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<br /> 372
<br />�' +�'� LEASE: This Lease, h�ade and entered into thi� 31" day of 4ctol�er A.D.1908 by and betwesn
<br /> Agatha H.Koenig party oP the firat part , and 4eo D.Hetzal, party of the second nart,
<br /> t e first art in canaideration of ths renta covenant�
<br /> WITNESSETH ,That the said �arty of h p , , ,
<br /> and agreement� hereinafter contained, �o �e p�a�:�, kept and performed by the party of �the �econd
<br /> part , hath Demise�., Lease3 and Let, and by these prd.sents do�h Demise, Let an3 i,ease unto the
<br /> sai3 rarty of the second part, Office Space 19 by 20 feet being the South 19 feet of the baseme
<br /> �oom under the Commercial State Bank in the 8oeni; building located �t the North-.�est corner of
<br /> Third and Locust Street in Gran3 Island, Nebrdska, together with the use of raom l0 by 15 faet �
<br /> no�v u�ed as a Closet ana wash room; also one h�1f of the Vault lacat�d in said baaement ent.ranc
<br /> to said �rash room an3 vault to be gained as provided in leas�e of Postal Telegraph Cable Co.
<br /> adja�u.ning tenant, together with heat anci �ater furni�hed. for the tarm of �'ive (5) to commence d
<br /> be computed from the 31" day of 4ctober 1908, and end on the 31" day of October 1913.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the �aid Lessee for the term aforesaid. An.a the �aid
<br /> Lessea, in consideration of the leasing aforesaid, doth hereby a�ree to pay ren� for said p remis s
<br /> �
<br /> the �um of One Hundre3 Fifty (150) Dollars per annum payable monthly viz:- Twelve and 50/100
<br /> (12. 50) Dollars on the first �ay of each month the first payment to be made on the firs� day of : .
<br /> ,�ovembex A.�.1908. - And the sai� Lessee further agrees that at the eapixation of the
<br /> term ,above �rant�c�, or �t any earlier termination of this lease ,in caee it should be sooner ter
<br /> minated, he will q�.ietly and peaceably yie13 up posses�ion of said premise�s unto the said Lessor
<br /> in as �ood con.�ition as the aame Wae enterea upon, or�linary� weax or dama�e by fire e�cce�ted.
<br /> � �aid Lessee further agreee to r�ake a11 necesaaxy r�pairs on said building so occuried, uuri
<br /> the term af oresai�3, at his o�n expense and cost, dama�esby the elements alone sxcepted.
<br /> And it is further e�:�?ressly agreed and und�rstood by and bet�een the parties hereto that in '
<br /> case the rent above xese�rve3, or any part thereof, be not pai3 a� the time the same becomes �.us � '
<br /> payable , or if any other con�tition or agreement herein contained, on the part or behalf of the s ' d
<br /> I,essee, ba not by him f��I.1y com�lic�c� :�f th and performed, then, anci in that ca�e, the said J�eesor,
<br /> shall have the right at his option to declare this leass at an end, and there'by cancel and annul
<br /> the same, and to retake ir.unediate possession of said prer�ises, ancl to �ut out and remove any �aers n
<br /> occupying the same. It is un3erstood that the covenanta and agreements in this lease ahall
<br /> gucceed to and be binding upon ths r�epective heirs, execu�ors, administrators and assiuns of th
<br /> �arties hareto. Nothing herein contdine�t shall be cons�rued to pregent the �e$sor from
<br /> commencing an act ion �t la�v �or the recovary of the rent due, or any part thexeof.
<br /> In .the presenca of
<br /> �I. Schrock Agathe H. Kaeni�
<br /> �x.B.Rust
<br /> . Geo D:Hetael
<br /> State o� Califor��a
<br /> ss
<br /> Los Angele;s County On this 12th day of Novbr A.D. 1908 �efore me ,a Notary Public, in
<br /> and for said County, personally +sgpeared the above named Agathe H. Koenig who are pe.rsonally kno
<br /> to m�e to be the i�entical persona �rhose names are affiaed to the above lease as naxties thsreto,
<br /> and they ��everally ��ckno�lec�ged� the instrument to be their voluntarp act a�a3 deed.
<br /> 1�itness my hana and Notarial Sea1 the da'�'e aforesaid.
<br /> � S �� �� Z.T.Geoxge. Notary Public.
<br /> �y commission egpires Sept 2I ,Z910 � �_� Los Angeles Co: Calif. . -- �-
<br /> �.�.
<br /> For and in consider�tion of the sum of Three Hundred an3 Fifty (�350.00) Dollars in hand paid -
<br /> �
<br /> ta GeArge D.Hetzel the Lessee named in the within lease hereby se11 transfer assi�n and �et - .
<br /> ;.
<br /> over unto �rus Valonis of 4ran3 I�land Nebraska, all my right title an3 interest ir. anci to the
<br /> ;vithi� lease, and all �y ri�ht title and intereat ,�.eman3 thereunder. This aasignment to become
<br /> effective in January 31st 1911, on ��rhich date T agree to �ive �ossession of said propsrty to �
<br /> said �us Valonis, The said Gus Valonis to �ay the Janur�xy 1911 ,Rent ��12.5Q i'
<br /> ~4::
<br /> And aaid Gus Valonis here��a as�umes all the t�rms and oi�Iigations of the ,rithin lease imposed �;
<br /> �
<br />�. __
<br /> ,�
<br />