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r _ _ _ <br /> ���'� . <br /> I 38� <br /> i MEb�CRATdDUI+� CF AGREE�Y�ENT �" ,Made and e nt�r ed int o thi� 6 th day of Janua ry,A.D. 1911 by and <br />� between Wilhelm Meier of Grana Island, Nebraska, party of the first part, and the Un3on Stock <br /> Yards Company, Limited, of rrana Island, Nabraska, party of the second part. <br /> WITrTESSETH: That in consideration of the sum of Four Hundred (�400) Dollars par ysar to him <br /> ' to be paid by the partp of the sacond part, the �aid �arty of the first part leasas unto the sai <br /> party of the second part fox the period of three years, comrnencing on the lst day of March,1911, <br /> and ending on the 1st day of March 1914, the following described real e�tate situated in the <br /> � County of Ha1.1 ancz State of Nebraska, to-rrit: <br /> ThQ E���st half ( �) of the Northeast quarter (4) and Lot Two (2) ?�ainland, being all of the <br /> East half (�) of the East half (�) of Saction Fourteen (14) , in Toc�mship Eleven (11� ,North of <br /> Ran�e Zvine (9) west, lyin� North of tha South Ban� of i�ood River, the said party of the f3.rst <br /> rart excepting and reserving therefrom for his o�m use the dwelling houae, barn and slaughte� <br /> house and ten �cres of gxound upon v;hich the same arQ situ�ted, as agreed upon, to have and to <br /> hold the same unto the �aid party of the second part,its successors anc� assigns , together m3th <br /> all the tanements, horeditaments anc3 a�purtenances to tYie same belon�ing for the per3od aforesaid <br /> provicied, howev�r, that the said rarty of +he fir�t part is to ha:�e the ri�ht to a passage�ay one <br /> rod wide running South from the �ain Ea�t and �est roacl alon� the �lest side of said premises to <br /> said slau�hter house, as �aicl passagewa� is no� con�tructed, and in the event said passageway <br /> is ob�t"ructed by snow to go on thQ adjo3ning land to reach slau�hter �house. <br /> • �aid party of +he second part has the right to change the fences nov� on said premises to <br /> s�zit its c-cnve:nience` and to s�ed �aid prer.�ises to gr�ss , if it so desirea. At the expiration <br /> of this leaae thQ party of the ���ona r�rt agraes to �lace a11 fonceg on said pretnisas in places <br />�` v;here said fer�es originally �tood in as �ood conciition as when removed or �rill leave all fences <br /> built b�T the rarty of the �econd part on said �re::;ises. <br /> � <br /> In consi.ieration of the above leasing said ;�arty of the second Part promises and agrees to <br /> pap to the party of the first rart, as rent�l for said premises, the sum of Four Hundred (�400) <br /> Dollars par year, �ayable an the lst day of 7�iarch, in advance, of each year this lease shall <br />! continue in force. <br /> It i� furthnr underatood anci a�reed that .the said party of the first part shall have the :� <br /> ri�ht to ;o on said pr�mises to- cut anc� haul timber. <br /> Said �arty of the second part further agreQa and covenants to comr:it no ticaste on said prem- <br />' ises ana that at the expiration of the tPrm above �;rantecl, or at any earliQr term3nation of this <br />, <br /> lease, in case i� �hould be sooner terminated,it ��i11 c�uiatly ana peacably y�.Ald up poasession <br />� of said premises unt� tho said �arty �f the f irst part in as good condition as the same were ��hen <br /> entered u�on ordin�ry �aear excerted. Ar.d �t is i'urther ex;?ressly a�reed and unaerstood by and <br /> tet�veen the �artiP� 1lereto that in case tI1A rental above reserved, or any Part thereof, be not <br /> paid at the time thQ become� duQ and 7�ayable, or if the said �arty of the socond .part become <br /> insolvent ,or if any other condition or a�;reement herein cont�ined, or. the part or behalf of the :�� <br /> said nart� of Lho �econd �art , be not by it fully complied �vith anrz p�rformed, then ancl in that <br /> case th� s�:id rarty of the first r�art shall 11ave the ri�ht , at �iis option, tro dvclare this lease <br /> , at an enc� an�I tl?ere'by caneel annul the ��me, anc� to retake immecliate posse�sion of �aid pre- <br /> �ises, and to put out and remove any nerson occt�Pyin� t"r:e sr�me. <br /> , <br /> . In "�itness 7�Thereof, have heret�.nto �et ��,�r h�nds in �u�licate +he day and vear <br /> f 3rst above �^rritten. <br /> Wilhelm hieier <br /> �itnes�e3: T1NICrd �TUCK YARDS CpT��PAP1Y. LIbiITED . <br /> Arthur C.�4ayer of rrand Island, P1el�raska. <br /> By R.R.Horth its Atty. <br /> ! <br /> Filed for reCOrd Jar.uary 31 1911, at 3.45 0� clock P.3.�. <br /> -�'�°v�_ ----------- <br /> Register of Der s <br />� <br /> .. . <br /> k - <br />