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�`�'�•`w�f <br /> -"w=.';i;. .� <br /> 373 <br />� <br /> C � ugon me by the term� of said lease from J�nuary 31" 1911 until the e�iration thereof, and <br /> agrees to perform all the covenants and �2�r;e��ents.; �rhich I have agreed to perform by the terms <br /> of said lease. <br /> �ITNESS: <br /> �l.A.Pr3nce Geo D.Hetzel <br /> T.�.C.Ha�rison (�us�-Valonis <br /> Filed for record December 7 1910 at 3.45 P.M. <br /> � , . _��G � _ --------- <br /> County Cler]�z�� <br /> ****�***********� **�*****��********�***********************�***********�x*******�************* <br /> CHATTEL MORTGAGE �' Know all men by these Presents, That the tlndersi�,med, E.I,.Jackson <br /> of �Vood River ,Hall County, Nebraska, in con�ideration of the sum of One Thousand Dollare, to <br /> paid bp Stern and Stern of Ranaas City, Mo. , do Sell, Assi�n, Tranafer and Set Over unto the sai- <br /> Stern and Stern ,their executors, administrators and. assigns:- <br /> 2 yearling steers,redish �,n color, av wt about 700 lbs; <br /> 6 two year old steers red,�sh in color, av �vt 1000 lbs; <br /> 2 bu11s, red and White, 3 ysars old av wt a'�out 1200 1bs; . <br /> 10 Cows of varinus age� and colors av wt about 900 lbs; <br /> 3 xed Yieifers one year old av �rt about 600 1'as, <br /> All of the above describeci cattle are now on full feed of corn and hay and are to be fattened <br />' for a beef market, and are on the North Eaat Quarter of Section 34 in Townshir 10 Idorth of Range <br />, <br /> 11 VYest of 6th p.M. TO HAVE .�ND TO HOLD, unto the said Stern ana S�tern and their heirs <br /> and assigns for�ver. Provided, al�rays, and it ' , understood and a�reed between the partiea to <br />'� these F.resents, that if the said E. I,.Jackson shall v�rell and truly pay un�o the said Stern and <br />�, <br />�'� Stern the aum of One Thousan� Dollars , �hich he o�res as evidenced by one certain p romissory note <br /> I - <br /> of even date here�rith, �ayable as follos�s to-wit:- �1000. 00 dated Nov 23,1910, and papable on or ' <br /> before bSar, 1, 1911 with interest �a � from date, then this conveyance shall be void, otherwise ° <br />� <br /> to ramain in full force and effect. And in case of default be made in the payment of the <br /> t debt above mentioned or any part thereof, or of the interest due therean, on any day when t.he <br />� x <br /> ' same ou,�ht to be �aid according to the tenor and effect of sai� note then. the �vhole sum shall, � <br /> : at the election of the said St�rn & Stern, their assi�ns or legal representatives, become immed- <br /> iately ��.ue an3 payable for all purposes whatsoever. <br /> The property H�reby Sold and Conveyed to remain in ny possession until default be made in <br />;, pa�ent af the said c�obt and intexest, or some part thereof; but in casa of sale or dispos�i or <br /> attempt to sell or dispaee of said progerty o� a ramoval of or attempt to remove the same from <br /> . the Stateaa� County or an unreasonable dep reciation in value thereof, the said Stern � Stern or <br /> assi�ns, vr legal representatives may take the sa�d �roperty, ox any part thereof, into their <br /> possession. <br /> Upon Takirig possessiQn of Sai3 Prorerty, or any Part thereof, either in case of default or as <br /> above provi3ed, the said Starn � Stern or their assi�ns or le�al representatives may proceed to <br /> eell the same or any rart thereof, at private sale or Fublic auction, to the highest bidder for f��� <br /> ca$h, at �ood R.iver, ir. the S of Hall County ancl State of Nebr, having first �iven twenty days <br /> public notice of the time, terms «nd ��lace of sa1e, ana �rogerty to be sold bp <br /> �nd diter sati�fying tr.e necessary costs, charges an�.� expenses incurred by auction and paying <br /> ► . said debt an� interest out of the proceeds of such sale, they sha11 pay over the surplu�, � if <br />. , <br />'` any, to E. L.Jackson or his legal representativas he hereby eYOnerate the said Stern ana Ster�r � <br />� or their a�signs or le�al representati�,*es , and hold them harmleas from all damages or trespass <br /> in entering the said or any other �remises �vhere the sai.x progexty m�y be found, in the taking <br /> of said property o.r any p�rt thereof. And he also ��res to protect and in�emnify the said <br /> 5tern �: Stern or their assi�ns or legal re�;resent�:tives from any landlord' s claim for ren� that : <br /> _ ' may accrue, or damr�ges that may be incured, in the taking and selling or disposing of said pro_ <br /> perty or any part thereof. I f��rther a,ree to keep all said Property constat��y and to the <br /> said satiefactorily i::sured in some tiood ,xesponsible insurance company or companies, in at least <br /> _ <br />�{; ------- <br />