br /> � so far a,s �ossible to those upon whicYi th� trust f'unc�� under the �aid Indenture of �ettlement
<br /> are herein'�ePore appointed to Y�e held And T declare that �y Trusteeg may with the consent in
<br /> v�ritin,� on my said daughter durin� her life and after h�r dEC�a,S� at thEir own discretion raise
<br /> any pa�rt or parts not exceedin� to�ether on� moiety of the vested or presumptive share of ar�y
<br /> �rand child of m3.ne und�r this my �1ill and apply tri� sam� f or his or rier. aclvancement preferment
<br />� or benefit as my Trustees shall think fit And I also d�cla.re that my Trustees may p�s,tpo�.e the
<br /> sal� and conversion o�' any part of my real and persona,l esta,te ( includin� leaseholds or other
<br /> proFerty of a terminable or �vearin.� out nature � for so lon� as they nha,ll think �'it and th�t
<br /> they shall not sell or convert �nto money reversiona.ry property before it fails into po�sessian
<br /> unless 3.n their opinion it �hall be nec�asary to dn :o to prevent loss and that the rents profit�
<br /> and incor�ie to accrue from and a,ft�r �y d���ms� of a,nd �'rom auch part of my estate as shall t'or
<br /> the tiane bein� r�main unsold and uriconverted shall after payment thereout o�' a11 incidental
<br /> e�enses and outgoin�s be paiQ and applied to the person or persons and in the manner to whom
<br /> � and in wYiich th� income o�' the proseect� of such sale and conversion would Por the time being be
<br /> � pa�yable or applicable under this my W111 if �ucYi sale and conversion riad actually been made And
<br /> - �' T also declar'e that all moneys liable to be investeci und�r this �,y W111 ma,y be invested in ar�,y •
<br />: � of the pub7.ic stock� or �u.nds or Government securit3,es of the United Kin�;dom or India ar any
<br /> I3ri�t ish Color�y' or Dependeney or any foreign Governm�nt or State or in or upon f'reehold eopyholt�
<br /> or l�a�e hold or chattel real s�curit�.e� ln Great �3ritain or Italy or in or upon trie bonds
<br /> debenture� deber�ture stocK mort�;age� obli�ations or secur3.ti�s or the �uaranteed or preference
<br /> sto'�k or ��ares of an,y Compa.ny or public municipal nr loca,l body or authority in the United ,
<br /> gin�;dom or India or an,y 13ritish Colony or Depe�.dency or arLy �'orei�n country or in the stocK t��
<br />� of any public municlpal or 1oca1 body or authority in the United Ringdom or Z�dia or any }3ri�ish
<br /> Colan,y� or D�pendency nr �.ny f orei�;n country And T a1QO d�clare that the executors or Trustees
<br /> �
<br />� .. , - -_ _.
<br />