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.�'�s�'� � � <br /> . , 33� <br /> . . . <br /> . <br /> -- ___ _______ __ ..--- _ _-- --_- -- __ _ _ _ _ -- –-- ------ _ -- -- — – <br /> � , ��~ AFFIDAVI T . <br /> ,. State of Iowa, <br /> � $� <br /> County of Louisa Frank E. Longstreth, being first duly s�vorn, deposes and sayg; <br /> • That he was formerlq the o�ner of the south-east quarter of section thirtp-two �32j toamahip , <br /> . � tv�elv�e (12) north range twelve (12� west of the 6th P.Ad. That in 4 deed dated January 15, <br /> 1887, he c onveyed to James W. LOn�st reth the east half o� said Quarter ee at ion. That in said <br /> � deed ha warranted title, except; rSub�e� to a mortgage of Seven Hundred and F3ftp t$�75Q� <br />� given by Frank E. Longstreth on said premises." That said descriptioz� of mor'tga�e was an <br /> i • <br /> error, there being no mortgage for ea3d amount against said land. That said descr�.ption of <br /> said mortgage should ha�e read "�ub�ect to a half of a mort�age for �150a given an this and <br /> othe� lands,M being mortgage for sa3d amount g3ven to L.�P.Tulleya, Trustee, in mor�tgage <br /> i . dated November 2, 1885, given on the whole of the quarter aection. That no mortgage for <br /> �7 50. had besn given on th e propsrt y ara;:d none f o r that amount was in exist en ce at the t ime. <br />'�� � Fur�ther deponen� says not. <br /> Frank E. Loa�streth <br /> Subscr3bed in my presence and sworn to before me this 17 day of J�e, 1910. <br /> � S. B. Furnas <br /> h No�ary Public. in and for <br /> � ( S E A L � Louisa C4. state of .Iowa.: <br />� My commission eupiras July 4, 1911. . <br /> ; <br /> File d f or re cord June 22nd, 1910 at 1.10 0�c lock p�:�. , <br /> . . <br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> County Clerk. <br /> -c.-o�o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> �` �: P�RTY �'�LL LE1�5E. <br /> Thia ir.denture an:i lease made an�. entered in�o on this 30" 3ay of January,1909,by and <br /> bet�,veen aeorge A.Leis�.:er and �,�ir�nie I,ei���r,his �vife, and Louis` F.TT�perr.ian anc� Amy TTpperman, <br /> his �rife , parties of the first part an1 Julia Froh�erg an..� Robert Frohberg, ' hus'r�an1, parties <br /> of the second nart, all of Hall County,Nebrasxa, Witnesseth: <br /> That for and in considerrtion of the payrmen-t of one aollar by the first �arties to the <br /> sai.� �7ulia �'rohber� an3 the recei�,t of other �ood an1 valva�ale con:^�,��erations�'oy her� the said <br /> . second parties hereby demise and lease unto the sai3 �eorge A.Leis�r:;•and Louis �.*?pperrian a <br /> strip of round t:velve ir_ches �:ride (or so ::uch thereo�' ��s may be ne�ded for the puxpo^es hereir. <br /> � r�ent� oned�alon� the ;ves� '��und�ry lin� of the rdorth 1/2 of the east 1/�, � of� lot six in block <br /> fifty_four in the ori� to�n (no��v cit;r) of Grand Is1'and,Nebraska,� an�, s'trip of rouad' ����rer3�ve <br /> incheU ,vide (or so riuch ±hereof us r.:�<y be n�e3ed for the p�arposes herein me�tioned� along the ' <br /> south side of the North 'QOUndary lin� (�or aivi3in,7 line) bet^veen the North 1/� an3 the South 1/2 <br /> of said center 1/3 of said lot si:c, and also a�.on� the ' , �outh side of tne tdorth 'aoundary 1inQ of <br /> , the East two faet of the South 1/2 of the t�sst 1/3 of::said lot six , being a strip of grouna <br /> , t:�elve i��ches �ido (or so much thereof as may be neele�� for the purposes herein r�entioned) Com- <br /> _ � �:_t the alley lin� on the I�lorth end af sai:� lot six, thence running South along the �lest <br /> baun�.ary Iine of the East 1/3 of 'said Iot six,6� feet,the3�ce *�zrning at r, ght angles an3 runnin� <br /> - �esterl-r alon the north� side of tha North 1/2 of the center: l`�3 and �'�.�� East two feet of the <br /> outh 1%2 of �he V�est 1J3 of said lot six for �4 feet,for the �ur_,r_ose,. of erecting and maintaini <br /> a ?�arty tiva11 thereon :�ith pro�er footing th°reunder. <br /> �� An3 the said parties on the�t' rart for the consi3eration of one dollar �.n�l other <br /> valua'ple consi,3eration^ pa��. to and �assi�g to them fro� the sai:l Julia Frohberg, �.a hereby <br /> dexnise ana le�.se unto tne sai� Julia Frohberg a strip of ground t��elve inches avide(or so much <br /> thereof a�; r�ay be nee:led for the pur;oses herein :nentioned) along the East boundary line of the <br /> ' " ""?orth 1/2 of the Center 1/3 of lot s�x in saia block fifty-four in �he ori�inal to,�n (no�q city) <br /> - o�f Grand Islana, Ne'braska, an,l. a �trir� of groun,i tw�lv� inche� Ride (or so Much thereof as may <br /> . be neeaed for the purposes :::her�in.:s;et forth) alon� the north sid� o� the SoLlth boundary line <br /> (or 3ivi,:�in� line ) bet^veen the North an:�. South 1/2 0� sai.� Center 1/3 of said lot si:c, a�so two <br /> feet off the East side of the North 1/2 of the West 1/3 of sail lot six, bein� a strip of grour.d <br /> t�velve inches �7id�� (or sa much thereo° as may be ne�ded for the p��.rposes herein mentioned) , <br /> commoncin� �at the a11e f line or th� ��orth end� of sail lot� six, thence running South �lori� the <br /> F�fit boundary line to the Center 1/3 of sai� lot si$, 66 feet,thenes turning westerl� an3 runnin <br /> along ±he Sa�ath �ide of the Noatth 1/2 of the Center 1/3 and the East two feet of the 2Jorth 1/2 <br /> of the West 1/3 of sai�� lot six, tt�ent;�-four feet , for the purpose of °rectin�; and maintaining a <br /> party �va11 �Y�ereon �rith suit'�ble footir.�� t'�ereunder. This laase includes t�velve inches of la. <br /> ' on each side of said line� herein '�efore 3escribed and is made for the �urrose of allowin� a <br /> . party �.�all to be erectel 21on� and over +'�e center of sai� d�:zjiaing lines 'oet�ean the tracts of <br /> land o����ed:xes�ectively by the said first 'snd� secon.� parties, an� �hall �ontinue in force so lon� <br /> as said �va1l. ,when erected,shall stan�, or e_ ther party shall desire to ;��int�in same, Saia �rall <br /> ta �e of brick or stone includin� a �aser�ent �.^»ll of brick or atone �rith su�stantial footing� <br /> ' therQUn�er to �up?�ort the sar�e,an1 to be of suffic��rit stren�th to curry at least a two stor�r <br /> builaing and all to be ?��,� l.t in a �ood, su'�stantial manner. � <br />• An3 whereas the :".�:�1��rst partie� are not�v ready to build said wall along the lines <br /> and upon the prer�ises herein� descriae4 it is agN�°d t��at they are to erect as soon as <br /> they m�:y desir.e , one-half of sail ����all �o be on each sid° of �ai� lines and sa�e to �e erected <br /> - , _ <br /> . <br />