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� � <br />� ��F.!�.!�� . <br /> , 3�3� , <br /> wae the duly acting administratr3x of saia estate, and that her �.�tters Testamentary were not <br /> revoked; and that. I have compared this copy with the original recard thereof, now remaining <br /> in said caurt ; that the same is a correct �anscript thereof, and of the whole of �� orig - <br /> inal record; that said c our� has na c lerk authorized to sign certifieates in his own name, <br /> and that r have the legal cuetody and control of said ori�inal reaord; that said court is a <br /> co��t of record, has a seal, and that sQid seal is hereto affixed; and that the foregoing . <br /> attastation is in due form, according to the latirrs of the atate of Nebraska. <br /> � IN �ITNE�S �PHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affiged the seal of said �ourt at <br /> , Central City, in said County, this 9th day of June A.D. 1910. <br /> � S E A L ) Lewis Peterson <br /> County Judge. <br /> Filed for record June lOth, 191Q at ii-20 A.M. . <br /> :,� <br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> � <br /> County Clerk. <br /> #� �#��####���#��-�;,- , '�-#����;���###� �-���,���������#��#�_f"� „#� ����'�# <br /> �� <br /> A�REEMEN� FC3R �AFt�ANTY DEED. <br /> � ARTTCLES 4F A�REE�NT, �iade this 8th, day of June in the year of our Lord dne�`�iousand <br /> Nine Hundred and ten between Pearl J.Balmat (single) party of the firs� part, and I�til- <br /> da y, I�ueller party of the second part WITr1ESSETH, that the said party of the fir�t part <br /> ` ' � -,�.�..Iw�,. <br /> - . hereby covenants and agrees that if the party of the second part ahall�ke,�and pe fr orm the <br /> covenants hereinaftar mentioned on her part to be made and performed, the said party of the <br /> first part will convey and assure to the party af the eecond part, ia fee simple clear of <br /> all enewnbrances whatsoever, by good and sufficient Warranty Deed, the following lot, piece <br /> and parcel of ground, viz: with abstract of title showing good title, <br /> La�s Seven ('7) and Eight (8) of Bloc� Thirteen (13� of Lamber� �s llddit ian to Grand Island, <br /> nebraska. <br /> And the said �arty of the second part herebp covenants and agrees to pay �o the said partp <br /> . of the first nart, the sum of Nine Hundreci Dollars 3.n the manner following Fifty Dollara . <br /> ca8h in hand paid, the receipt v�.ereaf is herebp ackno�led�ed, and the balance payable at <br /> , <br /> � tha rate of Ten Do�lar� per month, commencing July lst, as per the three notes given here- <br />, <br /> with, in th e sum sbf �50.40 and �50.�0 and �750.00 re spac t ively , all payable on or before <br /> dus, al$o subject to thi� provision, that as soon as the �quitable Building & Loan Asso- <br /> � eiation or anp ather loan association will make the second �arty a loan on the above dee- <br /> cribed premi9t#.�, the said second party agreas to procura said Loan for �he highes� amount she <br /> can and at that time to pay off the balance of said �750.00 note, and her h�.ir� assigns or <br /> adm3n is�ratora agree to do th e eame. with interest at the rate of 8 per centum per annum� <br /> payable semi �annually on the whole sum ramaining fron time to time unpaid, and to pay all <br /> _ taases, asseasments, or impositione that may bs legally levied or imposed upon said 1and, <br /> � subsequent to the year 1909, And in case of failure of the said partp of the second part <br /> to make either of the pay�nents, or �o perform any of the covenants on her uart herebq made <br /> - and entered into, this contract shall at the option of the party of the firgt pax�, �e for- <br /> feited and determined, and the party of the second part shall forfeif� all paymenta by her � <br /> made on this contract and such payments shall be retained by the said party of the first <br /> part in f�lll. satisfaction of all damageg by her susta3ned; and she Bhalt,hava the right to re- <br /> . enter and take poasession of the said premises aforesaid. time being the esse�ce of this <br /> c ont ract . Past�t;�of the sec ond part also agrees �hat at the eapiration of the present inaur- <br /> - a�ce policie�, �he or her as�a3gns will pro.,cure and pay for ne� insurance, both fire and <br /> tornado to full amount of the insurable value, the loss to be payable to firBt party o� � <br /> , <br /> , <br /> ; <br />