_ - �
<br /> t,0�
<br /> BILL 4F SALE.� Know all Men by �heBe Presents, That T, Frt�d C .Langman, of 4ramd I�l�nd, H2�11
<br /> County, Nebraska, for and in consideration of the sum of Four ��uldred Dol.lars, ta me in hand paid
<br /> by Hugo '�indolnh, the receipt of which is hereby ac knowledged, have bar�ained and sold and by
<br /> these presents do hereby selz, �sai�n, transfer and convey, to the �a3d Hu�o '�indolph of 4rand
<br /> Ss�.ar�d, Hall County, Nobrask+�, one four�h { 1/4 ) of my two- fifth� ( 2/5 } vndivided lnter�s�G in
<br /> and ta the following d�acribed personal proper�y, now lac$�ed in the ane stox�r frame building at
<br /> 305 �test 2" Streat in �he City o� �'rand ��land, Hall County, Nabr�eka, and �eing more part3cularl �
<br /> deacribed as follos�s: The frame building, before ment�.oned, prege, 13z}otype machine, a�d all
<br /> fiatures and aonnections ueed an,d be3ng a part thereof, 3ncluding the gaqd will of the paper,
<br /> i
<br /> �ubscription and �a�.ling 1ist, accounts, contr�cts, and a11 proper�y of whatsoevsr �cind or nature ��
<br /> in any m�nner connected t�aith the aaid buaineBe or pxint�.ng aut�it.
<br /> The intentivn �aein� �he convey one-fowcth of mp u�a.E:�ivided two-fifths intere�� af the �a3d
<br /> property. And i hereby eov�nant with the said Augo Windalph that I hava good right and �
<br /> lawful authority to aell the above describsd property, �Chat I am the o�ner of #�e and I hereby ag ee
<br /> to �varran� and defend the �itle to said pxoper4y against the lawful claim� of all pex'sons �rhomsoav r.
<br /> Witness my hand this 4� day of February ,1911.
<br /> '�IT��ESB: '
<br /> .7.L.Cleary Fred C,Langman
<br /> Filed for reaord February 4��.911, at 4 .3� o�clock P.�d. ,
<br /> _����_ , _____
<br /> � Register of eeds
<br /> I� -O-O-O-Q-{�-Q-O-O-O-O-Q-O-Q-O-O-Q-Q-O-0-0-0-�-fl-fl-O-O-O-O-O-O--O-0-0-4-O-Li-O-O-O--fl-a-O-O- -O-O-O-O-
<br /> AaREE1�9ENT FCR �1ARR�N'�Y DEEI3`�``� Articlee of A,greement, �ade thi� 24" day of February in the . •
<br />� red and Eleven 1911 bet�een J.H.DaviQ of Grand Island
<br /> year of our Lord t3ne Thousand Na.ne �und , ,
<br /> Nebra�ka par�y of the first part, and Fxank Reed of Grand Ipland, Fiall County, Nebraska partp of
<br />' the second part ,` �ITNESSETH, that the �aid party of the first part hereby covenants and agrees _
<br /> that if the party of the second part shall first make the �ayment �d perform the eovenant� her� ;
<br /> einafter mentioned on his �art to be �ade ancl perforrned, the sa3.d part of the firat part �rill eon
<br /> � �
<br /> vey and asaure to the party of the second part, in fee simple cl�ar of all encumbranc�s �rha�soeve
<br /> � by good and aufficient �larranty Deed also furnish Abstract of Title the follawing 1ot, pisce and -
<br />� - .
<br /> parcel of ground, viz: Lot number Two (2) in Block number 8iath-nine (69} �Iheeler & Bennet� ' s
<br /> y. Second (�d) Ad�.ition to rxana Island, Ptebraska, If any amount is still due and unpaid on the
<br /> �
<br />� v A�ortgage to tha Nebr�.aka State Building and I,oan Association of Fremont, �Iebr�a_ska, when the other '
<br /> �
<br /> payment$ are compl�te�. thQ aeed to ba made subject to amount due on said �ortgage and grantee wil
<br /> � a�sume and a�re� to pay it . And the �aid party of the sscand par�G hereby cavenants �.nd agrees
<br /> � to pay to s�id �aarty of the first part the sum of Sixteen xundred �nd no/100 Dollar� in the mann�r
<br /> J
<br /> followa,ng One '�undred Dollars cash in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hexeby acknov�led�ed and t
<br /> balance a� follow$ �844.�8 to the Nebraaka State �3uildin�, and Loan Association of �'remont, �Tebr,
<br /> � balance due an a mortgage of �900, to said association. balanee to be paid as follows ��20. Februa
<br /> 24" 1911, and �20. on or I�ef ore Apx31 20" ,1911, ana ��0. an the $20. of each month thereaf ter unt ' .
<br />� ths whola of �aid �arin�inal sum is paid interest on amount to be figured and paid @4E� �i1X months
<br /> commencing ���ith this da.te to rackon the time amount to be paid in future to RT.ft.Davis �539.62 and
<br /> intere�t . with interest at the rate of 6 �aer cent per annum, �ayable on the �rho2e suffi remaining
<br /> fratn titne to time unpaid,as above stated and to nay a11 ta�es asseeamente or impo�3tions that ��y
<br /> be le�ally levied o� ir.�poseci upon s�id land, sub�equent ta the year 1910, And 3n caae of failure '�
<br /> of the said party of the aecond part to make either of the �ayments or to perform any of the cov-
<br /> enant� on his part hereby m�.de and entered in�o , this contrac� shall at the option of the par�y ` .
<br /> of the f�rst part be forfeit�d and det�rmined and the party of the second part shall farfeit aIl
<br /> �, � � �
<br /> payrnents by��him made on this contract,time bein� the ess�nce hereof and �uch payment� sh�11 be
<br /> retained by the �a:id �aarty of the �irst part in full satisfacti,on of all damagea by h3m auetained
<br /> and he shall have the ri�ht to re-entEr and take possessian of �aid premises aforesaid, The partp °
<br />�. _ . : _
<br /> _:
<br /> ,
<br />