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<br /> 34�
<br /> _____ _ _ .
<br /> � � FARM LEASE.
<br /> THIS IIv'bEI�TTURE, .�ade this 4th day of Au�ust A.D.1r��10 bet�veen �dinnio 8re�rs party of the first '
<br /> part , and Henry R. �.�iller pa�ty of the �econd part , �Pitnesse�h, That the party of the first
<br /> �art does hereby der:li�e and lease unto tho said party of the second part the following describ-
<br /> � c�t'L property, to-s:Tit� Lots Cr.e (1) T�nro �2) and Thr�e (3) of Section �do 36 Township No 10 Range
<br /> �
<br /> I 2Io 11 in the County of Ha11 Stat e of Nebra�ka, to hold the premise� hereby demise�, unto the
<br /> � said party of tha second part for a term of T�;ree Years, beginning on the first aay of March
<br /> � A.D. 1911, and ending on the fir,t dat� of March A.D.191�
<br /> ISaid party of tho seccnd part covenants �ith the party of the first part , and hereby b3nc�s .
<br /> �
<br /> his heirs and executors, a� follows: Fi�st . To cultivate in a good, careful and proper manner �
<br /> all the tillai�le land on aaicl prer�ise�a. Second. To allow no waste; to �arefully protec�t all
<br /> the buildings, fences and improvements of every kind that are no� on the premises or that may
<br /> be hereafter erected, inc].udi�g pumPs and windmills, during the continuan¢e of this lease, and
<br /> at the ex�iration of �he term herein granted to yield up possession of said prem3ses unto the :
<br /> party of the first part in as good re�air as they now are or may be at any time during the
<br /> continuance of thie lease, ordinary wear ar.d loss by elementa excerted; to take good care of
<br /> a11 �ro�ring trees thereon, protecting �hem from being destroyed by fire or otherwise; and agree
<br /> not to remove, ot allow any other person to enter L:pon and remove any fence, building, fruit or
<br /> ornamental tree or trees, shrubbery, or improvez�ent of any kind or nature; to protsct said
<br /> pre�ise� from �ire by plo�;in� and burr.i�� when necessary, and to keep sa;d �pre�iises �nd every
<br />; pert therQdf ir. �oocl repair, ��ithaut expense ar cost to the party of the first part; to des-
<br /> troy a::d remove �ef+��e seeding all (�.nadian this�lee and cockleburs. Third. The said sec-
<br /> �- �-�`� .�. �-�, � ��-.....�.;..-f �.y �-�-� .
<br /> ond party r�ay not plant any crop,�on an�,� portion of said land, v�hich said crop would not Ma-
<br /> �
<br /> t,zre until after the e�ixation of this lease, �ithaut first obtaining ths wri�ten consent
<br /> of said first party. Fourth . Said first p�ty, or her lessee for the year following t'�_e ex-
<br /> piration of this lease, may at any time pri�r to the expirat3on of this lease, and subsequent
<br /> to the harvesting ancl removal of any port3on of the crop on said land, enter upon ,that portion
<br /> �
<br /> of said land from �:��hich saicl crop has been�har�ested and removed, for the purpose of preparin�
<br /> for cro� for the follc�r�ing year, or for the purpose of planting to crop that portion of said
<br /> land f ron �:�,hich the c rop has been harvested and removed. Fif�¢h. To paq to the party of ths
<br /> first nart, her h�1?"S ancl asei�ns, for the use and occupation of said premiaes. �
<br /> Three Hundred Seventy five (�375 .00) nollars per year, payable as follo�ra �187.50 on the
<br /> of
<br /> first day oa � ilarch each year and �187.50 an �he first day of PJavember�each year during the
<br /> term of this lease.
<br /> Sixth . Ta keeg �aid premisea free from weeds, 3.ncludin� the land neat to fences; and in
<br /> due '.seasor} in a good, �rorkmanlike �manner, to harvest said c rops, without waste. Seventh. It is ��
<br /> hereby a�reed by ana between tha parties to thi� Lease, that if such rent or �np par� thsreof, ,
<br />: shall at any t 3.me �e in arrears or un�a3d, or if the party of the se cond part shall at any t ime
<br /> fail or ne�.lect to perform or observe anp of the �ovenants, conditions or a�r�ement�s herei.n
<br /> contained on the part of the said party of the second part to be performed and observea, then
<br /> in an�r such case it shall be la�rful for the p�rty of the first part or any person or persons --, �
<br /> duly authcrizecl by said party r_.f the firs� pax~t in that behalf, ���ithou� any formal �notice or �
<br /> deriand, �� to enter into and upon said premises� or any part thereof in the name of the � :
<br /> ��hole, and the said preni�es peaca'�ly to hold ar.d en�oy thencefor�h as if these presents had �
<br /> � ;
<br /> not been made. Ei�,ht . Said second party a�reos not to release, sub-lease crr aesi�n this Legee , �
<br /> cvith^ut -�he �rritten consent of the party of the first part. Ninth. It is further agreed that # `
<br /> F =
<br />� said party of the first �art retains that part o� L� 3 Sec. 36-10-11 ad�oining river on the s
<br /> south and containin� about 25 acres�r�ore or les�, for her own use during t2�e term c�f tB�is lee��e,
<br /> the same be hayland or meadow.
<br /> . �
<br /> . � . �
<br /> � � ::,�.�:.
<br /> . ,�
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